
Hotlines have become common in China. Some radio broadcasting stations use hotlines to encourage the listeners to take part in the talk shows.
That’s a good idea. Yet, the fact is, some people do nothing but break the whole program.
Some people know little about the topic under discussion. Sometimes they do not even know what the host is talking about. So the host has to tell the caller what the show is about. Usually the caller will ask a few questions which express his hope and show his ignorance (无知). Then the host has to answer and explain—how silly this is! It wastes a lot of time.
It seems that some people phone the hotlines for fun. They just want to let the listeners hear them. They don’t care what the topic is, whether they themselves are interested or how silly they appear to be.
I’m totally bored by those people. It’s necessary for radio stations to improve the hotline programmers. In my opinion, if a caller does not know what is going on, the operator should not let the caller take part in it.
【小题1】The sentence “some people do nothing but break the whole program” may tell us that _____.

A.radio stations use hotlines in a wrong way
B.it is a fact
C.it is a good idea
D.some people have unclear thoughts
【小题2】Some calls waste the host’s time __________.
A.because the host works hard
B.because of the caller’s ignorance
C.because the host likes talking to the caller
D.because of a lot of questions raised by the caller


【小题2】细节题。由第三段的句子Usually the caller will ask a few questions which express his hope and show his ignorance (无知).可知选择B。


BEIJING — The rescue operations at a coal mine accident have ended with 105 miners dead.The State Council has organized an investigation team to probe (调查) into what caused the disaster in the city of Linfen, North China’s Shanxi Province.Preliminary investigations show the illegal mining of an unauthorized seam, and the number of miners who had been sent down the shaft far exceeded its capacity.

This mine was found to have long disregarded the rules to steal state coal, and did not have a list of miners employed to check the number of miners missing after the accident.

      How did such a coal mine get all the necessary licenses for production? How did it pass the three safety inspections the local government organized last month?

In response to this disaster, the Shanxi governor promised to set up hotlines for people to report illegal coal mines and rewards as high as 100,000 yuan for tip-offs.

We appreciate the action this governor has taken to solving the coal mining problems, and we believe that the reporting scheme will help to stop the existence of illegal coal mines.

But at the same time we have reason to question how governments at various levels supervise these mines.

The sad fact that such a mine with serious safety problems could pass three consecutive local government safety inspections in a month is enough to tell us how ineffective the safety inspections were.

What if these inspections were just a formality? What if the inspectors were bribed by the mine owners to turn a blind eye to the safety dangers? We can well imagine what would happen if reports about mine problems were handled by such officials.

So a thorough probe must find out who are responsible for the death of so many miners.A real safety inspection and management system must be established to guarantee that safety dangers will be removed.

What is NOT one of the causes of this coal mine accident?

A.The workers didn’t operate properly.

B.The mine didn’t obey the rules to mine for coal.

C.A lot more miners than allowed were working under the mine.

D.The safety inspections were ineffective.

According to the writer, who should be further investigated?

A.Mine owners and miners.

B.Miners’ families and mine staff.

C.Government officials and safety inspectors.

D.The Shanxi governor and miners.

What can we infer from the passage?

A.More than 105 miners died in the disaster.

B.Some other coal mines like this one exist in Shanxi province.

C.Safety inspectors just turned a blind eye to hidden dangers.

D.The three inspections were only a formality.

What does the underlined word “tip-offs” probably mean in Paragraph 4?

A.Some warnings.

B.Some money for one’s service.

C.Some secret information.

D.Some pieces of advice.

I recently heard a story about a very famous research scientist。who was interviewed by a newspaper reporter.He was  asked  36   he was able to be so much more creative than the   
37    person
He responded that it all came from an  38  with his mother when he wasyoung.He tried to
39  a bottle of milk from the fridge when he lost his firm  40  onl the slippery bottle,spilling
the milk all over the kitchen floor!  41  yelling at him Or scolding him,his mother said,“Rob—
eric,what a great and  42  mess you hav'e made!I have  43  Seen such a huge pool of milk.
Well,the 44 has already been done.Would you like to 45  with the milk for a few minutes
before we clean it up?”
46 ,Robert did.After a few minutes,his mother said,“Robert,whenever you make a
me88 like this,you  47   to clean it up.So,how would you like to do that?We would  48 a
sponge(海绵),a towel or a mop.Which do you  49  ?”He chose the sponge and together they
cleaned up the spilled milk.His mother then said,“You know,what we have here is a difficult experiment in how to 50  early a big milk bottle with  51  hands.Now,let’s discover a way to Carry it without  52  it.”The little boy learned that if he grasped the bottle at the  53  near the lip with both hands,he could carry it  54 .
Wouldn,t it be great if all parents would 55  the example of Robert’s mother?
36.A.why    B.when    C.whether D.where
37.A.other   B.average    C.simple  D.clever
38.A.idea    B.accident    C.event D.experience
39.A.open    B.put    C.remove D.catch
40.A.hold    B.hand    C.support D.body
41.A.Beyond    B.After    C.In spite of D.Instead of
42.A.bad    B.beautiful    C.aiay D.terrible
43.A.never    B.already    C.hardly D.ever
44.A.experiment    B.art    C.work D.damage
45.A.swim    B.play    C.sit D.draw
46.A.However    B.Maybe    C.Indeed D.Finally
47.A.try    B.have    C.decide D.want
48.A.make    B.clean    C.Use  D.find
49.A.prefer    B.1ike    C.Think  D.take
50.A.slowly    B.quickly    C.Slightly  D.effectively
51.A.tiny    B.big    C.Cold     D.warm
52.A.10sing    B.doing    C.Stopping   D.dropping
53.A.bottom    B.foot    C.Corner  D.Top   
54.A.tightly    B.safely    C.Successfully D.Slightly  
55.A.make    B.follow    C.Take     D.match

