
His attitude to us is________ of a comrade.

A. one              B. it                C. that              D. these







Topping the class academically was certainly an advantage. Studying was a breeze for

Nigel. The reward was certainly incomparable to the little effort that he had to put it. It begin when he was selected to help the teachers in the computer laboratories.

The peak of his school career came not when he topped the school but when he was selected for the nationwide competition. Unlike everyone else, Nigel wanted to join the contest because he liked playing with the Lego sets and making something out of them. Nigel spent the next two months rebuilding the robot. It was during the time that Nigel found out about the prizes for the competition. Its well us auspices competitor. Alicia, from a neighboring school. His early intentions were forgotten. Getting the thousand-dollar prize was more important than anything else. Nigel decided to befriend Alicia. Unaware of his intentions, she told him all about the robot that she had been building for the competition. He even helped her to put the finishing branches to her robot. He was glad with the way things had progressed. His robot looked even better than Alicia’s and it was able to become a ball with its arms, something Alicia had failed to do.

On the day of the competition, he says Alicia. Everything dawned on her the minute she saw him among the competition. She stared at him, puzzled at first, then angry and finally a look of helplessness came over her.

The flashbulbs of the camera exploded in Nigel’s try. The robot bird performed actions so unique and different that the specialist judgments were the same. Nigel was so personal with himself that he did not even notice the girl standing a few feet away from him. Without her, he would never win the competition.

What reward did Nigel receive for doing well in his school work?

A. He was offered a part-time job      B. He was honored with a scholarship

C. He helped his teacher construct a robot      D. He helped in the computer laboratories

Nigel’s original intention of joining the contest was to ___.

A. be the top student of the school             B. being great honor to his school

C. constructs a robot with the Lego sets         D. wins the thousand-dollar prize

Why did Nigel help Alicia finish her robot?

A. He tried to make friends with her       B. He was fond of building robots

C. He intended to help her               D. He didn’t want her to suspect him

What is the author’s attitude towards Nigel’s actions?

A. He is mildly critical           B. He is strongly critical

C. He is in favor of them          D. His attitude is not clear

Bruce Jones thinks there is still a healthy thirst for exploration into underwater worlds on our own planet. After growing up with his grandfather who was in the marine construction business,  Jones quickly got a feel for the water. He started diving at age 9 and, by the 1980s, began offering advice for those interested in the submarine business. By 1993, he was running his own company, U.S. Submarines, which designed and built submarines for resorts and individuals.

Jones plans to spend $40 million in building a hotel where the most expensive rooms will be 50 feet under the sea off Eleuthera Island in the Bahamas. Unlike the Jules Undersea Lodge — the only undersea hotel now, just off the coast of Key Largo, Fla. — guests at the Poseidon won't need to put on a wet suit to get to their rooms. They also won't need to worry about changing pressure levels since the rooms will be kept at above-surface pressure. Instead, they can move easily to their $1,500-a-night underwater rooms by escalator.

“I think there are a large number of people who would be interested,” said Jones, “including anyone who is looking for a different experience.”

Each room will feature strong windows that look out onto coral gardens. There will be controls in each room that guests can use to change the lighting of the underwater worlds outside their windows and to provide food for fish swimming by.

“By now I envisioned (展望) we'd have whole underwater cities,” Craig Cooper, the director for the Aquarius research station said. “It's about time some of these visions became reality.”

1. Which of the following is the correct order of the events that happened to Bruce Jones?

a. Jones started running U.S. Submarines.

b. Jones began to learn to dive.

c. Jones planned to build an undersea hotel.

d. Jones began giving others advice on the submarine business.

