
14.Anger often makes us uncomfortable.When you find your anger uncomfortable to process,please let it go.But remember to create a healthy anger in your children is to practice creating a healthy anger in yourself.Once you're better at experiencing anger and expressing it in a healthy way,you'll be able to model a good style of anger for your kids.
Some kids deal with anger by creating a"false self':a child who is perfect for their parents.People who have developed a false self are often passive aggressive and seem shallow because they've hid away all the feelings with depth and character.
  Ho w do we keep kids from creating false selves We need to raise them in an
e nvironment where it's safe to express feelings.Once you feel more comfortable with your own anger,you can teach your children why anger is a helpful emotion.When your kid expresses anger,help them examine what it is that has made them angry.Why did it make them angry How did it do that Then,you can teach them that while emotions are never wrong and are always valid,our expressions of our emotions are within our control.
  People who are afraid of their own anger will never learn how to listen to what their anger is trying to tell them.Instead of teaching our kids that their anger is wrong,that"happy families"are never angry,or that all feelings of anger lead to violence and fear,we can teach our children that anger is OK.Anger is natural,it is normal,and it can be experienced and expressed in a healthy way.
28.What is the main idea of the first paragraphD
A.Anger makes us uncomfortable.
B.Anger is difficult to deal with.
C.Parents often lose their temper at home.
D.Parents should model a good anger style.
29.What would a child be like if he developed a"false self"C
A.Polite and optimistic.
B.Perfect and helpful.
C.Negative and indirect.
D.Rude and dishonest.
30.What's the main purpose of the last 2 paragraphsA
A.To give tips to create healthier anger.
B.To suggest ways to avoid anger.
C.To show the harm anger does to kids.
D.To stress the importance of expressing anger.
31.In which part of a website can we read the passageD
A.Food& Recipes            
B.School & Society
C.Life &Entertainment         
D.Psychology & Health.

分析 本文属于说明文阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了愤怒是一种有益的情绪,我们不要试图去压抑它.

解答 28.D.段落大意题.根据第一段But remember to create a healthy anger in your children is to practice creating a healthy anger in yourself可知第一段的主要思想是父母应该树立良好的愤怒风格;故选D.
29.C.推理判断题.根据第二段People who have developed a false self are often passive aggressive and seem shallow because they've hid away all the feelings with depth and character可知如果一个孩子养成了"假自我",他会变得消极,不真诚;故选C.
30.A.细节理解题.根据倒数第二段Once you feel more comfortable with your own anger,you can teach your children why anger is a helpful emotion.When your kid expresses anger,help them examine what it is that has made them angry可知最后2段的主要目的是给了一些创造更健康的愤怒的一些方法;故选A.
31.D.推理判断题.根据最后一段Anger is natural,it is normal,and it can be experienced and expressed in a healthy way可知在网站的心理与健康部分我们可以阅读这文章;故选D.

点评 考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.

2.We Chinese are not big huggers.A handshake or a pat on the shoulder is enough to express our friendship or affection (love) to one another.So when our newly-acquainted Western friends reach out in preparation for a hug,some of us feel awkward.Many questions go through our head.Where should I put my arms?Under their armpits or around their neck?What distance should I keep?Should our chests touch?
It's even more difficult with friends from some European countries.Should I kiss them on the cheek while hugging?Which side?Or is it both cheeks?Which side should I start on?
But it isn't just people from cultures that are conservative(保守的) in expressing physical contact who find hugging confusing.Hugs can cause discomfort or even distress(pain) in people who value their personal space.
In a recent article for The Wall Street Journal,US psychologist Peggy Drexler said that although the US remains a"medium touch"culture,Americans do seem to be hugging more.From politicians to celebrities(famous people),hugs are given to friends,strangers and enemies alike; whether they are willing or not; and the public has been quick to pick up the practice.
Public figures know that nothing expresses likeability(亲和力)like a good hug.US First Lady Michelle Obama has put her arms around icy foreign leaders like Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev and the Queen of England on the latter occasion actually breaking the rule of royal manners.
But not all are grateful to be embraced(hugged),even by the most influential and famous.To them,any hug is offensive(冒犯的) if it's not sincere.
Amanda Hess,writing for US magazine Slate,says public figures should stop imposing(强加) hugs on everyone they meet.For them,a hug is rarely a gesture of sincere fellowship,compassion or affection.It's all part of a show.Hugs are falsely intimate power plays used by public figures to establish their social dominance(主导) over those in their grasp.
Cecilia Walden,a British journalist writing for The Telegraph who lives in New York,holds the same opinion."Power-hugging",as she calls it,is"an offender dressed up as kindness".It has become a fashion in the US where"bosses are already embracing their staff (either shortly before or after firing them),men and women,their friends or enemies,in a thousand cheating displays of unity".
32.From the first third paragraphs,we can see thatB.
A.we Chinese people don't know how to hug
B hugs can bring pressure to people when used improperly
C.people from European countries often get puzzled about hugging
D.people in Western countries seldom use hugs to express their physical closeness
33.The example of US first lady Michelle Obama is given to show thatD.
A.hugs are forbidden in England
B.she is much liked by American people
C.Americans hold a"medium touch"culture
D.public figures know hugging functions well in public
34.Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined phrase"pick up the practice"?A
A.Follow the trend.
B.Enjoy the medium touch culture.
C.Give hugs to enemies.
D.Resist physical touch.
35.What can be the best title of this passage?A
A.Hugs,tricky affair?
B.Hugs,vital or not?
C.Hugs and public figures       
D.Hugs and power.
4.We had it all
We thought we had it all-a beautiful house,three healthy children and one more on the way,two cars----and we loved it.We spent money like it was going out of style.Then,the market turned and my husband's job as a bigwig(大人物) at a construction company was gone.The company was closing down for ever.
We both started looking for jobs right away,but there weren't any to be found.With each passing day our panic increased and we continued to work together in order to pull our family through.The more we pulled together,the closer we got.I felt feelings of great love for my husband that I hadn't felt in years.①
That's why it was so hard for me to watch him blame himself for our present situation.I knew that he had no control over the economy,however,he constantly degraded (降低…身份)himself and his spirit sunk lower with each unkind comment.I continually asked him to stop,but he seemed to want to punish himself for not having a job.②
Finally one afternoon I pulled him aside and said,"We have four healthy children.That's what's important.That makes you a rich man."
"But what if we lose the house?They'll hate me-you'll hate me."he replied.
I smiled at him and put my hands on both sides of his face to make him look me in the eye.③
"If we live in a cardboard box on the empty place across the street I will be happy-as long as I have you."I smiled again as I realized that I wasn't saying it.Somehow,in all the struggling together I had found that deep love for him that I had on the day we said"I do."
I could see relief wash through him as his shoulders and neck relaxed and the tension left his body.He held me close and we were able to talk and plan and dream together in a way that we hadn't in quite some time.④
We are still struggling financially,but I consider us well-off because we have something that money can't buy and no one can take away from us.

12.In the wife's opinion,what is important in her family?B.
A.A beautiful house
B.Healthy children
C.Expensive cars
D.Desirable jobs
13.Which of the following agrees with the passage?C.
A.The husband has found his jobs.
B.The family has lost their house.
C.The family has four children.
D.They live in a cardboard box.
14.Which is NOT the effect of the financial crisis towards the family?A
A.They spent money like it was going out of style.
B.the husband wasn't a bigwig in the company any more.
C.The wife felt feelings of love for my husband.
D.They realized there is something that money can't buy between them.
15.Where can we put the missing sentence"It was a turning point for us as a couple and a family."?D.

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