第二部分阅读理解:(共两节, 满分50分)
Ⅲ. 第一节(共20小题; 每小题2分, 满分40分)阅读下列短文, 从每题后面所给的选项
We may encounter various setbacks (挫折) in our life and these setbacks  may never repeat themselves. They appear differently in different periods of life.
Students may have problems in learning, for example, the goal and motivation of learning, the method and attitude of study, and their school performances as well. If they fail to deal with these matters properly, they may have problems in study and even develop psychological problems.
Job-hunting, career choosing, capability and unemployment are matters often leading to
psychological problems of the contemporaries (当代人). How to choose a career, how to make a plan for life and how to keep competence in position and for promotion, etc., these are all factors to bring us worries and anxieties.
Interpersonal relationship leads to one of the major psychological setbacks of the human being. The symptoms show that it is hard to get along with others, lacking necessary skills to communicate with others. These may lead to sad feelings of loneliness, bitterness, short of concerns and cares.
The old often suffer from supersession of the old by the new, stepping down from leading positions, retirement, being isolated and helpless. How to look at these rules of law in life, get used to the change, handle domestic emptiness when children grow up and the bitterness facing death of the beloved, all these have to be dealt with properly, to avoid the development of depression and disease.
Now, it comes to the key — how to handle them. 
Keeping a good mood:
Do not make your ambitions too high and never seek for perfection when doing things.
Do not expect too much from others. Otherwise, you will be disappointed if she/he fails to meet your expectation.
When angry, you’d better calm yourself so as to avoid doing something stupid.
Be tolerating and forgiving. Toleration and forgiveness can either smooth your own mood or benefit interpersonal relationship.
When you encounter setbacks you’d better leave it alone and begin to do something you like, for example, go to the theater or take exercise, etc.
You may ease yourself by telling your unhappiness to your good friends, parents, teachers or even making a telephone call to psychological hotlines.
Do something good for others. In this way, you will not only forget your worries but also find your own value and at the same time make friends with others.
To evaluate your ability and role properly, thus you will not develop unnecessary psychological pressure on yourself.
41. The writer is mainly trying to tell us _______.
A. who knows about setbacks           B. how to deal with setbacks 
C. when we have setbacks               D. what causes various setbacks
42. Setbacks may result from the following EXCEPT _______.
A. learning problems at school            B. weak competence in career
C. poor skills in communication         D. the rules of law in life
43. Guess the right meaning of the underlined word “supersession”.
A. depression                                 B. replacement
C. loneliness                                  D. emptiness
44. From the “key” given by the writer, we can infer that _______.
A. anger can be turned into useful power
B. those without ambitions are the happiest
C. psychological problems can be solved by yourself
D. doing something good for others adds to your worries