A. a, b, c, d  B. a, c, b, d

C. b, d, a, c  D. b, a, c, d

2. We can learn from the second paragraph that the Jules Undersea Lodge________.

A. lies off Eleuthera Island in the Bahamas

B. is the first undersea hotel in the world

C. needn't provide wet suits for its guests

D. sends its guests to their rooms by lift

3. What do we know about Bruce Jones' undersea hotel from the passage?

A. It will be much cheaper than the Jules Undersea Lodge.

B. It has taken Jones $40 million to build it.

C. Guests in it will open the windows to give food to the fish.

D. Guests in it will see beautiful coral through the windows.

4. The underlined word “Poseidon” in Paragraph 2 refers to ________.

A. Bruce Jones' undersea hotel

B. Jules Undersea Lodge

C. an island off the coast of Key Largo

D. another name of Eleuthera Island

5. Judging by Cooper's words, his attitude towards underwater hotels is ________.

A. disappointed  B. critical

C. objective  D. hopeful

On Sunday while I was having my own Father’s Day celebration, I thought about my dad a lot. By the time I called to tell him that I loved him, he had already gone to bed. So I wrote the following to show what my dad means to me.
About 28 years ago, my dad was a used car salesman. Every Thursday night, he would head off to Shreveport, LA for the auction(拍卖会). Most of the time, I drove a car over there for him so he could sell it there.
One day, I was riding with my dad to Shreveport for the auction when he found a hitchhiker(搭车者)with a backpack. As soon as dad saw him, he pulled the car over and offered him a ride. Dad asked him his name and continued to talk to him about all sorts of things. I can’t recall why but he told dad a lot of terrible things that had occurred to him. I sat in the back seat and watched the scene with amazement. I could see that the hitchhiker changed his attitude as he could tell someone who was really listening to him.
We drove another forty-five minutes before we had to exit the interstate(州际公路). We pulled over and dad told him to keep his head up and things would start looking up for him soon. He reached into his pocket and handed the hitchhiker a twenty-dollar bill and then a the-dollar bill.
We drove on and my dad did not say a single thing. I was still completely amazed by what I just witnessed. I was always told everyone to never pick up a hitchhiker and yet my dad did it every single time he saw one. I’m sure that it made that poor man’s day, probably a month to follow.
While reflecting upon that story, I learned a lot about my dad and life. I learned that if you come from a place of service or compassion, you can change people’s lives. Just one single kind act can change someone’s life. It never occurred to my dad about not stopping to help him.
This is the type of person my dad is. Thank you for setting such high standards for me to follow.
Dad, I love you. Happy Father’s Day!
【小题1】The author and his dad met a hitchhiker(搭车者)_______.

A.when they were just warned not to pick up a stranger
B.on their way to Shreveport to sell a car
C.on their way to the west for a trip
D.when their car was running out of gas
【小题2】What do we learn about the hitchhiker from the passage?
A.Something unpleasant occurred to him.
B.He was going to the auction.
C.At first he didn’t believe in the author.
D.It was he who bought the author’s car.
【小题3】How did the author feel about his dad’s behavior at that time?
A.AngryB.AppreciatedC.Surprised D.Ashamed
【小题4】What did the author learn from his father?
A.Just a single kind act can make a difference.
B.Try learning to be a good listener.
C.Set high standards for yourself in life.
D.Offering a ride to a stranger is dangerous.

Churchill's full name was Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill. He was born in 1874. He was educated at Harrow School and the Royal Military College, Sandhurst.
In 1900 Churchill was elected a member of parliament .As First Lord of the Admiralty , in 1911, he was responsible for strengthening the British navy.
During World War I, he still remained a member of parliament, but he resigned from his post in the British navy, and became a soldier again, fighting in France. In 1917, however, he became Minister of Munitions . In this job, he encouraged the development and use of the tank, which was then a new weapon. After the war, Churchill held several government posts.
From 1931 to 1939, he was only a member of parliament. He had fallen into dislike because of his militant (war-loving) attitude. Even his closest friends discouraged him from seeking higher office. But when World War II started in 1939. Churchill returned to his former job as First Lord of the Admiralty.
In May 1940, he became Prime Minister. Throughout the war, Churchill showed great strength and energy. He worked for long periods with little sleep and traveled many thousands of miles. By the courage and determination expressed in his speeches, he inspired the people of Britain to keep on fighting. His speeches also gave hope to people in parts of Europe occupied by enemy forces.
In the general election at the end of the war, the Conservative Party, of which he was leader, was defeated. But he became Prime Minister again in 1951. He resigned as Prime Minister in 1955. However, he remained a member of parliament until 1964. Some time later, in 1965, he died.
【小题1】Before World War I, Churchill worked for his country as ____.

A.headmaster of Harrow SchoolB.a leader of the Britain Navy
C.a leader of the Conservative Party D.Prime Minister of Britain
【小题2】How many times was Churchill elected Prime Minister?
A.One. B.Two. C.Three. D.Four.
【小题3】What can we learn from Para. 4?
A.In 1938 Churchill left the parliament.
B.Churchill's closest friends were against his attitude toward war.
C.Churchill's closest friends always inspired him to seek higher office.
D.Churchill and his closet friends served in the army before World War II.
【小题4】We can know all the following from the text EXCEPT that ____.
A.Churchill gave up as Prime Minister in 1955
B.Churchill once became a soldier, fighting in France
C.Churchill's speeches encouraged the British people to keep on fighting
D.Churchill led his army to fight bravely and defeated the enemy in World War I

A young woman carrying a three-year-old child got on a bus. The conductor (售票员)hurried to give her a warm welcome and then kindly asked the other passengers to make more room for the woman and her child. On seeing this, people began to talk. "You know this conductor used to be very rude. Now suddenly he has changed his bad behavior(行为) , "said a middle-aged man.

"Yes, he should be praised and we must write a letter to the company," said a second passenger. "That's right," another lady said, "I wish a newspaper reporter were here so that more people could learn from this conductor. "

Just then a gentleman who looked like a teacher turned to the conductor and said , "Excuse me, but can I know your name, please? Your excellent service must be praised..."

Before he could open his mouth, the three-year-old child sitting on the young woman's lap(大腿) interrupted, "I know his name. I call him Dad."

1.The passengers were ________ to see the conductor's kindness to the woman and the child.

A.excited           B.pleased           C.interested         D.surprised

2.One passenger suggested writing a letter to the com­pany to ______  .

A.make a demand for more buses

B.thank the conductor for his good service

C.criticize the conductor for his rude behavior

D.invite a newspaper reporter to write about the conductor

3.The word "he" in the last paragraph refers to _______.

A.the gentleman                         B.the conductor

C.the middle-aged man                    D.the three-year-old child

4.It is clear from the story that the conductor _______.

A.has changed his attitude towards his work

B.has now been kind and polite to all passengers

C.has not changed his rude behavior to passen­gers

D.has now been kind and polite to women with children


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