
—Doesn’t this bus go to the park?


  AYes, we do

  BNo, this is as far as we go

  CYou’re welcome

  DI’m very sorry







If You Make a Mistake, Don't Worry!

  Yeah, you'll want to forget about them, but mistakes can be useful.Making a mistake doesn't mean it's the end of the world.In real life you have to grow and mature, and with that comes some growing pains.

  You know you should have studied hard but you went out with some friends instead.You know you should have put the money into the bank for a rainy day instead of spending it on all kinds of things you didn't need.

  It's the growing pains called mistakes that most people make when they are growing up.Face them.You are going to make them.Learn from them.All of the people you wish to copy , such as all the experts in your business field, have made mistakes.They'll continue to make mistakes for all their successes.

  One of the major differences between people like them and the vast majority(大多数)of others is that they don't let their mistakes stop them.Instead, they use their mistakes as learning tools.

  At the very least, when you make a mistake, you'll know what not to do.And you can help others by warning them of the mistakes you've made.Don't let mistakes stop you from doing anything.Learn from them, don't hide in a closet.Facing up to your mistakes now and later will mature.

  What mistakes are you making right now? Take a look at anything you might be doing wrong.Take a step back and evaluate your situation, then fix whatever needs to be corrected.Then move forward.

  Always remember your mistakes to remind yourself of what not to do for the future.


Why does the writer say mistakes can be useful?

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Because you can get some growing pains.


Because experts also make mistakes.


Because you can mature by facing and learning from mistakes.


Because next time you know that money shouldn't be wasted.


Which statement is true according to the writer?

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Before you make any mistake, you had better lock the closet in your room.


Keep your mistakes in mind in order not to make the same mistakes again in the future.


Don't go out with some of your friends any more.


Forget your mistakes and move forward.


When we make any mistake next time, we should do the followings except ________

[  ]


Think about the reason why we make the mistake.


Try to correct the mistake.


Tell others not to make the same mistake as you do.


Be careful not to do anything.


From the text, we can infer that ________

[  ]


facing mistakes, some people lose heart


mistakes can be of no use


mistakes can be called growing pains


Put away money when it is rainy

Our cat has a sweet nature, and she can let us know what she wants. When we fail to meet her needs, she gently leads us in the proper direction. When I forget to fill her water bowl early in the morning, she runs after my legs, and then pushes me in the direction of her bowl. She doesn’t get irritated (生气的); instead, she expresses her wishes in the best way. And I always understand what she is telling me.
One day I found myself envying her simple expression. How many times had I expected my husband or my children to know my wants without my ever giving voice to them? How many times had I been disappointed that they couldn’t understand when I needed a hug, a compliment or a chocolate bar?
After a pleasant afternoon with my husband, I wanted to stop somewhere nice and have dinner, but he didn’t understand my hints (暗示). “Couldn’t you see that I wanted to go out to dinner?” I complained when he pulled into our driveway.
“Why didn’t you say so? I can’t read your mind,” he answered in impatience. His words gave me pause. Had I expected him to read my mind? Why hadn’t I expressed my desire more clearly? I realized I had fallen into the female trap of “If you love me, you can read my mind.”
Now, I state my needs clearly and directly. I look at my cat and know she agrees.
1. Why was the author disappointed in her husband or her children?
A. Her husband didn’t give her a hug.       B. Her children didn’t give her a chocolate bar.
C. They didn’t give her a compliment.       D. They didn’t understand her mind.
2. What will the author do if she wants something from her husband now?
A. She will give him her hints.            B. She lets him guess what she wants.
C. She tells him her needs directly.        D. She buys what she wants herself.
3. What can we learn from the underlined sentence in the fourth paragraph?
A. I realized what I did was wrong.      B. My husband stopped me from saying something.
C. I stopped and didn’t go with my husband.  D. My husband prevented me from going on.
4. What would be the best title of the text?
A. How does a cat ask for something?  B. Learn how to read your cat’s mind
C. A lesson from a cat               D. Guess what others think

Matt grows the best vegetables in the village. He grows fruit too – big, sweet apples and oranges. And what else? Well, the biggest and the prettiest flowers.
Things grow in Matt’s garden all through the year. He cuts some flowers for his sitting room table; and of course , he eats some fruit and vegetables. But he sells everything else in the market. Matt is not a poor man.
He knows a few other gardens; but he does not have any friends. You might ask, “What is that?” Why doesn’t he have friends. I will tell you. People do not understand him. And they do not understand his garden. “Why not?” You will ask. “It is a very good garden, isn’t it?” It is a wonderful garden. Matt plants things in spring, summer, autumn and winter. After that he does very little work. He sits in the garden with his small radio. And everything grows.
People ask, “How does Matt grow these wonderful things? He waters the plants sometimes, but he doesn’t do anything else. He just sits under an orange tree with his radio. He listens to music nearly all day!” and that is all quite true. People cannot understand it, and so they don’t like it very much.
Matt likes music. But what about the garden? Who does the work? I will tell you another true thing: the music does the work. All plants love music; and Matt knows that.
Do you want big vegetables and the loveliest flowers? Well, just give your plants a lot of music.
【小题1】There are not only vegetables and flowers, but also ________ in Matt’s garden.

