
A thief who dropped a winning lottery ticket(彩票)at the scene of his crime has been given a lesson in honesty. His victim, who picked up the ticket, then claimed the £25000 prize, managed to trace him, and handed over the cash. The robbery happened when maths professor Vinicio Sabbatucci, 58, was changing a tyre on an Italian motorway. Another motorist, who stopped to “to help”, stole a suitcase from his car and drove off. The professor found the dropped ticket and put it in his pocket before driving home to Ascoli in eastern Italy.
Next day, he saw the lottery results on TV and, taking out the ticket, realized it was a winner. He claimed the 60 million lire(里拉) prize. Then he began a battle with his conscience. Finally, he decided he could not keep the money despite having been robbed. He advertised in newspapers and on radio, saying: “I’m trying to find the man who robbed me. I have 60 million lire for him--- a lottery win. Please meet me. Anonymity(匿名) guaranteed.”
Professor Sabbatucci received hundreds of calls from people hoping to trick him into handing them the cash. But there was one voice he recognized--- and he arranged to meet the man in a park. The robber, a 35-year-old unemployed father of two, gave back the suitcase and burst into tears. He could not believe what was happening. “Why didn’t you keep the money?” he asked. The professor replied: “I couldn’t because it’s not mine.” Then he walked off, spurning the thief’s offer of a reward.
65.The sentence “ Then he began a battle with his conscience.” In paragraph 2 implies all of the following EXCEPT that_______.
A. he knew what he should do as soon as he saw the lottery results
B. he hesitated about keeping the money for some time
C. he thought for a moment of avenging himself on the robber
D. he came to realize that honesty is more important than money
66. Hundreds of people phoned professor Sabbatucci because they  ______.
A. wanted to make fun of him  B. hoped to get the money
C. knew who the robber was   D. lost the lottery ticket
67. The word “spurning” in the last sentence can be replaced by  ______.
A. accepting  B. claiming   C. rejecting   D. canceling
68. If the story appears in a newspaper, the best title might be_____.
A. A Thief’s Lucky Day   B. A Popular Maths Professor
C. A Magic Lottery       D. A Reward of Honesty

65---68   ABCA 

In the past, travel was considered an essential part of education. Posts and writers realized the  16  of travel and went out to other countries in search of  17 . A man’s education was not completed until he had visited foreign lands.
That travel  18 the mind cannot be denied (否认). Those who remain within the confines of (在…范围之内) their  19  are cut off from the outside world. As a result, they develop a  20_ outlook on life. But those who travel come into  21  with various types of people whose ways of life are completely 22  theirs. They see things with their own eyes and have a better  23  of the affairs of the world. The impressions that they receive while they travel remain  24  in their minds for many years, and all false impressions and ideas are  25  from their minds. Thus, they are able to  26  things in their proper perspective(观点) and make correct  27  and decisions. And being able to make correct decisions is a valuable part of  28 .
It is argued, however, that the 29  of the great variety of books, newspaper, the radio, TV and the Internet today remove the  30  for travel to acquire knowledge. One would study in the  31  and privacy of one’s own home and absorb all the knowledge that one desires. But there are many things they cannot  32  effectively. For example, the love and respect people in other lands  33  for us and the natural beauty of the various parts or the world cannot be described properly in  34  .They have to be seen and felt. Besides, not all can understand everything that they  35  about people away from their homes. To such people, especially, travel is an important means of education.
