
A college student has turned the act of telling someone off into an art form. Lama Ali, who attend school in Virginia, had three final assignments due on the same day for her fashion drawing class. Exhausted after working on painting for seven hours straight, the 20-year-old decided to include a message in American Sign Language to her professor:

When your drawing teacher assigns 3 finals so you secretly write “you got me fucked up” in sign language on your final piece.

——Shawty Arabia(@LemAli23) December 7,2016

“You got me fucked up,” a bunch of hands in the painting spell out in ASL, in a form of sign known as finger spelling(聋哑字母表), which uses signs for each letter, rather than for the words themselves.

“Honestly the idea just came to me while I was finishing up the piece,” Ali told The Huffington Post.” I was looking at it and thought, ‘This could really use something else’. And then the idea struck me: Why not secretly express how I was feeling while struggling at the library at 4 a. m.?”

Once the fashion design major had finished her masterpiece, she posted it to Twitter on Dec. 7, where it has received over 113,000likes and 48,000 retweets (转发).

Ali, who does not know ASL, told HuffPost she taught herself a little bit just for this particular assignment.

“You know it’s bad when you have to learn a whole other language to express how done you are,” she said. “I remembered seeing a post on Tumblr long ago with a similar phrase by the post, she decided to look up the letters in ASL to spell out the message. Someone on Twitter even did the good work of circling them in the painting.

Ali told HuffPost that when she finally presented the piece to her professor in her class, he absolutely loved it.

“Most of my friends in class actually knew about the secret message, so I was really surprised when no one laughed or blew my cover during critique(评论).” She also admits that her professor still doesn’t know about the message, despite her post getting so much attention.

1.Which of the following is closest in meaning to “You got me fucked up”?

A. I was greatly astonished.

B. You really worn me out.

C. I felt much appreciated.

D. You left me impressed.

2.What was it that gave Ali the inspiration to use ASL to express her feeling?

A. Her professor’s assignment.

B. Being too exhausted.

C. A post on Tumblr with ASL.

D. Her classmates’ encouragement.

3.Which of the following can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A. Her professor is not so clever as her classmates.

B. Her professor pretended not to understand.

C. Her professor is still in the dark about the message.

D. Her professor had been informed by her classmates.

4.How did Ali know about American Sign Language?

A. She learned it in middle school.

B. She majored in it at college.

C. She taught herself when prepared for the assignment.

D. Someone taught her on Twitter.


Lake Forest High School Clubs

Environmental Club

Club members are provided opportunities to realize their goals of environmental service. The majority of projects are student-initiated. Last year’s activities included: the LFHS Courtyard Garden upkeep, Bike to School Day with free cocoa and snacks, an “eat local” 100-mile dinner, recycling solutions for LFHS, beach clean­up through the Great Lakes Alliance, and Earth Week celebrations.

Meetings: First Friday of the month in Room 5 at 7:00 a.m.

Advisor: Ms Mary Beth Nawor, mnawor@lfschools.net

Peer Tutoring

Students volunteer to help fellow students in improving their academic and organizational skills. Students tutor LFHS and middle school students on an individually scheduled basis. LFHS tutors must have proficiency(精通) in the academic area in which they wish to tutor, but middle school tutors only need general academic proficiency.

Meetings: All tutoring is done on an individually scheduled basis.

Advisor: Ms Kathy O’Hara, kohara@lfschools.net

Young Idea

Young Idea is LFHS’s art and literary magazine. Students of all ages who love writing and art are encouraged to become part of the staff of this award-winning magazine. Young Idea encourages all students to submit art and literature works to the magazine, whether they are a part of the staff or not. From September to February, Young Idea meets on Thursdays after school in the Public Room to discuss the pieces that have been submitted to the magazine and provide feedback for the authors.

Meetings: See above explanation.

Advisor: Ms Debbie Zare, dzare@lfschools.net

Scout Buddies

Scout Buddies is a friendship club which helps build friendship among individuals with and without disabilities. Club members participate in a variety of social activities both within the school and in the community. Activities include organizing holiday parties in the school, bowling, going to the movies, and eating out in local restaurants.

Meetings: Monthly meeting dates vary, but in Room 134.

Advisor: Ms Donna Lovitsch, dlovitsch@lfschools.net

1.Which club provides help for students poor in study?

A. Peer Tutoring.B. Environmental Club.

C. Young Idea.D. Scout Buddies.

2.When is the staff of Young Idea most likely to meet?

A. 6:30 p.m., August 11, Thursday

B. 6:00 p.m., January 5, Thursday

C. 7:30 a.m., November 17, Thursday

D. 7:00 p.m., September 23, Friday

3.What is the requirement for students to join a certain club?

A. They are required to have a bike to join Environmental Club.

B. They need to be athletic to join Scout Buddies.

C. They need to win a literary award to join Young Idea.

D. They need to be academically proficient to join Peer Tutoring.


Sometimes a mother’s greatest gift is the smallest detail of her child’s life, freely shared.

When I was busy with my housework in the ________, I was surprised to find the front door was ________ suddenly. Julie, our oldest child, came in. She’d been married for three months. I was still trying to get used to her ________ elsewhere. Sometimes I even set her place at the table without ________. Julie handed me a small group of daffodils(水仙花) and said, “Guess what!” ________ she opened the box on the table and bent to see what was inside. As I put the flowers in ________, I answered happily, “What?”

