
One moment please, I’m just trying to ________ to the computer company.

  1. A.
    put you over
  2. B.
    put you through
  3. C.
    go through
  4. D.
    look through
put over为及物动词词组,后接sth.意为“向……传达”;put you through意为“接通(电话)”;go through意为“通过”;look through“彻底地查看”,为及物动词词组。根据句意“等一下,我这就给您接通电脑公司”,可知应选B。

Howling is a behavior commonly observed among a wolf nark. An animals, wolves work together to hunt and rely on howling was an important means of communication each other. There are different explants of a wolf’s howl and it appears that there may be more to discover.      One theory is that wolves howl to bend better together. It’s almost as if howling together helps the pack stay together. Perhaps something similar to people feeling a sense of involvement with each other when singing a song together . But this theory may be wrong, explains Fred H. Harington, a professor who studies wolf behavior.     Indeed, there have been tines when wolves have been seen one moment howling in a exhorts, and the next, quarreling anions each other. It appears that usually the lowest-tanking menthes of the pack may actually be “punished” for
Joining in the churs at times. So is howling a way to strcagthen a social boad or just a way to reconfirm status among its members? ——Why do welves howl for sure?
What is cleat, however, is that howling is often used among packmates to locate each other. Hunting grounds are distant and it happens that woloves may separate from one another at times. When this happens, howling appcars to be an ercellent means of gathering.
Howling, interestingly, is a contagious behaviour. When one wolf starts to howl, very likely others will follow. This is often seen to occat in the morning, as if wolves were doing some sotr of “roll rall”where wolves all howl togeter to howl, very likely others will follow. This is often seen to occar in the morning, as if wolves were doing w some sotr of “roll call”where wolves all howl together to repotr their pteence.
【小题1】.What the por similarity between wolves’ how humaes ting in chorus?

A.The act of calling each other.
B.the sense of accomplishment.
C.The act of hunting for something.
D.The sense of belonging to a group.
【小题2】.Why does Harrington think the“secial boad”theory may be wrong?
A.Wolves separate from each other after howling.
B.Wolves tend to protect their hunting grounds.
C.Wolves sometimes have quarrels after howling together.
D.Wolves of low rank are encouraged to join in the chorus.
【小题3】Reseatchers are sure that wolves often howl to______.
A.show their ranks
B.find their companion
C.report the missing ones
D.express their lonelingess
【小题4】.“Howling… is a contagious behaviour”(in the last paragraph)means_______.
A.howling is a signal for hunting
B.howling is a way of communication
C.howling aften occurs in the morning
D.howling spreads from one to another

I used to live selfishly, I should admit. But one moment changed me.

I was on my lunch break and had  41  the office to get something to eat . On the way, I  42 a busker (街头艺人),with a hat in front of him. I had some  43 in my pocket, but I would not give them to him, thinking to myself he would  44  use the money to feed his addiction to drugs or alcohol. He  45  like that type---young and ragged.  46  what was I going to spend the money on ? Only to feed my addiction to Coca-Cola or chocolate! I then  47  I had no right to place myself above  48  just because he was busking.

I  49  and dropped all the coins into his  50 , and he smiled at me. I watched for a while. As  51  as it sounds, I expected something more to come from that moment—a feeling of  52  or satisfaction, for example. But nothing happened.  53 , I walked off. “It proved to be a waste of  54  ,” I thought.

On my way home at the end of the  55 , I saw the busker again and he was _56 . I watched him pick up the hat and walk  57 a cafe counter. There he poured the  58  contents into a tin collecting  59  an earthquake fund-raising (募捐) event. He was busking for charity!

Now I donate any  60  I have to charity tins and enjoy the feeling of giving.

1.                A.left            B.cleaned         C.prepared D.searched


2.                A.led            B.chose          C.saw  D.fooled


3.                A.chocolates      B.coins           C.tins  D.drugs


4.                A.almost         B.only           C.rather    D.still


5.                A.acted          B.looked         C.sounded  D.smelt


6.                A.Though         B.For            C.Therefore D.But


7.                A.declared        B.realized         C.expected D.guessed


8.                A.it             B.all             C.him  D.them


9.                A.waited         B.followed        C.stopped  D.arrived


10.               A.rag            B.hat            C.pocket    D.counter


11.               A.selfish         B.awkward        C.innocent  D.special


12.               A.happiness       B.sadness        C.love  D.hate


13.               A.Disappointedly   B.Unfortunately    C.Coincidentally  D.Comfortably


14.               A.words          B.effort          C.space D.money


15.               A.moment        B.day            C.break D.event


16.               A.walking around   B.passing by       C.packing up D.running off


17.               A.around         B.in             C.behind    D.to


18.               A.chief          B.basic           C.actual D.total


19.               A.by            B.for            C.on   D.with


20.               A.work          B.time           C.energy    D.change



All he wanted was some juice. As high school students sat in a cafeteria on that cloudy afternoon, he was   36__. We sat near yet away from him, fixing our hair and   37__ about the test period we hadn’t studied for. He was far away from our world, but was   38__ to be a part of it.

