

1.Students are encouraged to learn positive values and become _______________________

(更愿意为社会做贡献) . 

2.____________________(在所有我们拍的照片中),my favorite was one in which we formed a circle and lay down on the grass.  

3.______________________________( 我无法忍受住在多雨的城市),even though it is good for my skin.   

4.We have been excavating layers of ash almost six meters thick, _______________________


5.I always knew that __________________________________ (她已经厌倦了当前台接待) .




1.more willing / ready to make a contribution  / make contributions to society.

2.Of all the photos we took

3.I could/ can not bear to live in a city with so much rainfall/ rain

4.which suggests/ means that they might have kept the fire burning all winter.

5.she was fed up with / tired of being a receptionist.




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