"Posh Spice" girl,who makes it possible.She was the person who turned him from a
footballer into a global attractor.Even now that he has left Manchester United for Real
Madrid,instead of Barcelona or Milan,it might be because of her.?
"Posh Spice" has become a name for Victoria.The Collins Dictionary even has the
term "Posh and Becks" (Victoria and David Beckham).?
Before meeting Victoria Adams,Beckham was a good-looking and likeable footballer
with a bright future at Manchester United,but that was about all.?
Since he married her in 1999,he has become the most famous player British sport has
ever produced,and,some say,the most influential man in the country."When they got
together,she was clearly the more popular of the two," said Andrew Parker,a sports expert
at Warwick University in Britain."She certainly introduced him to a new circle of people
and,all of a sudden,he was a top list celebrity(名人)."?
It's believed that,behind the high walls and iron gates of their "Beckham Palace",it is
Victoria who decides everything.?
When their baby boy,Brooklyn,fell in 2000.Beckham left a United training session to
look after him,and this led to his being dropped from the team.Many were sure it was
Victoria who had asked her husband to stay at home.During a trip to the United States
this year,Victoria has worked hard to push her husband to the US public.They would not
have recognized him if they met him in a car park.?
She may appear to have taken a back seat,but Victoria is still at the forefront of the
"Posh and Beck" project.?
B.Victoria listens to her husband?
C.Beckham and Victoria discuss and do everything together?
D.Beckham has no mind of his own? ??
B.was completely unknown?
C.was an ordinary football player?
D.was not so influential?
B.People liked to see Beckham and Victoria get together.
C To a large degree,Beckham owes his popularity to Victoria.?
D.Sports experts used to think little of Beckham.?
B.In 2000,Beckham was dropped from his team because he spent a holiday in the US.?
C.Beckham is now playing for Real Madrid.?
D.Brooklyn was born in 2000.

Posted Feb 10, 2010 16:25 by Sophia
Tag: Seeking Language partners Guangzhou Sex: Female
Race/Ethnicity: Chinese
I am a Chinese girl in my 20's, can speak and write in English, but I'd like to make some improvement.
People always look for making it better, right?
Meanwhile, I also like to meet more friends if we really have some topics to share.
And if you are in Guangzhou or visit here, I am more than willing to show you around in my spare time.
Reply to happycora@hotmail.com or call 15015704625
Tianhe nice apartment for share
Posted Feb 24, 2010 16:47 by Vivian
Tag: Seeking roommates Guangzhou Tianhe District Up to 2000 RMB
I have a room available for rent in a shared apartment in Central Tianhe district.
The room has a big window with a nice view. The apartment itself is on the 22th floor of a new secure
building on Tianhe Bei Lu, about 10 minutes walk from metro stations on lines 1 and 3, as well as buses and
other transportation methods very close.
If you are interested, please feel free to phone me (Vivian) on 13145751201 (message preferred), or email
me on vivian_liu2003@hotmail.com.
Business Interpreter/Guide
Posted Feb 26, 2010 08:46 by Sony
Tag: Business Services Guangzhou Baiyun District
Dear Foreign Friends, I am a professional interpreter, now looking for a Freelance interpreter job urgently.
Please read my CV at below:
Name: Sony Song
Gender: Male
Age: 22 years old
Education: Studied English in Da Shan Foreign Language College
Birth: 9th Oct 1987, Luohe city, Henan province, China.
Ability: Speak fluent English, know Guangzhou city very well, can also guide you to Shenzhen, Zhuhai,
Dongguan, Shunde, Macao, Hongkong, etc.
Contact Detail: E-mail/MSN: sonysong4@hotmail.com; cell phone: 15112015812
Looking for flat
Posted Mar 11, 2010 14:03 by Lucy
Tag: Apartments wanted Guangzhou
This is Lucy coming from Peru and looking for a short term flat, from 15th April until 4th May 2010. If
somebody can give some information, send me pictures, price and address.
Email: lucitamaron@hotmail.com; cell phone: 13800013900
Thanks a lot in advance!
B. 13800013900
C. 13145751201
D. 15112015812
B. Lucy
C. Vivian
D. Sony
B. All of them are in their twenties.
C. All of them are Guangzhou citizens.
D. All of them are hotmail users.
B. in a newspaper
C. at a website
D. in a guidebook
In the Company of Cooks
Until Sat Jun 19 Imperial War Museum
at how wartime advice was put into practice. 'The Kitchen Front' (May 29) with Valentine Warner and
Marguerite Patten explores recipes during the war and tricks and tips used to make the most of limited food
Transport Lambeth North
Telephone 020 7416 5320
Until Sun Jul 25 British Museum
drawings made by Italian artists between 1400 and 1510. The show examines how drawing changed from a
means of preserving artistic reality to a way of perfecting naturalistic forms, through original works of
Leonardo da Vinci, Botticelli, Michelangelo, Titian and other masters.
Transport Holborn/Russell Square
Telephone 020 7323 8181
Until Sun Sep 5 Natural History Museum
themselves in their world in unusual ways. During this special voyage, visitors will learn about the history of
deep-sea exploration and how scientists use technology to preserve this ecosystem which is easily destroyed.
Transport South Kensington
Telephone 020 7942 5000
Jun 2-Aug 31 'Madame Tussauds
Marvel's most famous names-including Spider-man, Iron Man, Wolverine and The Invisible Woman. There's
also a chance to 'turn hero' in a series of experiences including walking on the ceiling with Spider-Man and
stepping into Iron Man's chest shield.
Transport Baker Street
Telephone 0871 894 3000
B. People who like adventures and travels.
C. People who like sports and music.
D. People who like museums and attractions.
B. Imperial War Museum
C. Natural History Museum
D. British Museum