
15.Summer school is something a kid will never forget.For some,it's a way to advance past their classmates.For most,summer school is a requirement in order to graduate with their classmates.I can remember being forced into taking a summer school course.It was not the school that forced me into this awkward situation,it was my mother.
I was a 16-year-old kid in a new school.My school did not offer summer courses so I had to take my course at an alternative school in the city.It was an experience I will never forget.I was not concerned with making friends.I was there to get credit for a course that I should have received for the previous semester.It was my doing that landed me in the situation and it was important that I understood this.
The fees were lowest but the experience was amazing.I enjoyed it so much that I didn't miss a day.The course was from Monday to Friday for an entire month.I passed the course with an A.I was thrown into an awkward situation and actually enjoyed it.My friends didn't even know I took the course.Most of them were still sleeping by the time my course ended each day.
Awkward situations are so important for personal growth.This situation made me feel more independent.I made friends.I finally understood what sacrifice and hard work were all about.While attending college,I remembered how much I enjoyed summer school and I chose to take summer school in my first three years of college.Some kids get pushed too much but some don't get pushed enough.I was never pushed enough.
Enable your children to struggle for success.If your child needs summer school you explain to them why it's important.Some parents are surprised by the situation and may want to be more involved in their children's education.Follow through and follow up.

1.Most students go to the summer school in order toB.
A.find good jobs graduation                 
B.graduate successfully on time
C.have a chance to make more friends      
D.become top students in their class
2.Which of the following was NOT the benefit got by the author through attending summer  school?C
A.It helped him understand what sacrifice and hard work were.
B.It helped him make new friends.
C.It helped him get rid of bad habits.
D.It increased his independence.
3.What made the author go to summer school for the first time?A
A.His mother's wish.        B.What he had done.
C.His own requirement.      D.Study competition.
4.What does the author think of summer school?B
A.He thinks it is awkward.
B.He thinks it is significant.
C.He doesn't think it is suitable.
D.He thinks nothing of it.

分析 作者通过自己参加summer course的亲身经历告诉我们summer course的重要作用.

解答 1.B  细节理解题.根据第一段第二句For most,summer school is a requirement in order to graduate with their classmates.可知很多学生是为了能够和同学一起毕业而参加这样的课程.故B正确.
2.C 细节理解题.根据第4段1,2行This situation made me feel more independent.I made friends.I finally understood what sacrifice and hard work were all about可知BCD三项都是summer course的好处.A项文章没有提及.故C符合要求.
3.A 细节理解题.根据第一段最后一句It was not the school that forced me into this awkward situation; it was my mother.可知我去参加summer course是我妈妈的要求和希望.故A正确.
 4.B推理题.根据文章倒数第二段Awkward situations are so important for personal growth.This situation made me feel more independent.I made friends.I finally understood what sacrifice and hard work were all about.可知summer course对孩子的发展有很多的好处,所以他认为是非常重要的.故B正确.

点评 阅读理解题测试考生在阅读基础上的逻辑推理能力,要求考生根据文章所述事件的逻辑关系,对未说明的趋势或结局作出合理的推断;或根据作者所阐述的观点理论,对文章未涉及的现象、事例给以解释.考生首先要仔细阅读短文,完整了解信息,准确把握作者观点.

6.Years ago,I owned the very best dog in the world.I was a child when we got her.She grew up with me,and was always there when I needed her.She died during one of my college vacations.My heart broke then,and I knew that there would never be another dog like her.
However,I was wrong.My next dog came into my life when I was married.My husband traveled for a living,and I was often lonely.This dog taught me to be patient.He always stayed at my side until the children were born,and then he became their guardian (保护者),too.When he passed away,my heart broke.I was sure I would never love another dog as much as I loved him.
I was wrong again.We got the next one when the children were little.When he played with the children,he made them laugh.These days he spends more time with me since the children aren't around so much.He is,of course,the very best dog in the world.
I wonder if that's part of the lessen:to teach us that love has a spirit that returns again and again and never really dies.
It's amazing. They make room for one another.And they fit into our families,our lives,and our hearts,because they always have been and will be the best dogs in the world.

29.According to the story,the writer may agree with the opinion thatB.
A.love me,love my dog       B.love never really dies
C.a dog is necessary to a family  D.where there's love,there's a dog
30.What does the writer think about the third dog she owns?A
A.He brings happiness to the children
B.He is better than the other two dogs.
C.He loves to play with children rather than adults.
D.He is lonely since the children have left home.
31.The underlined sentence in the last paragraph meansD.
A.they leave the room when the family needs a new one
B.each dog has a single room to live in
C.they leave the house when the family no longer needs them
D.they come into the writer's life one after another
32.Which of the following statements is TRUE?B
A.The writer doesn't keep a dog at the moment.
B.The writer was very sad every time the dog died.
C.The second dog stayed longer than the first one.
D.The writer's husband doesn't like dogs.
It's likely that everything you learned about America's ancient history is wrong.
The new book,1491,completely changes our understanding of the America before the arrival of Columbus in 1492.
When Columbus landed there were probably more people in the Americas than there were in Europe.
The peoples of North America had such healthy life-styles that as late as the 19th century they continued to be the tallest people on earth.
Facts have shown that the Americas were populated as long as 33,000years ago.4,000years ago Mesoamerican farmers developed corn in a feat (技艺) of genetic engineering that still isn't completely understood.
"In the tradition of Jared Diamond & John MePhee,a totally new view of pre-Columbian America".
-Richard Rhodes
"Attractively written and really absorbing,Charles C.Mann has produced a book that's part detective story,part epic(史诗) and part tragedy(悲剧).He has taken on a vast topic:thousands of years,two huge continents,and cultures."
-Charles Matthews,San Jese Mercary News
"Powerful and challenging"
-Alan Taylor,Washingto post
"A pleasure to read as well as a wonderful education"
-Howard Zinn

