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I am a senior 3 student. Recently I have made a survey among 100 boys and 100 girls. The result of the survey is as the follows: That the boys like to do most is to become businessmen while the girls favorite work is to be teachers. Only few boys want to do this job. It is interested that the number of boys and girls who want to be doctors are equal. As for lawyers, more boys expect to have this job. Therefore, there are still students are not clear about their future. In a word, they all express they would work hard at their lessons for the College Entrance Examination. As long as they do this badly, they will realize their great dreams.
1.È¥µôasºóµÄthe ; 2.That ¸ÄΪWhat; 3.favouriteÇ°µÄgirls¸ÄΪgirls¡¯;
4. few Ç°¼Óa; 5.interested ¸ÄΪinteresting; 6. equal Ç°µÄare¸ÄΪis; 7.Therefore¸ÄΪHowever; 8.studentsºó¼Ówho; 9.would ¸ÄΪwill.
10. badly¸ÄΪwell.