My life as a little person is filled with stories. I enjoy talking to children and explaining why I look different from their parents.It has taken many years of   36  my confidence to be able to do that.
I didn’t   37  how short I was until I started school.As time went on,I just tried to smile and accept the fact that I was going to be   38  my whole life.I was determined to make my   39  an advantage rather than a disadvantage.My friends became increasingly   40   . They’d help me up the bus steps.If people were cruel,they would take them aside and   41  them.
  42  I lacked in height,I   43  in personality my ability to laugh,even at myself.For example,one time I was   44  the washing machine at my parents’ house to grab the wet clothes.I fell 45   in and yelled for Mother,who was sitting nearby reading the paper.Watching feet   46  everywhere,she laughed and said,“I should leave you in there.” I   47  her.
I’m 47 now,and the   48  have not reduced as I’ve grown older.People ask my friends if I live in a dollhouse.They look   49  when they see me get out of my car on the driver’s side.During those times,I try to keep a good   50   . When people are rude,I   51  myself,“Look what else I have --a great family,nice friends.”
And it’s the children’s questions that make my life   52  .“Why are you so short? How old are you? Are you a mommy?” When I talk with children,they are left  53  that their questions have been answered.My hope is that in taking time with them,I will  54   them to accept their peers,whatever size and shape they come in,  55 treat them with respect.

A.think B.realize C.mindD.feel
A.looked B.laughed C.noticed D.remembered
A.protectiveB.angry C.bored D.friendly
A.correct B.punish C.beatD.push
A.When B.As C.What D.Though
A.made up for B.made up ofC.made a mistakeD.made my way
A.reaching intoB.reaching forC.reaching out D.reaching at
A.down and over B.all the wayC.completely apartD.almost alone
A.flyingB.floating C.shakingD.dancing
A.laughed angry withC.made fun of D.looked down upon
A.heightB.wordsC.children D.stares
【小题14】 disbelief horror
A.relationshipB.impression C.attitudeD.image
A.specialB.miserableC.uncertain D.changeable
A.forceB.encourage C.keepD.make

Maria is a very fast runner. She has won many races put on by the factory in Russia where she works. She was asked how she was able to stay in such good shape(体型). This was her answer.
“I’m in shape because of the way I spend my day. It begins at 5:30 in the morning. I jump out of bed to cook for my husband and iron(熨衣服) the clothes. Then I have to start running to work on time.
“I rush with a large bag in one hand and my four-year-old baby in the other. First, I stop at the school, hand my baby to the teachers, and then rush to work. After work I run back to the school to pick up my baby and then run to the market. Then I run home to start cooking supper-and then it takes time to feed them and get them all to bed. Then I start doing the washing so I can iron in the morning.
“My husband is soft because I have made life easy for him. He doesn’t hurry to and from work,and I have the table set when he gets home. He eats, puts on the television, sits down and reads the newspaper. And that’s why I’m in such good shape—and my husband isn’t.”
1.Maria is in good shape mainly because she _______.
A. goes to exercise classes          B. runs so much every day
C. has won many races             D. is a Russian
2.Maria gets up at 5:30 in the morning because ______.
A. her children wake her 
B. she has so much to do before she goes to work
C. she likes getting up early 
D. her husband wakes her
3.After work, Maria usually_________.
A. goes on with her work           B. takes her baby to school
C. irons the clothes                D. cooks supper
4.Which of the following is TRUE about Maria’s hus band?
A. He’s a bad?tempered man.
B. He always goes to work in a hurry. 
C. He isn’t in good shape. 
D. He cooks breakfast by himself.
5.Which of the statements is right ?
A. Maria is an American woman.
B. Maria won many races put on by the CLUB in Russia.
C. Maria has to hurry to do something every day.
D. Maria and his husand care about each other.

A. Independence leading to family breakup
B. Women’s easy and convenient life in USA
C. No marriage for many people nowadays
D. Average American families getting small
E. Full freedom for young women
F. Divorce--- a social problem in USA
Marriage, like other social instructions, is showing the strains of modern life. While more Americans are getting married today than ever before, the divorce rate is also disturbingly on the rise (one divorce for every three marriages last year). Why should this be so, and what, if anything, can we do to reverse this trend?
For most people, life is easier and more comfortable than ever before. Convenience foods from the supermarket simplify shopping and cooking. Household appliances like the vacuum cleaner and the washing machine have made housework much easier to do. Released from these household chores, many wives have found jobs outside the home. Women are achieving economic independence.
Families, too, are simpler today. In American, it is not customary for parents to live with their married children. With our greater mobility, relatives have scattered, the parents retiring to Florida or Arizona and the young people, after they marry, going wherever their jobs or their interests take them.
Young adult women have new freedom, too. While attending college, they often live away from home, sometimes far from their parents or their relatives. After college, they move to the city, find a job, and set up “bachelor” apartment. This is the era of women’s liberation.
But all this freedom and affluence have had an unforeseen and in some respects a devastating effect on marriage. Men and women, no longer dependent on each other for food and maintenance, find it harder to accept the responsibilities and restraints or endurance the misunderstandings of married life. When happiness becomes misery, many couples decide to terminate their marriage through divorce. On the other hand, there is a growing trend today for couples in trouble to try to save their marriage by consulting a professional counselor. He listens patiently while they talk, knowing that only through self-understanding can they solve their problems.

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