29.On the whole,1491 is a book mainly about America'sC.
30.Which of the following is NOT TRUE about the comments on the book 1491?D
A.It is interesting and instructive.
B.It is attractive and culturally related.
C.It is challenging and revolutionary.
D.It is humorous and persuasive
31.From this passage,we can learnB.
A.people settled in the America a little earlier than 1492
B.North Americans were the tallest in the 18th century in the world
C.Mesoamencan farmers knew genetic engineering 5,000years ago
D.the population in the Americas was smaller than that in Europe in 1492.
10.Fuzhou Road is famous for its book stores.
Shanghai's City of Books (Nandong)
Address:No.345,Nanjing Road.E.near Shandong Road N.
Opening Hour:9:30-21:30
It is a branch of Shanghai's City of Books.It doesn't sell any foreign language books,but you can buy CDs of computer games and software.
Traffic:Metro Line No.2 (Nanjing Road E.Station)
Shanghai's City of Books
Address:No.465,Fuzhou Road
Opening Hour:9:30-20:30
This is the biggest book store in Shanghai with six floors.Each floor has different kinds of books,but most English books are for Chinese students preparing for exams.
Foreign Language Bookstore
Address:No.390,Fuzhou Road
Opening Hour:9:00-18:00
You can find many English novels on the ground floor,as well as dictionaries.There is a corner on the ground floor for foreigners who want to learn Chinese.
On the higher floors,you can find some professional books in English.Of course,many of the books are for Chinese students.
Shanghai Culture Commercial Building
Address:No.355,Fuzhou Road
Opening Hour:9:00-17:30
This store has a variety of stationery (文具) and painting materials.If you major in painting or art,this is a good place to find professional materials.

9.If you want to buy CDs of computer games,you can get off atA.
A.Nanjing Road E.Station   B.Shandong Road N.Station
C.Fuzhou Road E.Station    D.Nanjing Road N.Station
10.If your foreign friends want to learn Chinese,you can suggest they go toC.
A.No.345,Nanjing Road.    B.No.465,Fuzhou Road
C.No.390,Fuzhou Road       D.No.355,Fuzhou Road
11.From the introduction of the four book shops,Li Hua can buy a drawing-board as a birthday gift for her sister betweenD.
A.9:30and 21:30     B.9:30and 20:30
C.9:00and 18:00     D.9:00and 17:30.
  In a study likely to make school staff amazed,U.S.researchers said that chewing gum may help academic performance in teenagers rocket to a higher level.
  Many US schools ban chewing gum because children often dispose of the sticky gum under chairs or tables.But a team found that students who chewed gum during math class had higher scores on a standardized math test after 14 weeks and better grades at the end of the term than students in the class who did not chew gum.
"For the first time we've been able to show in a real-life kind of situation that students did perform better when they were allowed to chew,"said Gil Leveille,a researcher."Wrigley has gotten feedback (反馈)from many of its gum customers who say chewing gum helps them stay focused."
   The researchers studied four math classes or 108 students aged 13 to 16 years old from a school.About half got free Wrigley's sugar-free gum to chew during class,homework and tests.They chewed at least one stick of gum 86 percent of the time they were in math class and 36 percent of the time they were doing homework.The other half went without.After 14 weeks,the gum chewers had a three percent increase in their math scores on the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills achievement test.
   Another Wrigley-funded study found that college students in a lab who were given difficult computer tasks had lower levels of the stress when they were chewing gum compared to when they were not.Leveille said he thinks chewing gum helps reduce stress so students can do their best work.While he is aware that many schools have a dim view of students'chewing gum in class,he hopes the findings may change that a bit."It's not a matter of chewing.It's a matter of gum disposal,"Leveille said,adding that that can be overcome by teaching proper disposal behaviors.
71.What does the underlined word"rocket"mean?(No more than 3 words)To achive quickly.
72.Why is chewing gum forbidden in many U.S.schools?(No more than 10 words)Because the students often throw the sticky gum under chairs or tables.
73.What feedback has Wrigley gotten about chewing gum according to the passage?(No more than 5 words)It helps stay focused.
74.What does Leveille think of the effects of gum-chewing?(No more than 15 words)Chewing gum helps reduce stress so students can do best of their work.
75.Do you agree that ban on chewing gum in class should be removed?Why or why not?(No more than 20 words)Yes,I do.because chewing gum help students focus on study and reduce stress.
No,I donot.because chewing gum may disturb the academic atmosphere of class and gum chewers may throw gum sticks here and there..

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