16.A. value             B. possibility              C. background                     D. development
17.A. work             B. wealth                  C. opportunity              D. knowledge
18.A. comforts       B. needs                    C. uses                        D. broadens
19.A. sights                 B. homes                   C. careers                   D. powers
20.A. happy                 B. broad                    C. narrow                  D. simple
21.A. sight                 B. contact                  C. power                   D. effect
22.A. different from   B. the same                C. similar with           D. familiar to
23.A. protection         B. study                     C. solution                 D. understanding
24.A. little                 B. endless                  C. fresh                     D. important
25.A. removed           B. tired                             C. differed                 D. separated
26.A. do                             B. see                              C. make                    D. buy
27.A. choices                      B. preparations           C. directions               D. judgments
28.A. life                            B. travel                    C. education               D. society
29.A. presence           B. trouble                  C. importance             D. discovery
30.A. need                 B. intention                C. influence                      D. memory
31.A. library                B. mind                    C. comfort                       D. open
32.A. enjoy               B. describe                 C. write                    D. learn
33.A. satisfy            B. get                              C. own                     D. have
34.A. sounds                B. pens                      C. numbers                  D. words
35. A. see                    B. read                  C. talk                      D. hear
阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
It was no wonder I was not looking forward to entering ninth grade. High school is well-known for being a battleground, where everyone seems to be  36  through physical changes, emotional mood swings, and low self-respect. For me,  37  was my punishment.
I had always felt insecure and out of 38 as one of the  39  members of my class, standing a head above the other girls and bending at the  40  of the line to avoid sticking  41 .
I especially hate being around large groups of people, like during the social hour after services at my church.  42  the prayers were finished, I would leave as quickly as possible so I could  43  other well-meaning congratulations, "Ruthie! Look how tall you' re getting!"
My grandfather would watch me  44  increasingly uncomfortable, but he did not  45  at my self--consciousness or try to comfort me.  46 , he would remind me. "Stand straight and tall," he would say, as I unsuccessfully tried to shrink (使缩小) myself. Moreover, each time, I would embarrassedly obey. Even at age 15, I understood that his advice was about  47  than just feet and inches.
My grandfather grew up in war-torn Europe. When German soldiers  48  his hometown, he wound up joining the Soviet army to fight  49  his country's freedom. "Stand straight, stand tall," meant something else back then.
_50  the war, he boarded a boat for  51  , and on January 27, 1947, he stepped onto the dock in Manhattan. He was hungry and  52  from seasickness. All alone in a new country, he was  53  about his future. Still, he marched head-on into the streets of New York. Soon he met  54  European immigrants, each of them trying to find his or her own way. If they could do it, why couldn't he? "Stand straight, stand tall," he would remind himself. He felt his faith  55 . When he walked into the church that first time, he walked in proudly.
36. A. going                     B. getting            C. looking               D. putting
37. A. age                        B. sex                    C. height               D. face
38. A. place                    B. order              C. control              D. date
39. A. younger                    B. shorter                    C. fatter              D. taller
40. A. head                  B. bottom            C. back                D. side
41. A. to                    B. out                C. with                D. off
42. A. Until                  B. Unless             C. Once               D. Before
43. A. avoid                 B. receive               C. accept             D. refuse
44. A. change                B. grow                C. sense              D. make
45. A. look                   B. stare             C. stay                 D. laugh
46. A. Instead               B. Besides       C. However              D. Therefore
47. A. other                  B. more          C. less               D. rather
48. A. fought                 B. developed    C. occupied                D. marched
49. A. against                          B. for              C. with                D. to
50. A. Before                 B. During               C. Without              D. After
51. A. German                B. Australia             C. America             D. Canada
52. A. coming                B. learning            C. suffering             D. differing
53. A. frightened              B. excited              C. serious              D. sorrowful
54. A. few                   B. more               C. most               D. other
55. A. increasing              B. returning              C. gaining               D. disappearing
Our spiritual intelligence quotient,or SQ,helps us understand ourselves,and live fuller,
happier lives.
While we’re all born with SQ,most of us don’t even realize that we have it.Fortunately,you don't have to sign up for classes to learn how to improve your SQ.Here are some simple steps that can lead you to this new level of understanding.
Sit Quietly.The process of developing spiritual intelligence begins with solitude(独处)and
silence.To tune in to your spirit,you have to turn down the volume in your busy,noisy,complicated life and force yourself to do nothing at all.Start small by creating islands for silence in
your day.In the car,instead of reading or doing something else,use the time to think.At work,
shut the door to our office between meetings,take a few breaths and let them out very,very slowly.Enjoy the stillness in your home after the kids are finally in bed.
