
(   ) 10. The hotel was awful!        ,our room was far too small. Then we found that the

shower didn' t work.

A. To begin with    B. After all C. In reality    D. As a whole

10. A考查短语辨析。to begin with首先;after all 毕竟;in reality事实上;as a whole大体而言。句意:这个酒店真糟糕!首先,我们的房间太小了,其次,我们发现浴室的喷头也坏了。


Next Halloween,a small vegetable that looks like a pumpkin may appear in a garden near you. The vegetable is a type of pepper that is called "Lil,Pumpkin" .It's very special because it has orange, pumpkin-like fruit.

You might think that all vegetables are grown to provide food to eat. But some vegetables are grown mainly for the lively color and holiday spirit that they bring to gardens. These are called "ornaments(观赏性植物)”.Just like lights decorate a Christmas tree,they decorate a garden.

The peppers were developed by Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists John Stommel and Robert Griesbach. Another pepper the scientists developed is called "Pepper Jack". Because Pepper Jack has orange and black cone-shaped fruit,it might remind you of the popular Halloween treat "candy corn".

Stommel says that vegetable crops such as peppers were first widely grown in Europe in the 15th century. At that time,people liked these crops more because they looked pretty than because they provided food. 

Back then,when a gardener grew plants for decoration and plants for food,the garden was called a "potager". An example of this is the large gardens on the lawns of castles and very large homes where kings and queens lived. One of those large royal homes was the French king's palace at Versailles during the 1600s. The palace is still there today,and people from all over the world still go there to visit and see the gardens.

Today, Stommel says using vegetables as decorations in gardens has become popular again. So you might be wondering, if these peppers are for decoration, can people eat them? Yes,but the fruit from both of these peppers has a sharp taste (kind of like onions).

These peppers are scheduled to become available in mid-2011. These pretty peppers can be grown in containers and also in garden beds. They grow best with plenty of light and warm temperatures, Stommel says.

(   ) 1. What does the passage mainly talk about?

A. Different kinds of peppers. B. The history of peppers.

C. Peppers with the Halloween spirit. D. Food for the Halloween festival. 

(   ) 2. What do we know about "Lil,Pumpkin" and "Pepper Jack"?

A. Their fruits are the same color. B. They are used to decorate Christmas trees.

C. Their fruits have different shapes. D. They are grown mainly to provide food to eat.

(   ) 3. According to the passage,a potager was-

A.  the place where kings?nd queens lived

B.  the garden in the French king, s palace

C.  a place providing vegetables for the royal homes

D.  a garden with plants for decoration and for food

As a young girl growing up in the 1930s ,I always wanted to fly a plane,but back then it was almost unheard of for a woman to do that. I got a taste of that 1   in 2001,when my husband

arranged for me to 2    in a hot air balloon for my birthday. But the experience turned out to be very 3    . Around that time, 1 told my husband that I wanted to 4   . So when our retirement community announced that they were having a ( an) 5    competition and the topic was an experience of a lifetime that you wanted to have, I decided to write about my dream.

In the essay,I wrote about my desire to skydive, 6    George Brush Sr. did it at age 80. Why

not 7   ?I was just 84 and in pretty good health. A year went by and I heard  8   . But then at

a community party in late April 2009, they announced that I was one of the winners. I just couldn't 9   it. Inspired by this,I decided to realize my dream even though some of my family members and my doctor were 10    it.

On June 11    , 2009,nearly 40 of my family and friends 11    in the area close to where I would land while I headed up in the airplane. My instructor,Jay,guided me through the experience. The plane was the 12    one I had ever been in,but I wasn' t frightened―I was really just looking forward to the experience. When we reached 13 ,000 feet,Jay instructed me to 13   myself out of the plane. When we first hit the 14    ,the wind was so strong that I could hardly breathe. For a second I thought, "What have I gotten myself into? " 15    then everything got calmer. We were in a free fall for about a minute before Jay opened the parachute (降落伞),then we just floated 16    for about five minutes. Being up in the clouds and looking at the view below was unlike anything I have ever felt―-much better than the hot air balloon. I was just 17    it.

Skydiving was really one of the greatest experiences of my life. I hope other people will look
at me and realize that you don't stop 18   just because you are 84 years old. If there's something
you want to 19   ,look into it. If it's something that is possible,make it 20    .
(   ) 1. A. promise    B. dream C. advice    D. schedule

(   ) 2. A. ride    B. drive C. take    D. fly

(   ) 3. A. dull    B. interesting C. thrilling    D. scary

(   ) 4. A. skateboard    B. ski C. skydive    D. ride

(   ) 5. A. speech    B. dance C. sing    D. essay

(   ) 6. A. stating    B. declaring C. suggesting    D. arguing

(   ) 7. A. him    B. me C. it    D. that

(   ) 8. A. everything    B. all C. nothing    D. anything

(   ) 9. A. believe    B. stand C. imagine    D. express

(   ) 10. A. against    B. for C. on    D. back

(   ) 11. A. collected    B. surrounded C. gathered    D. applauded

(   ) 12. A. prettiest    B. noisiest C. dearest    D. fastest

(   ) 13. A. throw    B. jump C. stand    D..pull

(   ) 14. A. land    B. cloud C. sky    D. air

(   ) 15. A. But    B. Although C. Unless    D. If

(   ) 16. A. upward    B. downward C. forward    D. backward

(   ) 17. A. enjoying    B. thinking C. hating    D. regretting

(   ) 18. A. practicing    B. studying C. planning    D. living

(   ) 19. A. realize    B. choose C. experience    D. rely

(   ) 20. A. agree    B. happen C. work    D. try

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