SHANGHAI: The Transportation Information System for 2010 Shanghai World Expo has been completed and put into trial operation, officials said yesterday.
The system which consists of three sub-systems will provide seven options to receive transportation information, including websites, transportation guides, radio and TV broadcasting, hotlines, message signs, mobile phone and enquiry machines, to satisfy tourists’ requirements for transport information in the Expo garden and around the city at all time.
Option 1: Official site for Expo traffic information
Inspired by Aichi Expo and the Beijing Olympic Games, the Shanghai event will also launch its official website of traffic information, www.jtcx.sh.cn.Mobile phone users can log on to www.jtcx.sh.cn/m.The website delivers daily traffic information as well as travel guide around Expo garden, and advocate using public transport during the event.
Option 2: Expo Transportation guide
Two portable travel guides were produced for the convenience of tourists in the Yangtze River Delta.
One mainly targets visitors from the 19 prefecture-level cities of the Yangtze River Delta.The map introduces information of intercity coach lines, car parks, subway transfers.It will be distributed free at highway tolls and is also available for download on the website.
The other one focuses on visitors in Shanghai.The map will detail the various entries leading to the Expo site, as well as bus stops and subway stations around the city.The introduction of over 90 bus lines connecting the Expo garden to the rest of the city will also be listed.The map will be available at hotels, railway stations, airports and residential areas.
Option 3: Radio and television broadcasts
Visitors can also get updated traffic information at home or on their mobile devices as the Shanghai Traffic information center will broadcast live traffic condition via radio and TV during the event, so that travelers can adjust their travel plan accordingly.
Option 4: Expo transport hotline
If radio and television broadcasts can not meet your needs of traffic information, organizers in Shanghai have also set up a special hotline for Expo traffic enquiries.There will be two hotline numbers 962010 and 12319 at your service twenty-four hours.
Option 5: Variable message signs
For drivers the variable message signs will become the first choice to access to traffic information.During the Expo, the signs will play an important role in helping drivers to receive traffic flow, speed, models and other information, as well as traffic incidents and road closure information, so as to avoid congestion.
Option 6: Mobile phone browsers and taxi terminals
Visitors can obtain real-time traffic conditions via mobile phone browsers.Traffic information will also be provided to car mounted terminals on the 4,000 Expo taxis, which will enable drivers to have timely access to real-time status on roads.
Option 7: Touch screen enquiry machine
As for visitors who stay at hotels who are unfamiliar with the place, the tourism bureau have set up in more than four hundred 3-star hotels the Tourist Information enquiry machine.Visitors can check at terminal routes to Expo garden from the hotels.
1.Which of the following is the best title of the passage above?
A.Seven ways to get Expo transportation info
B.Information on the move
C.Transportation on the way             
D.Shanghai and Expo
2.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A.Visitors can get the map of Shanghai Expo Transportation free of charge.
B.Visitors have access to the hotline of Expo traffic enquires only at night.
C.Traffic drivers will be well informed of the traffic conditions on the road.
D.Not all the 3-star hotels are equipped with the screen enquiry machines.
3.The underlined word “congestion” probably means ____.
A.squeeze               B.jam             C.noise           D.mess
4.During the Shanghai Expo, tourists can know the traffic information in the following way EXCEPT ____.
A.TV   B.Radio    C.Internet       D.Magazine

BEIJING — The rescue operations at a coal mine accident have ended with 105 miners dead.The State Council has organized an investigation team to probe (调查) into what caused the disaster in the city of Linfen, North China’s Shanxi Province.Preliminary investigations show the illegal mining of an unauthorized seam, and the number of miners who had been sent down the shaft far exceeded its capacity.

This mine was found to have long disregarded the rules to steal state coal, and did not have a list of miners employed to check the number of miners missing after the accident.

      How did such a coal mine get all the necessary licenses for production? How did it pass the three safety inspections the local government organized last month?

In response to this disaster, the Shanxi governor promised to set up hotlines for people to report illegal coal mines and rewards as high as 100,000 yuan for tip-offs.

We appreciate the action this governor has taken to solving the coal mining problems, and we believe that the reporting scheme will help to stop the existence of illegal coal mines.

But at the same time we have reason to question how governments at various levels supervise these mines.

The sad fact that such a mine with serious safety problems could pass three consecutive local government safety inspections in a month is enough to tell us how ineffective the safety inspections were.

What if these inspections were just a formality? What if the inspectors were bribed by the mine owners to turn a blind eye to the safety dangers? We can well imagine what would happen if reports about mine problems were handled by such officials.

So a thorough probe must find out who are responsible for the death of so many miners.A real safety inspection and management system must be established to guarantee that safety dangers will be removed.

1.What is NOT one of the causes of this coal mine accident?

A.The workers didn’t operate properly.

B.The mine didn’t obey the rules to mine for coal.

C.A lot more miners than allowed were working under the mine.

D.The safety inspections were ineffective.

2.According to the writer, who should be further investigated?

A.Mine owners and miners.

B.Miners’ families and mine staff.

C.Government officials and safety inspectors.

D.The Shanxi governor and miners.

3.What can we infer from the passage?

A.More than 105 miners died in the disaster.

B.Some other coal mines like this one exist in Shanxi province.

C.Safety inspectors just turned a blind eye to hidden dangers.

D.The three inspections were only a formality.

4.What does the underlined word “tip-offs” probably mean in Paragraph 4?

A.Some warnings.

B.Some money for one’s service.

C.Some secret information.

D.Some pieces of advice.


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