
Dear Jenny,

How’s it going? Are you busy with your study these days?

I’ve been back at school   1   nearly four weeks. I am very glad to tell you that great   2   have taken place in our school this term. First of all, we’re asked to “clear our plates(餐盘)” when having our meals and say   3   to wasting. Some of us used to order more than what we could eat. That was a big waste of food. Now we need to   __4   the food we order. We should also stop wasting in some other ways. For example, we should turn off the lights when we   5   the classroom. And our school has opened up (开辟) some fields for us to learn how to grow vegetables. Each class is given a small garden and our class has decided to grow some tomatoes and beans(豆类)in our   6   time. I think that’ll be very interesting. Maybe I will be able to   7   you some beans we’ve grown by ourselves next time! What’s more, we have only two classes in the afternoon   8   we have more time for after-school activities. I’m one of the traffic safety(交通安全) volunteers in our school. After school, we take turns to go to the streets near school and ask people to   __9   the traffic rules.

I think we are having a different school life now!

Please write back soon and tell   10   more about your school.


Wang Wei

1.A. in       B. for      C. on          D. at

2.A. changes  B. things    C. interests     D. lessons

3.A. yes      B. hello    C. no          D. thanks

4.A. clean     B. pay     C. cook        D. finish

5.A. leave     B. reach    C. open        D. build

6.A. busy     B. free      C. happy       D. sad

7.A. plant     B. buy      C. post        D. lend

8.A. because   B. when    C. before       D. so

9.A. follow    B. make    C. break        D. think

10.A. him     B. her      C. you         D. me

















2.考查名词的辨析及上下文的呼应。A. changes 改变;B. things 事物;C. interests 兴趣,利益;D. lessons课。根据下文可知我们学校这学期发生了很大的变化,所以选A。

3.考查名词的辨析及上下文的呼应。根据“We should also stop wasting in some other ways.”我们也从其他方面停止浪费,可知我们要对浪费说不,故选C。

4.考查动词的辨析及上下文的呼应。这段讲我们要停止浪费,所以我们要把点的事物都吃完。A. clean使干净;B. pay支付;C. cook 烹调,煮;D. finish完成。故选D、

5.考查动词的辨析及上下文的呼应。当我们离开教室的时候,把灯关掉是一种防止浪费的方式。A. leave离开;B. reach到达; C. open打开;D. build建造。故选A。

6.考查形容词的辨析及上下文的呼应。A. busy繁忙的;B. free自由的,空闲的;C. happy高兴的;

D. sad难过的。因为作者是学生,所以应该在空闲时间种番茄和豆类。故选B。

7.考查动词的辨析及上下文的呼应。A. plant种植;B. buy买;C. post寄;D. lend借出。因为前面作者说种了一些豆子,所以这句话意为“或许下次我将能给你寄一些我们自己种的豆子。”故答案选C。

8.考查连词的用法及上下文的呼应。我们有更多的时间做课外活动是因为下午只有两节课,所以前后句之间是因果关系,因此这里用so, 选D。

9.考查动词的辨析及上下文的呼应。上一句说他是交通安全志愿者,那么他去街上应该是去让人们遵守交通规则。A. follow遵循; B. make制造;C. break 打破;D. think想。故答案选A。





September 28, 2006

Dear Jenny,

  We have been talking to each other mostly through e-mails. This time, I choose to write a letter instead, as I feel like writing English with a pen. When I write with a pen, it seems easier for me to express my thoughts and feelings.

  It is almost a month since school started. I really like being in high school. It's exciting. There are so many new things to do and so many new friends to meet.

  High school students in China live a busy but colourful life. We have to work hard for the National College Entrance Examinations, which will take place in less than three years.

  Now I have a large group of friends. We take all of our classes together in the same classroom. It's good to have friends to study with because we can help each other. I'm pretty good at English, so many guys ask me for help with their English. I don't mind. After school we usually go to play sports for a little while. Sometimes we take a walk down the river or visit some bookstores. We have to be back for evening class by 7:30.

  Among my classmates, there is one guy named Dazhi, whom I like most. I met him on the sports ground one afternoon. He was sitting alone, deep in thought. I went up to him and introduced myself. I learned from our talk that he is from the countryside some two hundred kilometers away from Shijiazhuang. Dazhi's fascinating life attracts me very much, because it has been very different from mine. As time goes on, I find we have many similar interests and hobbies. I think I can learn a lot from him. Being friends means learning from each other. Don't you think so?

  I have invited Dazhi to come to my home for dinner this Sunday. I think we will have a good time together. We will have lots of things to share(分享)with each other. I am quite happy with this growing friendship. It has opened a door to many new experiences.

  I must go back to class now.

  Best wishes!

Yours friendly,

Li Ming

(1)In the passage, the author mainly wants to tell _________.

[  ]

A.the new things he has learned in high school

B.why he writes this letter with a pen

C.friends should learn from each other

D.his school life and how he developed a friendship with Dazhi

(2)Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

[  ]

A.The writer can express his ideas more freely with a pen than through e-mails.

B.The writer is willing to help others with their English.

C.The writer shares some interests and hobbies with Dazhi.

D.The writer got to know Dazhi through e-mails.

(3)The underlined word“fascinating”(in Paragraph 5) probably means _________.

[  ]


(4)From the passage we can know that the author __________.

[  ]

A.is sure to pass the National College Entrance Examinations

B.will experience a lot of new things in this school

C.is quite used to the life in the countryside

D.only works hard at his lessons all day long


第二节  书面表达(满分25分)


 1. 注意合理饮食。多吃鱼、肉、豆类等,特别是新鲜蔬菜和水果, 不要吃太多甜食。

 2. 注意锻炼身体。劳逸结合, 多参加体育活动。

 3. 保证充足的睡眠。不要熬夜,每天至少睡8个小时。




Dear Jenny,

How nice to hear from you! In your letter you asked me how to keep healthy.



Yours, friendly

                                                                  Li Hua


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