

卷Ⅱ(非选择题 共55分) 

 第一节  单词拼写 (共10题,每小题1分;满分10分)


66. 1. I wonder why Jack hasn’t w_____ to us recently. We should have heard from him by now.

67.There was no lift and we had to climb six f_______(一段楼梯)of stairs.

68.People should wash ______(定期)to ensure personal health.

69.I think you o ____ us an apology for not informing us of the important news in time.

70. He told us that the _______(北部)part of his country had many mountains.

71.We reached our destination, tired and _______(饥饿).

72.Exercise firms the body, strengthens the muscles, and prevents you from gaining w_____.

73.The whole day we unpacked the boxes, filled the cupboards and tidied, until we were _____(极其)tired.

74. The house is h_______by trees, so it is hard for us to find it .

75. He left his village school and _____(教)himself while working in a factory.

66. written 67. flights 68. regularly 69. owe 70.northern  71. hungry 72. weight 73. extremely 74. hidden 75. taught


卷II (非选择题,共40分)

第三部分 写作(共三节,满分40分)

第一节 单词拼写(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)



1.If you take away 3 from 8, 5 _____ (剩下).                       1.        

2.We’ve just bought a big house and need some new _____ (家具). 2.        

3.It is no use _____ (后悔) what you have done.           3.        

4.It was so cold that many wild animals were_____ (冻) to death. 4.        

5.This is not the _____ (原创) picture, but just a copy of it.          5.        

6.December is the _____ (第十二) month of the year.           6.        

7.I’m _____ (好奇的) to know what she said.           7.        

8.They are now living _____ (分开).                8.        

9.She _____ (提醒) me that I hadn’t written to Mother.           9.        

10.Taking morning exercise can make people much _____ (健康).   10.        

11.He’s _____ (明显) a man of very high intelligence.          11.        

12.Not all of the _____ (屋顶) of the houses in this area are flat.  12.        

13.We apologize for the late_____ (到达) of the train.          13.        

14._____ (比较) to many women, she is indeed very fortunate.            14.        

15.He is about five feet in _____ (高度).                 15.        

16.If you are all sitting _____ (舒服), then I’ll begin.            16.         

17.She is making _____ (准备) for her marriage.          17.        

18.John _____ (复习) his notes before going to bed.             18.        

19.She is famous, both at home and _____ (国外).           19.        

20.The thief spoke in a low voice, _____ (承认) he had stolen the money.      20.        

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