Step Outside.For many people,nature sets their spirit free.Go outside to watch a beautiful
sunset.If you are walking with your dog,take the time to admire flowers in bloom;follow the flight of birds;watch clouds float overhead.
Ask Questions of Yourself.Ask open-ended questions,such as “What am I feeling?” “What are my choices?”or “Where am I heading?” But don’t expect an answer to arrive through some
supernatural form or e-mail.“Rarely do I get an immediate answer to my question,”says Reverend  Joan Carter,a Presbyterian(长老会的)minister in Sausalito,California.“But later that day I suddenly find myself thinking about a problem in a perspective(视角)I never considered before.”
Trust Your Spirit.While most of us rely on gut feeling(本能的反应)to realize danger,spiritual intelligence pushes us,not away from,but towards some action that will lead to a greater good.
68.The passage is mainly about_________.
A.what your SQ is and in what way it can benefit your life
B.what your SQ is and in what way it can be improved
C.the relationship between your SQ and your life
D.advantages and disadvantages of SQ
69.The underlined phrase “tune in to your spirit” in the third paragraph probably means______.
A.get your spirit relaxed    B.keep up your spirit
C.keep seated quietly D.change your spirit
70.The author mentions the example of Reverend Joan Carter to show that_________.
A.there are no immediate answers to your questions
B.e-mails can’t keep working out a problem
C.the more questions you ask,the better answers you’ll get
D.changing your way of thinking might help you solve a problem
71.From the passage,we can know that the most important thing to improve your SQ is________.
A.a peaceful mind             B.deep thought
C.spare time and hobbies   D.good spirits

True love and kindness is needed in this world. It comes from appreciating the object, and rejoicing in the object, wanting the object to be happy and well, but holding it lightly, not tightly. And this goes for possessions too. You are in an extremely materialistic society in which the possession of more and bigger and better is held up as the total criteria(标准) for being happy.
What we own is not the problem; it’s our attitude towards our possessions. If we have something and we enjoy it, that’s fine. If we lose it, then that’s OK. But if we lose it and we are very attached to it in our heart, then that’s not fine. It doesn’t matter what the object is, because it’s not the object which is the problem. The problem is our own inner grasping mind that keeps us bound to the wheel, and keeps us suffering. If our mind was open and could just let thing flow naturally, there would be no pain. Do you understand? We need our everyday life to work on this, to really begin to see the greed of attachment in the mind and gradually begin to lessen and lessen it.
There is a famous story of a coconut, which is said to be used in India to catch monkeys. People take a coconut and make a little hole just big enough for a monkey to put its paw through. And inside the coconut, which is nailed to a tree, they have put something sweet. So the monkey comes along, sees the coconut, smells something nice inside, and he puts his hand in. he catches hold of the sweet inside, so now he has a fist. But the hole is too small for the fist to get out. When the hunters come back, the monkey is caught. But of course, all the monkey has to do is let go. Nobody’s holding the monkey except the monkey’s grasping greedy mind. Nobody is holding us on the wheel; we are clinging to it ourselves. There are no chains.
54. Which of the following is the best title of the passage?
A. Clinging Causes the Pain                       B. Don’t Learn from the Monkey
C. Giving Up is Holding                               D. Possessions are Pains
55. According to the first paragraph, which of the following statements is true?
A. The world now is lacking in true love.
B. Owning more means being happier in today’s society.
C. Today’s society is very realistic.                    
D. The society needs better criteria.
56. According to the passage, the monkey is caught because___________      .
A. the hunter is cleverer than the monkey   
B. the monkey wants to eat the sweet
C. the hole is too small for the monkey’s fist
D. the monkey doesn’t know giving up
57. Why did the author tell the story of the monkey?
A. Because he liked monkeys very much.
B. Because the story is very interesting.
C. Because he wants to explain the idea further.
D. Because he wants to make the passage attractive.
Last week, we explained that the planet Mars had passed “opposition.” It passed a point opposite the Sun. This week, we tell about the planet’s surprising motion among the stars.
For thousands of years, people have recognized that planets travel among the stars. The planets generally follow the path taken by the Sun through the sky. The Sun’s path is called the ecliptic. The groups of stars along the ecliptic are called the Zodiac(黄道带).
