particularly attracted to people on their birthdays. 1 Giving gifts brought even more good cheer to keep
away from the evil spirits. This is how birthday parties began.
The following are some countries' birthday traditions:
Canada -Greasing the nose with butter. In Atlantic Canada, the birthday child's nose is greased for good
luck. China - 2 .The birthday child pays respect to his/her parents and receives a gift of money. Friends
and relatives are invited to lunch and noodles are served to wish the birthday child a long life.
England -Fortune telling cakes. Certain symbolic objects are mixed into the birthday cake as it is being
prepared. 3
Italy-Pulling ears. The child's ears are pulled as many times as how old they are turning.
Japan-New clothes. The birthday child wears entirely new clothes mark the occasion.
New Zealand- 4 .After the birthday cake is lit, the happy birthday song is sung loudly and often out of
tune and then the birthday person receives a clap for each year they have been alive and then one for good
luck. The
United States-Cake, candles and song. 5
B. In China, on a child's second birthday, family members put many things on the floor around the child.
C. If your piece of cake has a coin in it, then you will be rich.
D. To protect them from harm, friends and family would come to stay with the birthday person and bring
good thoughts and wishes.
E. Noodles for lunch.
F. The tradition of birthday parties started a long time ago.
G. Birthday claps.

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Advertising is a form of communication that uses all kinds of media, and is visible everywhere these days. Typical customers of advertising companies are other companies, or businessmen, who want to persuade potential customers to buy more of what they make or sell. But there are other kinds of customers. Some organizations spend large sums of money on advertising a political party or other group that sells what is not, strictly speaking, a product or service. Such non - profit organizations are not typical advertising customers, and they prefer ways of spreading knowledge, changing attitudes, and improving society. Many advertisements are designed to increase sales of products and services by either improving brand image or, in the case of non - profit organizations, expressing ideas. In order to achieve th~s, advertisements will often pass on truthful information while delivering their messages. Every major medium is a means of delivering these messages, including television, radio, cinema, magazines, newspapers, video games, the Internet and billboards (大幅广告牌). Advertising will usually be created and. placed by an advertising agency on behalf of company or other organization. Spending on advertising has increased greatly in recent years. In 2006, spending was estimated at $155 billion in the United States and $385 billion worldwide; the latter is expected to reach more than $500 billion by 2010. While advertising can be seen as a necessity for economic growth and social development, it is not without social costs. Advertisement emails and other forms of junk mail have become so popular that ~they have become a major burden to users of I nternet email services, as well as a financial burden on Internet email service providers.