
Passengers are banned from eating and drinking on subway trains, according to a regulation recently released by Nanjipg's transport authorities·Under the new rule, passengers should not eat or drink in subway cars, though they are still allowed to eat at the stations. The Metro operators will first warn and then fine violators between 20 yuan to 100 yuan.

The regulation caused a strong reaction of the whole society and started a heated discussion.Supporters say that passengers who eat on trains annoy others with unwanted smells and make messes with spilled food or beverages(饮料). However, some others believe otherwise, saying that the fast pace of big cities squeezes people's time and makes it hard for them to -get a proper meal. Authorities should be more tolerant of those who need to dine on the train.

















范文 (支持)

Nanjing’s transport authorities have recently declared a total ban on eating and drinking on subway trains. Those who violate the regulation shall be fined. Citizens’ opinions on the rule vary from person to person.

Personally, I am in favor of the rule. To begin with, eating and drinking on subway trains may annoy other passengers and the subway staff, as food and drink may be spilled or give out an unpleasant smell. Only by forcing the riders not to eat can we improve the carriage environment and relieve the staff of increasing workload. Furthermore, remains of food, unless taken away, will attract mice and other pests, which eventually brings risks to the subway operation. In this case, the eating ban on trains is a must to ensure smooth operation.

In short, this new regulation will ensure us a safe and wonderful travel experience. Moreover, by kicking the habit of eating on the subway, the passengers will develop a more civilized way of taking public transportation.


According to a regulation issued by Nanjing’s transport authorities, passengers are prohibited from eating or drinking on subway trains. It has generated considerable discussion in society. People’s opinions over it vary.

I am strongly opposed to the rule for the following reasons. First of all, the society should show more tolerance towards the passengers eating on the train. Due to their tight schedule, they have no choice but to take advantage of the time on the subway for their meal. In addition, some people like those with diabetes do need to eat food at particular times to control their sugar level. It is improper for the authority to fine them for their eating behavior. Last but not least, the regulation is funny in that there should be food stores inside some subway stations!

In short, not only will the regulation bring much inconvenience to passengers, but it will also spoil the reputation of the subway.



亮点说明:范文要点全面、结构明晰(总结题文(简述现状)-提出观点-论述观点),用语准确,文章中的“To begin with, Furthermore, In short,Moreover/ First of all, In addition, last but not least 等”过渡词的使用,使得文章过渡自然。且文章句式多变,展现了作者较高的英语水平,提升了文章的档次。例如定语从句“Those who violate the regulation shall be fined.”,动名词作主语“eating and drinking on subway trains may annoy other passengers and the subway staff,”,状语从句的省略“unless taken away”/非谓语作后置定语“According to a regulation issued by Nanjing transport authorities”倒装结构“Not only will the regulation bring much inconvenience to passengers”.这所有的一切成就了一篇好文章。



Volunteering abroad is great. Not only do you travel to an exotic country, you also meet like-minded people, and at the end of it all you have something to put on your CV to impress employers with. But did you ever stop to think about how great it is for the people on the receiving end?

In this context, Daniela Papi has a point---foreigners rushing heroically to volunteer in a country they’ve never heard of are unlikely to make a difference. But turning volunteering camps into classrooms, as Papi seems to advocate in her article, risks throwing the baby out with the bath water by putting people off of volunteering.

Rather, learning should be a natural part of the experience, and the key to creating such an environment is positioning everyone as equals. In order for that to happen, volunteers need competent leaders who create an environment of equality:

When, a few years ago, I joined a group of international volunteers to help a small farming community in the Swiss Alps, we were all quite ignorant about the local conditions. But thanks to our group leader, it was both a helpful project for the locals and a fun and eye-opening experience for us.Before we had even traveled (at our own expense) to the mountaintop village, our group leader had spent time with the villagers preparing the project to make sure it would be of benefit to them. She arranged for us to help in different areas, ensuring that we always worked alongside locals rather than for them. It was never "us" and "them", but always "we", like a big family. As a result, conversation flowed and we learned a great deal just by casually talking to the locals as we worked.At the end, we left with a deep appreciation for the labor of love that goes into producing the food we eat every day一一an appreciation we could treasure ourselves and share with our peers.

Volunteering isn't about saving someone's life, or even about changing it. It's about touching a different world and reminding ourselves that there is much, much more to life than the daily routines we take for granted.With that knowledge, maybe, just maybe, we can go on to really change the world.

By Lukas Thibaut

1.From Paragraphs 1 and 2, we can learn that____in international volunteering.

A. foreigners are not welcome in some local communities

B. blind enthusiasm fails to make the experience rewarding

C. the author agrees with Daniela Papi's opinions

D. international volunteering is actually a poor approach to education

2.The underlined word "that" in Paragraph 3 refers to___,

A. a natural part of the experience

B.the learning of volunteering

C. creating such an environment

D. positioning everyone as equals

3.What contributed to the success of the author's volunteering project in the Alps?

A . The volunteers were quite familiar with Swiss farmers' lives.

B. The volunteers worked in areas separated from the locals.

C. The group leader ensured that the project would be beneficial to both sides.

D. The group leader ensured that the volunteers got to know the local conditions.

4.From the author's viewpoint, what should international volunteers avoid?

A. Placing themselves above the locals.

B. Taking food for granted.

C. Disrespecting others' labor.

D. Being proud of volunteering.

5.Which best describes the author's attitude toward international volunteering?

A. Objective.   B. Doubtful.

C. Disapproving.  D. Supportive.


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