The motion of the planets can be confusing at times. Everyone knows the Sun rises in the east and sets in the west. But this is caused by the turning motion of the Earth. Planets generally move from west to east.
However, Mars will appear to move backward for about two months this year. This happens because the Earth is overtaking Mars on its way around the Sun. Mars began its backward, or westward, motion on May 11th. It will start moving eastward again on July 19th.
Mars’ apparent motion has been a mystery to astronomers for hundreds of years. Most early theories of tilt solar system argued that the Sun and planets turned around the Earth. But the sudden westward motion of Mars presented problem. Why would Mars move west for two months when it nears “opposition”?
In 1543, a Polish church worker named Nicolas Copernicus published a different theory. His theory said the Earth and planets moved around the Sun in perfectly circular orbits. Copernicus’ theory was simpler. But his Sun-centered system still did not explain the observed motion of Mars very well.
Finally, a German mathematician named Johannes Kepler published a complete theory of the motion of the planets in 1619. He had carefully studied the motion of Mars for many years.
Johannes Kepler discovered that the planets do not move in circular orbits around the Sun. Instead, they travel in flattened orbits called ellipses(椭圆). Mars’ elliptical orbit is the cause of its unusual brightening this year and its apparent large size.
During the next several weeks, you can see for yourself why the mysterious motion of Mars has caused so many people to wonder.
64.From the passage we can learn that _________.
A. the sun and planets generally travel westward
B. Kepler studied the orbit of the planets in 1619
C. Copernicus’ theory well explained the motion of Mars
D. the Earth’s turning motion causes the sun to rise in the east
65.On July 19th Mars _______.
A. will pass the “opposition”                     
B. appears to change its direction again
C. will begin to move westward     
D. appears to change its orbit again
66.Why does Mars appear to be bigger and brighter when it passes “opposition”?
A. It is overtaking the earth                       B. It follows the path of the sun
C. It moves in an elliptical orbit                 D. It travels in a circular orbit.
67.What is the best title for the passage?
A. The Recent Research into Mars          B. The Surprising Motion of Mars
C. The Great Discovery on Mars               D. The Wonderful Mystery of Mars

Water and its importance to human life are the center of the world’s attention. March 22 is World Water Day, which has the theme “Water and culture ”this year. Ther are more than one billion people in the world who live without safe drinking water. The United Nations hopes to cut this number in half by 2015.
Solving such a big problem seems like an unreal challenge. But everyone, even teenagers, can do something to help. A teenage girl in the U.S. has set an example to others of her age around the world. Rene Haggerty, 13, was awarded the 2004 Gloria Barron Prize for her work of collecting deserted batteries which pollute water.
In 2003, Haggerty went on a field trip to the Great Lakes Science Centre in Ohio. There, she saw an exhibit about how chemicals in old batteries harm the water of Lake Erie. Haggerty learnt that recycling the batteries was an easy solution. “I think everybody can do it, because everyone uses batteries, and it can make a big difference.”With these words, she began to increase awareness in her area.
She talked to her county government and school board. She got permission to start a recycling programme in schools as well as the public libraries, hospitals, and churches. With the help from her family, friends and local waste-management officials, she gathered containers, arranged transportation, and made an educational video.
Over the past two years, she collected four tons of batteries and drew the attention of officials, who were in charge of a battery recycling programme but had made little progress. When asked if she feels like a hero, Haggerty is quite modest. “Not really. Well, maybe for the fish I saved!”
Every year the Gloria Barron Prize honors young Americans aged 8 to 18 who have shown leadership and courage in serving the public and the planet. Each year ten winners receive $2,000 each, to help with their education costs or their public service work.
68.According to the passage, how many people probably can’t drink safe drinking water in 2015?
A.About I billion.                                            B.About 2 billion.
C.About 500 million.                                        D.About 5 million.
69.In order to collect used batteries, Rene Haggerty did the following things EXCEPT_______.
