
Customer's NameTom(16)Jackson
Address135-38 Roossevlet Avenue
Type of Service PlanFlat Rate Service﹩23.00(17)localcalls only
Complete Choice Basic﹩26.00Flexible calling plan
All Distance Online﹩40.00Unlimited nationwide calling
PaymentPay the bill every(18)monthby credit card
Account No.(19)SA75391
Connection Date(20)July3rd Friday


解答 16-20Jackson  local month SA75391 July


1.In Section A,you will hear ten short conversation betwwen two speakers.At the end of each conversation,a question will be asked about what was said.The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a conversation and question about it,read the four possible answers on your paper,and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
1.A.in a hospital.  B.in a school.  C.in a hotel.  D.in a police station.略
2.A.A programmar    B.A writer            C.A reporter      D.An operator略
3.At 6 p.m.  B.At 11 p.m.  C.At 5 p.m.  D.At 9 p.m.略
4.A.In July.  B.In August.  C.in January.  D.in October.略
5.A.300.  B.200.  C.150.  D.100.略
6.A.At last,she enjoys her college life.略
   B.College life hasn't changed much since this year.
   C.She has many new friends.
   D.It is easier to find her way around this year.
7.A.He was an interesting guy.略
   B.He deserved the title.
   C.He was very lucky to win the honour.
   D.His life was different from other people.
8.A.It will be an excellent facility in the neighborhood.略
    B.it isn't needed.
    C.It should be built quickly.
    D.it is time to go swimming.
9.A.The woman insists on going out.略
   B.The man promised her a gift on her birthday.
   C.The man is too tired to go out.
   D.The woman prefers to stay at home at their wedding anniversary.
10.A.She is thinner.略
     B.She doesn't eat much.
     C.She knows how to dress herself.
     D.She seems to have lost weight.

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