World Youth(monthly)有一“人物”专栏,刊登各国青年人物的图片。你校校友李芳的照片被采用。请根据以下资料,写一段英文说明,以便随图发表。(100词左右)
姓名:李芳 性别:女 国籍:中国 出生年月:1967年1月 职业:化学工程师 简历:1985年7月毕业于北京四中,同年进入北大学习,1994年起在上海的一家化学公司工作。 主要事迹:1994年获化学博士学位;一家日本公司高薪聘用,但被她拒绝;1998年因特殊贡献获奖。
One possible version:
This is Li Fang,a Senior Engineer of a famous chemical company in China.She was given a gold medal in 1998 for having played an important part in scientific research.
She was born in China in January, 1967.Having graduated from Beijing No.4 Middle School in July,1985,she entered Beijing University.Nine years later,she received a doctor's degree of chemistry,and then she went to work in a chemical company in Shanghai.Once a Japanese company tried to invite her to work in Japan and promised her a high salary.But she didn't accept the invitation.