A.gather some containers                                  B.arrange the transportation
C.make an educational video                             D.go on a field trip
70.The best title for this passage should be_______ .
A.A girl awarded the 2004 Gloria Barron Prize
B.A girl acts to clean the world’s water
C.We should protect our environment
D.A girl collecting batteries

Sometimes people recall past events differently from how they happened. Have you ever confused dates and events from your life, or people’s names? Don’t be too hard on yourself if this is the case; it happens to almost everyone. Every day, our brain processes an amazing amount of information. In fact, all our experiences are based on the way our brain interprets the information it receives from our senses. It is impossible to store all of this information, so some of it gets lost. The parts that remain make up our memories. All our thoughts and memories depend on the way our senses work, and we cannot always trust everything our senses tell us.
If you have ever tried to make your own short film on a digital camera, you will have noticed that the images you record are often blurry(模糊不清). To stop the same thing from happening when we see things with our own eyes, our brain is always filling in the blanks. Before our eyes can even focus on an object, our brain has created its own picture of it so that we can move smoothly from looking at one thing to another without the world looking strange. If we are moving quickly or are not focusing properly, our brain may not correctly guess what is around us.
Memory is the way we store the information that our senses have experienced. As we have discussed above, our senses do not always see things accurately, so our memory is just how we store our interpretations of these experiences. When our brain takes in new experiences, it uses the information we retrieve from our memory as a reference. This means that we often do not remember the details of things but just the important parts. When we look at something, we often do not really look closely at it, but we merely look at the different hints that help us indentify it.
This also happens with our hearing and speaking. It is natural for students of English to confuse the word “kitchen”, with the familiar word “chicken”. As the sounds are similar, the mind mistakenly identifies the new word with the one that is familiar. This is perhaps the most common reason why people make mistakes when they learn a new language. 
72. Sometimes things people remember are quite different from how they really happened because ______.
A. not all people are smart enough                            B. the main part of the information gets lost
C. people are too strict with themselves            D. information was processed incompletely
73. Taking the short film on a digital camera for an example, the author means _____.
A. images recorded by cameras could not be accurate
B. brain may form an imagery picture without reference
C. blurry pictures are caused by too fast camera movements
D. the process of vision is an interpretive construct by the brain
74. The underlined word “retrieve” in Paragraph 3 probably means ______.
A. recall                    B. change            C. borrow                 D. differ
75. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE in terms of memory?
A. Memory is exactly what senses have experienced.
B. Memories are made up of the information remaining in minds.
C. Memory is the way to store information experienced by senses.
D. Memories sometimes can be obstacles to learning something new.
The clock struck eleven at night. The whole house was quiet. Everyone was in bed except me. Under the strong light, I looked sadly before me at a huge pile of that troublesome stuff(东西) they call “books”.
I was going to have my examination the next day. “When can I go to bed?” I asked
myself. I didn’t answer, In fact I dared not.
The clock struck twelve. “Oh, dear! ” I cried. “Ten more books to read before I can go to bed!” We pupils are the most unhappy creatures in the world. Dad does not agree with me on this. He did not have to work so hard when he was a boy.
The clock struck one. I was quite desperate(绝望的) now. I forgot all I had learned. I was too tired to go on. I did the only thing I could. I prayed, “Oh, God, please help me pass the exam tomorrow. I do promise to work hard afterwards, Amen.” My eyes were so heavy that I could hardly open them. A few minutes later, with my head on the desk, I fell asleep.
64. When the author was going over his lessons, all the others in the house were ________ .
A. asleep           B. outside       C. working in bed    D. quietly laughing at him
65. Reviewing his lessons didn’t help him because   ____  .
A. it was too late at night                   B. he was very tired
C. his eyes lids were so heavy that he couldn’t keep them open
D. he hadn’t studied hard before the examination
66. What do you suppose happened to the author the second day?
A. He went to a church to pray again      B. He got an A in the exam
C. He failed in the exam                D. He was punished by his teacher
67. The best title for the passage would be _________ .
A. The Night Before the Examination        B. Working Far into the Night
C. A Slow Student                        D. Going Over My Lessons

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