A.plantsB.fruit treesC.antsD.crops
【小题2】Matt makes a living by ___________
A.selling his vegetables, fruit and flowersB.growing trees in his garden
C.working in the marketD.helping other people growing plants
【小题3】 Everything in Matt’s garden grows well because  ______
A.he has a good garden
B.he is good at growing things and likes listening to the radio
C.music helps his plants a lot
D.he is very hardworking
【小题4】People don’t like Matt because ____________
A.he doesn’t give them any vegetables or fruitB.he listens to the radio too much
C.they don’t understand himD.Matt doesn’t let them listen to his radio

Our cat has a sweet nature, and she can let us know what she wants. When we fail to meet her needs, she gently leads us in the proper direction. When I forget to fill her water bowl early in the morning, she runs after my legs, and then pushes me in the direction of her bowl. She doesn’t get irritated (生气的); instead, she expresses her wishes in the best way. And I always understand what she is telling me.

One day I found myself envying her simple expression. How many times had I expected my husband or my children to know my wants without my ever giving voice to them? How many times had I been disappointed that they couldn’t understand when I needed a hug, a compliment or a chocolate bar?

After a pleasant afternoon with my husband, I wanted to stop somewhere nice and have dinner, but he didn’t understand my hints (暗示). “Couldn’t you see that I wanted to go out to dinner?” I complained when he pulled into our driveway.

“Why didn’t you say so? I can’t read your mind,” he answered in impatience. His words gave me pause. Had I expected him to read my mind? Why hadn’t I expressed my desire more clearly? I realized I had fallen into the female trap of “If you love me, you can read my mind.”

Now, I state my needs clearly and directly. I look at my cat and know she agrees.

1. Why was the author disappointed in her husband or her children?

A. Her husband didn’t give her a hug.       B. Her children didn’t give her a chocolate bar.

C. They didn’t give her a compliment.       D. They didn’t understand her mind.

2. What will the author do if she wants something from her husband now?

A. She will give him her hints.            B. She lets him guess what she wants.

C. She tells him her needs directly.        D. She buys what she wants herself.

3. What can we learn from the underlined sentence in the fourth paragraph?

A. I realized what I did was wrong.      B. My husband stopped me from saying something.

C. I stopped and didn’t go with my husband.  D. My husband prevented me from going on.

4. What would be the best title of the text?

A. How does a cat ask for something?  B. Learn how to read your cat’s mind

C. A lesson from a cat               D. Guess what others think


Our cat has a sweet nature, and she can let us know what she wants. When we fail to meet her needs, she gently leads us in the proper direction. When I forget to fill her water bowl early in the morning, she runs after my legs, and then pushes me in the direction of her bowl. She doesn’t get irritated (生气的); instead, she expresses her wishes in the best way. And I always understand what she is telling me.

One day I found myself envying her simple expression. How many times had I expected my husband or my children to know my wants without my ever giving voice to them? How many times had I been disappointed that they couldn’t understand when I needed a hug, a compliment or a chocolate bar?

After a pleasant afternoon with my husband, I wanted to stop somewhere nice and have dinner, but he didn’t understand my hints (暗示). “Couldn’t you see that I wanted to go out to dinner?” I complained when he pulled into our driveway.

“Why didn’t you say so? I can’t read your mind,” he answered in impatience. His words gave me pause. Had I expected him to read my mind? Why hadn’t I expressed my desire more clearly? I realized I had fallen into the female trap of “If you love me, you can read my mind.”

Now, I state my needs clearly and directly. I look at my cat and know she agrees.

1. Why was the author disappointed in her husband or her children?

       A. Her husband didn’t give her a hug.       B. Her children didn’t give her a chocolate bar.

       C. They didn’t give her a compliment.       D. They didn’t understand her mind.

2. What will the author do if she wants something from her husband now?

       A. She will give him her hints.             B. She lets him guess what she wants.

       C. She tells him her needs directly.         D. She buys what she wants herself.

3. What can we learn from the underlined sentence in the fourth paragraph?

       A. I realized what I did was wrong.      B. My husband stopped me from saying something.

C. I stopped and didn’t go with my husband.  D. My husband prevented me from going on.

4. What would be the best title of the text?

       A. How does a cat ask for something?  B. Learn how to read your cat’s mind

       C. A lesson from a cat                D. Guess what others think

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