We often use the words “growth” and “development” as if they meant basically the same thing. But this may not always be the case. One can easily imagine instances in which a country has achieved higher levels of income (growth) with little or no benefit coming to most of its citizens (development).

In the past, most development policies were aimed at increasing the growth rate of income per capita (人均所得). Many are still based on the theory that benefit of economic growth will come to all members of society. If this theory is correct, growth should encourage development.

By the early 1970s, however, the relationship between growth and development was being questioned. A major study by the World Bank in 1974 concluded that it is now clear that more than decades of rapid growth in developing countries has been of little benefit to & third of their population.

The World Bank study showed that increase in GNP per capita did not promise important improvements in such devel??opment indicators as nutrition (营养), health, and education. Although GNP per capita did indeed rise, its benefit came down to only a small part of the population. This realization gives rise to a call for new development policies. These new policies favor agriculture over industry, call for national redis??tribution (资源分配) of income and wealth, and encourage programs to satisfy such basic needs as food and shelter.

In the late 1970s and early 1980s the international macroeconomic crises (大规模的经济危机) of high oil prices, worldwide recession (衰退) and the third world debt, forced attention away from programs designed to get rid of poverty. however, the lesson remains: economic growth does not prom??ise economic development. Efforts may be required to change growing output capacity (能力) into economic benefit that reach most of a nation’s people.

What do we learn from the first paragraph about the relationship between growth and development?

A. Growth and development refer to the same thing.

B. Growth always brings about development.

C. Development is not a necessary result of growth.

D. Development is a reliable measure of growth.

Before the 1970s, most development policies were based on theory that economic growth would benefit ________.

A. most people in society                  B. some people in society

C. few people in society                   D. everyone in society

according to the study by the World Bank in 1974, economic growth in some backward countries brought ________.

A. benefit to a third of their population

B. benefit to two thirds of their population

C little benefit to their people

D. no benefit at all to their people

If the passage continues, what would the author most likely discuss in the next paragraph?

A. How to turn growth into development.

B. How to remove poverty from society.

C. How to decrease the third world debt.

D. How to cope with economic crises.

Death Valley is one of the most famous deserts in the United States, covering a wide area with its alkali sand. Almost 20 percent of this area is well below sea level, and Badwater, a salt water pool, is about 280 feet below sea level and the lowest point in the United States.     

Long ago, the Panamint Indians called this place “Tomesha”— the land of fire. Death Valley’s present name dates back to 1849, when a group of miners coming across from Nevada became lost in its unpleasantness and hugeness and their adventure turned out to be a sad story. Today Death Valley has been declared a National Monument(纪念碑) and is crossed by several well-marked roads where good services can be found easily. Luckily the change created by human settlement has hardly ruined the special beauty of this place.

    Here nature created a lot of surprising, almost like the sights on the moon, ever-changing as the frequent wind moves the sand about, showing the most unusual colors. One of the most astonishing and variable parts of Death Valley is the Devil’ s Golf Course, where it seems hard for one to tell reality from terrible dreams. Sand sculptures(沙雕) stand on a frightening ground, as evening shadows move and lengthen.

_______ is the lowest place in the desert.

A. Tomesha                         B. Death Valley

C. Nevada                           D. Badwater

The name of the valley comes from _______.

A. an Indian name                      B. the death of the miners

C. the local people                      D. a National Movement

From the passage we can learn that _______.

A. no one had ever known the desert before the miners

B. it’s still not easy to travel across the desert

C. people can find gas-stations, cafes and hotels in the desert

D. people have changed the natural sight of the desert

Devil Golf Course is famous for _______.

A. the frequent wind            B. the colors of the sand

C. dream-like sights             D. the sand sculptures

From the passage we can see that the writer _______ the Death Valley.

A. appreciates                     B. is fearful of

C. dislikes                           D. is tired of

As Christmas is coming, there are presents to be bought, cards to be sent, and rooms to be cleaned. Parents are ___1___ with difficult jobs of hiding presents from curious young children. If the gifts are large, this is sometimes a real ___2___. On Christmas Eve, young children find the excitement almost unbearable. They are torn between the wish to go to bed early so that Father Christmas will bring their presents quickly and the wish to ___3___ up late so that they will not ___4___ the fun. The wish for gifts usually proves stronger. But though children go to bed early, they often lie ___5___ for a long time, hoping to get a short ___6___ at Father Christmas.

Last Christmas, my wife and I ___7___ hid a few large presents in the storeroom. I ___8___ the moment when my son, Jimmy, would ___9___ me where that new bike had come from, but ___10___ he did not see it.

On Christmas Eve, ___11___ took the children hours to go to sleep. It must have been nearly ___12___ when my wife and I went quietly into their room and began ___13___ stockings. Then I pushed in the ___14___ I bought for Jimmy and left it beside the Christmas tree. We knew we would not get much sleep that night, for the children were ___15___ to get up early. At about five o’clock the next morning, we were ___16___ by loud sounds coming from the children’s room — they were shouting excitedly! ___17___ I had time to get out of bed, young Jimmy came riding into the room on his new bike, and his sister, Mary, followed close behind pushing her new baby carriage. ___18___ the baby arrived. He moved ___19___ the hands and knees into the room dragging a large balloon behind him. Suddenly it burst. That woke us up ___20___. The day had really begun with a band(巨响) !  

1. A. faced                B. met            C. filled          D. pleased

2. A. question           B. matter           C. problem             D. business

3. A. get                B. stay           C. stand           D. wake

4. A. lose              B. break             C. miss           D. leave

5. A. awake              B. wake             C. asleep         D. sleep

6. A. look                     B. stare              C. glare           D. watch

7. A. hopefully                 B. busily            C. gladly         D. successfully

8. A. liked               B. feared             C. surprised      D. hated

9. A. answer            B. tell               C. ask            D. search

10. A. sadly             B. unluckily         C. possibly       D. fortunately

11. A. it                B. they             C. I            D. we

12. A. morning           B. midnight         C. evening      D. daybreak

13. A. filling            B. sewing            C. mending      D. preparing

14. A. present          B. stocking          C. bike           D. tree

15. A. going            B. sure             C. glad           D. excited

16. A. troubled                B. frightened       C. woken        D. shocked

17. A. Before           B. After            C. Until         D. Since

18. A. Even             B. And             C. Soon         D. Then

19. A. with              B. on                C. over          D. by

20. A. all              B. nearly            C. happily        D. completely

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