
Technology sometimes goes wrong. And the more you use technology, the more you know it can go wrong. A connection drops. A printer will not print or an app crashes. Tech troubles can let users down quickly. First reactions may be to scream,throw the device(设备)against the wall, or cry. 1. By following these steps, you could solve some of the most common tech problems on your own.

Search the Web. Learn about your tech problem on a search website, such as Google. See what others have experienced. Find expert articles about solving the problem. If your issue is with recent technology, such as a software update, be sure to look for the most recent articles. 372.

Check connection speed. Maybe you find that streaming, downloading orupdating is moving slowly. 3. You may think something is wrong with your device when, really, your network is just noe. A website such as Speedtest. net can check your connection speed.

4. Make sure you have the most recenl version of apps and software. You might ba expperiencing a problem from a bug(漏洞)that has been fixed in an update. But if you have not yet had the latest version you may miss the solution.

Ask the developer. 5. You can communicate with developers over email, Twitter or a contact form on their website. Explain the issue giving as much detail as possible, including the device you are using and the problem you are having.

A. Update.

B. Fix bugs.

C. Tech tips from years ago may not work now.

D. Contact the developer of the app or software.

E. Have you ever struggled when technology went wrong?

F. First, be sure to check your Internet connection speed.

G. However, you may be able to solve the problem by yourself.


A telescope, called Gaia, is being designed by astronomers in Europe, and it couldn’t be more different from Pan-STARRS, which is another telescope being designed. While Pan-STARRS will be looking for asteroids (小行星) and comets headed for Earth, Gaia will be looking at our entire galaxy (银河系).

Gaia is designed to draw a map of the Milky Way, our home galaxy. Just as a map of your town gives you a picture of where things are located, Gaia’s map of the galaxy will tell astronomers where the stars are. Over five years, Gaia will observe (观察) about a billion stars and other objects in our galaxy. Each object will be observed about 70 times.

Gaia will be sent into space connected to a rocket. It contains two telescopes, each focused at a different angle (角度). These two telescopes act like Gaia’s “eyes”. The reason why humans can see things in 3D is that we have two eyes focused on the same object, at slightly different angles. By using two telescopes like eyes, Gaia can produce the first 3D map of the positions of the stars it views.

Gaia, which is to be sent into space, will be a powerful telescope. If you were to use it on Earth, for example, you could stand 600 miles away from your best friends and still get a clear picture of their hair.

Gaia is one of more than a dozen telescopes being designed by scientists right now. The next generation of telescopes will reveal new parts of our universe that will seem surprising. The universe, with all its planets, stars and other strange objects, is a puzzle with pieces that we can see by using powerful telescopes.

1.How many different angles can Gaia focus at each time?

A. 2. B. 3.

C. 4. D. 5.

2.The map to be drawn by Gaia ______.

A. can show every building on Earth

B. can show you where your town is

C. will just show the stars around Earth

D. will show where the stars are in our home galaxy

3.What’s Paragraph 4 mainly about?

A. What Gaia will do in space.

B. When Gaia will start to work.

C. How powerful Gaia will be.

D. What Gaia will do to Earth.

4.The underlined sentence in the last paragraph suggests that the next generation of telescopes _______.

A. seem very surprising to scientists

B. will not be put into use in a short time

C. will just look at new things in universe

D. will be more powerful than the old generations

We brush our teeth daily, but do you know everything you need to know about dental care and hygiene? Believe it or not, there is a lot more than most people realize. Luckily, here are several apps that can help you.

●Brush DJ

You should brush your teeth for full two minutes as recommended by dentists, but that time can be difficult to judge. Many recommend you listen to music, because many songs are just around two minutes in length. Brush DJ has loads of great tunes that will get you into the two?minute habit. There are both songs to listen to, and videos to watch, and you'll find a variety of awesome tunes.


It's recommended that Orasphere videos be used by dentists for their patients, so they can learn about procedures. Those who do use these videos say that the software can greatly decrease the amount of time it takes to explain procedures to patients.

●American Dental Association(ADA)

Everything you ever wanted to know about your teeth, and then some, can be found on the American Dental Association(ADA) website. You'll find loads of great articles that have the latest news about dentistry(牙科). Those interested in dental careers will find plenty of information to head them in the right direction, and there's even a section devoted to public dental programs, including Give Kids a Smile and Fluoride in Water.


Here is more presentation software that explains all types of dental procedures. This is helpful for dentists to have, because they can better explain procedures to their patients.

●Dentistry IQ

You can find information for dentists, hygienists, assistants, office managers, and more at Dentistry IQ. You can also get information about new products, clinical practices, and much more. In addition, you can learn about career opportunities, the most recent practices, and a whole lot more.

1.What is the dentists' suggestion about brushing teeth?

A. Trying to brush as long as possible.

B. Listening to music while brushing.

C. Spending two minutes in brushing.

D. Brushing your teeth before breakfast.

2.Why are dentists recommended to use Orasphere videos?

A. To learn about procedures to shorten their explanation time.

B. To explain all types of dental procedures to their patients.

C. To listen to some music around two minutes in length.

D. To get plenty of information in the right direction.

3.How can the users benefit from American Dental Association(ADA)?

A. By getting free videos about oral care.

B. By getting access to various activities.

C. By getting information about new products.

D. By getting updated news about dentistry.

4.Which one would you feel interested in if you want to be a dentist?

A. Brush DJ. B. Dentistry IQ.

C. Orasphere. D. DDS GP.

“You will be in my heart forever. Without you, there are only emptiness and desert in my life...” This is a line from a heartfelt poem Feng Duan wrote to his fiancee Chen Lianfang in 1955.

Feng is now 94 and Chen 90, and they have been married for more than half a century. Feng, an academic at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, may not be a professional poet but for 64 years, Feng has written countless love poems to his wife. On every important anniversary or festival, Feng would send a poem to Chen. In 1978, when Chen’s cancer surgery succeeded, Feng created more than ten poems to celebrate his wife’s recovery. Chen used a red suitcase to store these love poems. The academic has also translated many English, French and German poems into classical Chinese.

The couple was introduced to each other by a common friend in 1953 and Feng sent two paper copies of poems to Chen as a gift.

“As long as I think of you, a beam of sunshine lights up my heart,” Feng wrote.

Chen recalled the first time Feng invited her to his dormitory to have a cup of tea and she thought the cup was made of frosted glass. As the two became closer, Chen often visited the academic’s dorm. She realized that the cup was the only one poor Feng owned. The opaque (不透明的) cup was not frosted glass but common glass stained with toothpaste.

Later she bought many clothes and even a stove for Feng, making a nice change from the single man s life. Feng’s marriage to Chen brought more happiness and now Chen still looks after Feng’s daily needs.

1.When Feng first met Chen, he was .

A. 32 B. 30

C. 28 D. 26

2.What change did Chen bring to Feng?

A. Chen made a great difference to Feng’s daily life.

B. Chen changed Feng’s academic life greatly.

C. Chen wrote a lot of poems to Feng.

D. Chen introduced a lot of friends to Feng.

3.What can we learn from the passage?

A. Chen and Feng happened to meet each other on the campus.

B. Feng wrote many poems in different languages.

C. Chen cherished the poems Feng wrote to her.

D. Feng liked his opaque cup so much.

4.The writer wrote the passage to show .

A. how a famous poet writes love poems to his wife

B. how the love poems join two hearts together

C. how important love poems are in the marriage

D. how the love poems make the couple famous

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