1. 去乡下看望祖父母;
2. 去电脑培训中心学电脑,时间为一个星期;
3. 读一些英语书籍,但不知该读哪些,请对方提些建议;
4. 表示收到来信的心情,向对方父母问好;
5. 盼望回信;
6. 词数为100左右。
Dear Charlie,
How are you? I'm happy to receive your letter. My summer vacation will start at the end of June and end in middle of August. Now I'll tell you about my plan for my summer vacation.
I plan to visit my grandparents who live in the country during my summer vacation. I miss them very much. Besides,I will spend a week taking a summer course in the computer,hoping it will help improve my computer study. What's more,1 would like to read more books. But I don't know what to read,I'd appreci?ate it if you are kind enough to give me some suggestions. So I think I will have a busy and colourful summer vacation. By the way,remember me to your parents.
What about your plan for holiday? I'm looking forward to your reply.
Yours,Li Qiang