She began telling me some small ________ of her new life as she made herself a sandwich. She’d learned to make cake by herself, and her boss was ________ of her because of her hard work. We sat at the kitchen table, and I ________ her eat, listening to her every word ________. It was a ________ visit. Julie had to go to work. I thanked her for her flowers and for her visit; then I walked to the door with her and ________ as she drove out of the yard.

________ in the kitchen I sat and looked at the flowers. My daughter’s ________ was as bright and dear as the ________ spring daffodils. Suddenly, I ________ the phone and dialed(拨) my own mother’s number. She lived a hundred mile away. When she ________, I said, “Guess what!”

“What?” she answered hopefully. Like Julie I didn’t have any ________ news, just little details of the day and the children. ________ I’d come to understand in the last hour how valuable small talk could be. Just before I hung ________, my mother said ,‘‘You made my day.’’

1.A. kitchenB. bedroomC. studyD. sitting room

2.A. closedB. openedC. raisedD. dropped

3.A. studyingB. playingC. livingD. appearing

4.A. feelingB. seeingC. listeningD. thinking

5.A. thoughB. onceC. ifD. as

6.A. waterB. foodC. bloodD. air

7.A. jokesB. experimentsC. detailsD. memories

8.A. proudB. sureC. ashamedD. full

9.A. letB. watchedC. hadD. made

10.A. safelyB. bravelyC. happily D. strangely

11.A. busyB. littleC. longD. short

12.A. stayedB. wavedC. sangD. cried

13.A. FurtherB. NearbyC. UpD. Back

14.A. visitB. tripC. greetingD. smiling

15.A. lastB. nextC. earlyD. late

16.A. picked outB. picked upC. made outD. made up

17.A. answeredB. saidC. repliedD. thought

18.A. goodB. badC. smallD. big

19.A. SoB. OrC. ButD. And

20.A. onB. upC. backD. out

Master painter Zhang Daqian (1899-1983) was well known for having a large number of friends and students. Among them, painter Li Qiujun was special.

They got to know each other through Li's elder brother, who was one of Zhang's best friends.

They admired each other's artistic talent and became confidants, which resulted in a romantic relationship.

In 1948, Zhang produced Spring Clouds Amid Autumn Landscape, a mountain-and-water ink painting featuring gongbi (meticulous brushwork), as a gift for Li's 50th birthday.

A year later, Zhang permanently departed from the mainland, and traveled and exhibited around the world before settling down in Taipei in 1976.

After leaving the mainland, he often said that he missed Li, who died in Shanghai in 1973.

Spring Clouds Amid Autumn Landscape will be auctioned in Hong Kong on Oct 4.

The painting not only marks a friendship between the two painters, but it deserves special attention because it shows Zhang at the top of his game as he sought to master the mountain-and-water style, according to C.K. Cheung, head of Sotheby's Chinese painting department.

Sotheby's will auction the work at its major autumn sale, which runs from Oct 1 to 5.

Cheung says the painting's composition and Zhang's attention to details reflect his incorporation of traditional touches, especially from Song Dynasty (960-1279) paintings, while also developing his own style.

1.The underlined word “confidants” in paragraph 3 probably means ________.

A. enemiesB. collegesC. friendsD. painters

2.How old was Li Qiujun when she died?

A. 50B. 75C. 78D. 84

3.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?

A. Spring Clouds Amid Autumn Landscape was originally a gift for Li's 50th birthday.

B. Zhang Daqian permanently departed from the mainland in 1949.

C. Sotheby's will auction Spring Clouds Amid Autumn Landscape in Hong Kong.

D. Li Qiujun's elder brother was also one of ZhangDaqian's students.

Things You Should Stop Doing to Be Successful

Are you a happy person? How often do you think of reasons why everyone around you is successful though they are not better than you in general? What do you do wrong? Here are some things you should stop doing to be successful.


Different people may interpret “success” in different ways: some of them measure it in money, other ones in positive changes to people around them and the world in general. 2.Don’t worry about what other people think but come after what makes you happy.

2. Do not believe anything without questioning it.

3.They are critical thinkers, and they understand that we all are ruled by our prejudices(偏见), so they will always question new information.

3. Do not worry about all unpredictable things that may happen to you.

If you want to be successful, stop thinking about everything that MAY happen to you. 4.Be ready to improve and change your deeds and decisions when things suddenly don’t go according to your plan.

4. Do not care about what other people think of you.

5.Your attempts to become “good” for everyone will turn into nothing but new worries, stresses, and problems. Successful people do not concentrate on the quantity of people to please, but worry about their quality and focus on developing friendships with people they really care about.

A. Do not wait for the “right time” to do anything.

B. Do not let others decide what “success” is for you.

C. Successful people do not just accept any new information to be true.

D. As far as we all know, it’s impossible to please all the people who surround us.

E. Try to feel comfortable with the reality and accept the fact your future can’t be predicted.

F. If you want to be successful, do not let others force their interpretation of success on you.

G. Successful people never ignore or avoid problems,no matter how big and awful they seem.

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