
  Any passenger on the subway who caught a glimpse of me may have already thought that I was strange. In particular this gentleman sitting opposite me was staring at me,at the cheese bun on the floor in front of me,and then back at me. “Next stop,St Patrick Station. ” My stop was quickly coming up. I had minutes to either take the cheese bun,which nobody else was claiming (as a passenger probably dropped it by mistake and got off at a previous stop) ,or leave it there and hope that it didn’t go to waste.

  In those few minutes I felt my pride getting in the way. “What would other people on this subway think of me if I took the cheese bun? Would they think that I was poor and hungry? Would they think that I’m stealing?”

  The ignorant thing to do was say “yes” to any of those self-imposed (自我强加的) questions,which would only justify my ego. But then I’d get off the subway,walk a block up the street to my office,get settled at my desk,and despite feeling comfortable,warm,and being well fed myself for the whole day,there would be a weight of guilt and regret weighing on my consciousness.

  My thoughts were pushing me towards pride and ignorance when the truth was evident:this missing cheese bun is a gift for a homeless person who is hungry and cold. For me it is a gift to overcome a little bit of ego and pass along so much kindness. It was clear that the homeless person who would receive this cheese bun needed it just as much as I did.

  Just as the doors opened at my stop,I grabbed the cheese bun and exited the subway. It felt awesome and I didn’t care if people were looking or what they thought. Instead of going directly to my office as usual,I walked a few more blocks up to Queen’s Park where I have seen a homeless man sitting outside many times on my walk from the gym to my office. I always wanted to give him something. There he was this morning,wrapped in a sleeping bag.

(   ) 1. As the author was getting off the subway,he    

   A. felt worried about where to go because he was a stranger in this city

   B. was suffering from hunger as he was hurrying to work without breakfast

   C. couldn’t decide whether to take the cheese bun on the floor in front of him or not

   D. took a glimpse of all the passengers,especially the gentleman sitting opposite him

(   ) 2. What is mainly discussed in the 2nd paragraph?

   A. The author’s concern about others.

   B. The inner struggle within the author.

   C. The author’s reaction to the problem.

   D. The author’s opinion towards the issue.

(   ) 3. The author grabbed the cheese bun the moment before he got off because    .

   A. he thought it a waste to leave the cheese bun there

   B. it reminded him of a homeless man he had met recently

   C. nobody was noticing him as they were getting ready to get off

   D. he valued kindness more than his own pride after a careful thought

(   ) 4. From the text we can know the author was    .

   A. caring   B. generous

   C. selfish   D. timid (胆小的)


1. C根据文章第一段中的"1 had minutes to either take the cheese bun,which nobody else was claiming (as a passenger probably dropped it by mistake and got off at a previous stop) ,or leave it there and hope that it didn't go to waste.”可知,作者不能决定拿不拿眼前的奶酪蛋糕。

2. B根据文章中的几个问题"'What would other people on this subway think of me if I took the cheese bun? Would they think that I was poor and hungry? Would they think that I'm stealing?'"可知,作者在进行内心的思想斗争。故选B项。

3. D[易错点拨]此题易错选B. 文章中的确提到过他经常遇到无


4. A根据文章第四段中的"My thoughts were pushing me to?wards pride and ignorance when the truth was evident: this missing cheese bun is a gif".”可知作者是有爱心的。


 Cheating is nothing new. But today,the Administrative Department for Education finds that examples of academic dishonesty on the part of students have become more frequent—and are less likely to be punished--than in the past. Cheating appears to have gained acceptance among good and poor students alike.

  Why is student cheating on the rise? No one really knows. Some blame the trend on a general loosening of moral values among today’s youth. Others have attributed (归因于) increased cheating to the fact that today’s youth are far more practical than their idealistic ancestors. Whereas in the late sixties and early seventies,students were filled with visions about changing the world,today’s students feel great pressure to survive and succeed. In interviews with students at high schools and colleges around the country,both young men and women said that cheating had become easy. Some suggested they did it out of hate for teachers they didn’t respect. Others looked at it as a game. Only if they were caught,some said,would they feel guilty. “People are com-petitive ,” said a second-year college student named Anna,from Chicago. “There is a potential fear. If you don’t do well,your life is going to be ruined. The pressure is not only from parents and friends but from yourself. To achieve. To succeed. It’s almost as though we have to surpass people to achieve our own goals. ”

  Edward Wynne,editor of a magazine blames the rise in academic dishonesty in the schools. He claims that administrators and teachers have been too hesitant to take action. Dwight Huber,chairman of the English Department at Amarillo sees the matter differently,blaming the rise in cheating on the way students evaluated. “I would cheat if I felt I was being cheated ,” Mr Huber said. He feels that as long as teachers give short-answer tests rather than essay questions and rate students by the number of facts they can memorize rather than by how well they can combine and process information,students will try to beat the system. “The concept of cheating is based on the false belief that the system is legal and there is something wrong with the individuals who’re doing it ,”he said, “that’s too easy an answer. We’ve got to start looking at the system. ”

(   ) 1. Educators are finding that students who cheat      

   A. have poor academic records

   B. use the information in late years

   C. can be academically weak or strong

   D. are more likely to be punished than before

(   ) 2. Which of the following statements reflects the in formation in the passage?

   A. The pressure students faced with is partly the reason causing the student cheating.

   B. Only the educational system and administrators are to blame for the rise in the cheating.

   C. The 1960s’ visions of changing the world helped students never make mistakes.

   D. Punishment for cheaters has always been severe in this country.

(   ) 3. The underlined words “the individuals”in the last paragraph refer to       

   A. students who practise cheating

   B. parents who put pressure on their children

   C. school administrators who approve of short-answer tests

   D. teachers who are too hesitant to take action against cheating

(   ) 4. The author probably would agree with the point of view that        .

