
“You’ve already got well,haven’t you?”she asked.

—She asked me ______.

A. if I have already got well,hadn’t you

B. whether I had already got well

C. have I already got well

D. had I already got well


I’m telling Mother about a new girl in school,and she suddenly looks up and says,“Who’re your two best friends?” I’m not sure what to say.I’ve been friends with Jill since I was three or so,and I really like Jaime,a friend in kindergarten.“Well,what about Karen and Cindy?” She seems upset,like I hurt her feelings.“But they’re my sisters.” “Yes,but they can still be your best friends.Friends may come and go,but your sisters will always be there for you.”

At the time,the idea of my two sisters being my closest friends seemed strange to me.We fought all the time over toys,food and attention.How could my sisters be my best friends?They weren’t the same age as I.We all had our own friends in school.But my mother never let the three of us forget it:Sisters are lifelong friends.Her wish was to give us something that she never had.Growing up an only child,she longed for siblings (兄弟姐妹).When she gave birth to three daughters,the fulfillment of her dream had only just begun.She’d given us each a gift and she wanted to make sure we did not take that gift for granted.She’d frequently tell us how lucky we were.She never showed favoritism to one daughter over the other.And when we were teenagers,Mom always punished us equally.

We didn’t always get along beautifully and fought just like any other siblings.But we realized that our mother was right.Today I share things with my sisters that I do with no one else.My sister Cindy and I ran the New York City Marathon together,side-by-side,even holding hands when we crossed the finish line.When my sister Karen got married,I was her maid of honor.The three of us trust each other with our greatest secrets.

It was twenty-three years ago that my mother first asked me who my two best friends were.Today she doesn’t have to.She already knows.

1.Why does Mother say that my sisters can be my best friends?

A. Because we fight over toys,food and attention.

B. Because my sisters are the same age as I.

C. Because my sisters will always be there for me.

D. Because we are always punished by Mother equally.

2.What’s the author’s greatest gift?

A. The friendship of her different friends.

B. What her mother did for her.

C. The love of her mother for her daughters.

D. Both of her sisters.

3.What made the author change her opinion about best friends?

A. What Mother said about the relationship between friends and sisters.

B. What Mother experienced because she had no siblings.

C. Her mother’s favoritism to one daughter over the other.

D. What the sisters shared only with each other.

4.Twenty-three years later,who became the author’s best friends?

A. My mother and father.

B. Jill and Jaime.

C. My sisters,Jim and Jaime.

D. Cindy and Karen.

George was a game warden(猎物繁殖和保护区的管理员)in Kenya.One day,he found three tiny lions beside a dead lioness.They were so little that their eyes had not yet opened.Sadly,he took the three little lions and drove back home.

When George got out of the car with the baby lions,his wife Joy Adamson immediately took over.Joy had cared for many young animals over the years,but she had never tried to raise baby lions!However,she was determined to save these babies.

The lions grew rapidly.But as the lion grew bigger and stronger,Joy and George realized they could not keep three large lions.They decided to present two of the lions to a zoo;they would keep the smallest lion,which they named Elsa.

Joy and George taught Elsa to hunt and to protect herself.Elsa liked to play with her human friends,but as Elsa grew to her adult size,this play became dangerous.More than once,Elsa knocked Joy to the ground,scratching(抓伤) her.Joy and George both realized that it was time to find Elsa a new home.They knew she needed a wild home where she could live the life she was born to lead.Finally,Joy and George decide to set Elsa free in Meru Park at the foot of Mt Kenya.

Elsa never forgot Joy and George.Whenever they camped nearby,Elsa would come to visit,rubbing her head against their legs in greeting.

Joy missed Elsa,but was happy that she had made a successful life as a wild lion.Joy wrote a book about Elsa,Born Free,which became an international bestseller.Joy travelled all over the world,talking about the importance of saving the wild animals of the world.

Joy lived out her life in Africa,working with wild animals.She wrote more books about her experiences.Her heartfelt interest in animals and her great love for Elsa helped inspire (激发) a worldwide movement to protect wildlife.For Joy Adamson,there was no greater gift than the beauty and spirit of wild animals,living free.

1.When George took the three lions home,his wife ________.

A. advised him to give them to a zoo

B. was frightened by their appearances

C. was unwilling to care for them

D. had a great love for them

2.Joy and George set Elsa free because ________.

A. Elsa scratched Joy

B. there wasn't enough food for Elsa

C. Elsa was big and strong

D. Elsa was a danger to their neighbours

3.What do we know about the book Born Free from the text?

A. It became very popular.

B. It is mainly about Joy's experiences in Meru Park.

C. It focuses on wild animals in Kenya.

D. It helped change people's attitudes towards wildlife.

4.What's the best title for the text?

A. Joy Adamson:living with lions

B. Elsa:lion raised by a human

C. Born Free:a wonderful book

D. George:a game warden

In my bag I always carry the same essential items: my keys, my purse, some loose change, my mobile phone and my little blue vocabulary notebook. This year I am living abroad in Germany and I am trying to learn as much German as possible. I always knew that living abroad would be a great way to learn a foreign language but one thing I didn’t realize was how many new words and phrases I would come across every day! I see and hear new words everywhere; the announcements in the train station; menus in cafes; on social media; on the local newspaper and of course from my German-speaking friends.

At first I was slightly upset by the large amounts of German I didn’t understand. Speaking German in Germany is definitely very different from that in the classroom; I kept on looking up new words and by the end of the day I had forgotten most of them already. It was very frustrating. After a month of worrying that I would never be able to improve my language skills, I went to the stationery shop and bought a small notebook which easily fit into my handbag or even into my back pocket! I set myself the goal of writing five new words or phrases a day into my little blue book and soon enough it became one of my most valuable language-learning tools.

I don’t have any rules about which words I write down. Most days I write down words that I learn from my colleagues at work, words that I don’t understand in reading or words that I have learned from seeing them in context. For example, I have learned the names of many fruits and vegetables from looking at their labels in the supermarket (a very unexpected source of vocabulary!) and I have learned many words that I have heard on TV or on the radio. It doesn’t even matter if I know how to spell a new word straight away. If I hear a word but I don’t know how to spell it, I write down how I think it sounds and look it up later.

My little blue vocabulary book is now like my close friend. We go everywhere together. Setting this small daily goal has made me feel much more in control of my language teaming and I am already seeing an improvement. I will continue to use it for the rest of my stay in Germany and also when I return to university at home in September.

1.What can we conclude from the first paragraph?

A. New words are all around you in a foreign country.

B. Walking in the street is a good way to learn a language.

C. Life is really hard for anyone to live in a foreign country.

D. The author is skilled in learning a second language.

2.What was the author’s response when facing difficulty?

A. He felt helpless and hopeless. B. He was terrified.

C. He didn’t take a negative attitude. D. He set a high goal for himself.

3.What words will the author put down in the notebook?

A. The words that his teacher explained in classes.

B. He has no rules about which words to write down.

C. He asked his friends to tell new words and phrases.

D. The words he noticed in the shop or supermarkets.

4.What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 2 refer to?

A. Learning German. B. My experience. C. The handbag. D. My notebook.

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