   A. students who cheat should be driven out of school

   B. parents alone must take responsibility for the rise in student cheating

   C. the educational system is sound,and students must follow every rule

   D. the educational system in this country would benefit from a thorough evaluation

 Worry problems are everywhere in our daily life. How to solve them? The answer is that we must equip ourselves to deal with different kinds of worries by learning the three basic steps of problem analysis. The three steps are:

  Get the facts.

  Why is it so important to get the facts? Unless you have the facts,you can’t possibly attempt to solve your problem intelligently. Without the facts,all you can do is wondering around in confusion. It is not an easy job to get facts. When you are worried,your emotions are riding high.1.    

  When trying to get the facts,you can pretend that you are collecting this information not for yourself but for some other person.2.        You can also pretend that you are a lawyer preparing to agree. Try to get all the facts both on your side and the other side of the case. You will generally find the truth lies somewhere in between.

  3.        Whenever you are worried,write down the questions that make you worry. And write out all the various steps you could take and then the probable consequences of each step. For example,what am I worrying about? What can I do about it? Here is what I’m going to do about it. After carefully weighing all the facts,you can calmly come to a decision.

  Act on that decision.

  4.        How can you break the worry habit before it breaks you? Crowd worry out of your mind by keeping busy. Plenty of action is one of the best ways to cure worry.5.        If you know a situation is beyond your power,

say to yourself: “It is so;it can’t be otherwise. ”Don’t permit little things to ruin your happiness. Try to cultivate a mental attitude that will bring you peace and happiness.

   A. Accept what can’t be avoided.

   B. Analyze the facts.

   C. There comes a time when you must decide and never look back.

   D. But here are two ideas that can help you see the facts in a clear and objective way.

   E. Unless you take your action,all your face-finding and analysis is a sheer waste of energy.

   F. Decide how much anxiety a thing may be worth.

   G. This will help you to take a cold and fair view of the evidence.

  It was one of the hottest days of the dry season. We had not seen rain for almost a month. The crops were dying. Cows had stopped giving milk. If we didn’t see some rain soon,we would lose everything.

  I was in the kitchen making lunch for my husband and his brothers when I saw my six-year-old son,Billy,walking towards the woods. He was obviously walking with great effort. Minutes after he disappeared into the woods,he came running out again,towards the house.

  Moments later,however,he was once again walking towards the woods. This activity went on for over an hour: walking cautiously to the woods,then running back to the house. Finally,my curiosity got the best of me. I went out of the house and followed him on his journey.

  He was cupping both hands in front of him as he walked,being very careful not to spill the water he held in them. Branches and thorns (荆棘) slapped his little face but he did not try to avoid them. As I leaned in to spy on him,I saw the most amazing site.

  Several large deer appeared threatening in front of him. But Billy walked right up to them. I almost screamed for him to get away. And I saw a baby deer lying on the ground,obviously suffering from the heavy loss of water,lifting its head with great effort to drink the water cupped in my beautiful boy’s hands.

  I stood on the edge of the woods watching the most beautiful heart working so hard to save a life. As my tears began to hit the ground,they were suddenly joined by other drops...and more drops... and more. I looked up at the sky.  It was as if God,himself,was weeping with pride.

(   ) 1. Why did the author follow her son?

   A. Because there might be some danger.

   B. Because her son was doing a good deed.

   C. Because she was curious.

   D. Because she intended to help.

(   ) 2. Which of the following statements is NOT true ac cording to the passage?

   A. Rain was in great need.

   B. There were few trees in the woods.

   C. Billy carried water with his small hands.

   D. Billy walked into the woods and then returned over and over again.

(   ) 3. What Billy did mainly showed that he was        .

   A. caring   B. beautiful

   C. childlike   D. brave

(   ) 4. Which is the correct order of the development of the story?

① The author was moved to tears.

② Billy fed the water to the baby deer.

③ Billy walked towards the large deer.

④ It began to rain.

⑤ The author’followed Billy into the woods.

   A. ③②⑤①④.   B. ④①③②⑤

   C. ⑤③②①④   D. ⑤②①③④

 How to pass an important test Whether it’s a first grade science test or College Entrance Exam,all tests have one thing in common: you have to pass.

1.        Stuck in a situation where you don’t know what to do? This article can help.


★ 1. Once you get the study guide,make plans right away to study as soon as possible. No excuses!Killing time with friends isn’t worth it,since you can always hang out with them any other day.

★ 2. Get plenty of rest.

2.      If you walk into the classroom sleepily,you’ll most likely not finish the test because you are so tired.

★ 3. Eat a good meal for breakfast.

3.      Some healthy breakfast suggestions are oatmeal (燕麦片) ,high fibre food,and grapefruit with the fresh fruit salad.

★ 4. Bring all necessary materials.

4.        Bring pencils,pens,pencil sharpeners,snacks (if allowed) , erasers,the calculator (if allowed) and anything else you’ll need for the test.

★ 5. 5.        Showing up late cuts back the time you’ll have to take for the test if it’s already testing hours. You’ll probably miss any important information needed in completing the test. In some tests,late comers are not allowed to take the test.

   A. The exam tests vocabulary,reading and maths skills.

   B. One piece of cheese probably won’t last until test time.

   C. Don’t forget to set your alarm clock and show up on the test day on time.

   D. Studies show that if you get enough sleep,your brain will be much more efficient.

   E. Showing up without something as simple as a pencil can make a big effect on your test.

   F. Failing the test won’t help you in the long run,so it’s important to know how to prepare to pass that big test.

   G. This test is a challenging one and every year many students are unable to qualify it just because of lack of guidance.

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