He stood at the drink machine on purpose, fumbling(摸索)in his fake(假的)leather wallet for some   39__. He   40__ a wrinkled dollar bill, and   41__ glanced back at his table where other students were sitting. With the help of a six-year-old, he tried to make the machine __42   his money. After a few unsuccessful   43  , the snicker(窃笑)and comment began. People were laughing. Some were even throwing things at him. He began to __44  , and his eyes misted with tears. I saw him turn to sit down,   45__. But for some reason, he decided to try again. He wasn’t leaving until he got a   46__.

With a determined expression, he continued to  47   thrust(插入)the dollar bill into the machine. Then something terrific happened. A popular senior girl   48   from her seat, and with a(an)   49   of genuine compassion(同情), went over to the boy. She explained why the machine had a hard time accepting dollars sometimes, then gave him some change and showed him   50   to place it. The boy gave her his dollar and chose a flavor of fruit juice. Then the two walked off in different __51__.

Although it was __52__ that they were from very different __53__, for one moment, they had shared a real understanding. As I walked away from my lunch table that day, I looked at the boy. I remembered thinking how he and the   54   were very much alike, they both weren’t accepted. But just   55   the dollar had found a place in a caring girl’s pocket, I was sure that boy would finally find his, too.

1. A. hungry            B. thirsty         C. anxious                        D. popular

2.A. worrying           B. arguing          C. taking           D. learning

3.A. expected           B. volunteered      C. forced          D. preferred

4.A. coin               B. card             C. check            D. change

5.A. took out            B. took up         C. took off         D. took away

6.A. nervously          B. proudly          C. carelessly                     D. angrily

7.A. test               B. mark             C. accept          D. prove

8.A. steps              B. bills            C. measures         D. attempts

9. A. tremble           B. shout            C. smile           D. embarrass

10.A. satisfied                             B. defeated         C. tired           D. bored

11.A. praise            B. comfort          C. drink           D. reward

12.A. excitedly         B. regularly       C. patiently       D. secretly

13.A. rose              B. struggled        C. jumped           D. fell

14.A. look              B. appearance      C. behavior         D. attitude

15.A. what       B. where                   C. why              D. when

16.A. feelings  B. manners                  C. directions       D. steps

17.A. clear     B. convenient               C. fortunate        D. doubtful

18.A. worlds            B. schools         C. villages          D. offices

19.A. juice      B. dollar                  C. girl             D. change

20.A. because          B. until           C. as           D. before


Howling is a behaviour commonly observed among a wolf pack. As pack animals, wolves work together to hunt and rely on howling as an important means of communication among each other. There are different explanations of a wolf’s howl and it appears that there may be more to discover.

One theory is that wolves howl to bond better together. It’s almost as if howling together helps the pack stay together. Perhaps something similar to people feeling a sense of involvement with each other when singing a song together. But this theory may be wrong, explains Fred H. Harrington, a professor who studies wolf behaviour.

Indeed, there have been times when wolves have been seen one moment howling in a chorus, and the next, quarreling among each other. It appears that usually the lowest-ranking members of the pack may actually be “punished” for joining in the chorus at times. So is howling a way to strengthen a social bond or just a way to reconfirm status among its members? —Why do wolves howl for sure?

What is clear, however, is that howling is often used among packmates to locate each other. Hunting grounds are distant and it happens that wolves may separate from one another at times. When this happens, howling appears to be an excellent means of gathering.

Howling, interestingly, is a contagious behaviour. When one wolf starts to howl, very likely others will follow. This is often seen to occur in the morning, as if wolves were doing some sort of “roll call” where wolves all howl together to report their presence.

1.What is the possible similarity between wolves’ howling together and humans’ singing in chorus?

A. The act of calling each other.          B. The sense of accomplishment.

C. The act of hunting for something.      D. The sense of belonging to a group.

2.Why does Harrington think the “social bond” theory may be wrong?

A. Wolves separate from each other after howling. 

B. Wolves tend to protect their hunting grounds.

C. Wolves sometimes have quarrels after howling together.

D. Wolves of low rank are encouraged to join in the chorus.

3.Researchers are sure that wolves often howl to ______.

A. show their ranks               B. find their companions

C. report the missing ones          D. express their loneliness

4.“Howling… is a contagious behaviour” (in the last paragraph) means _______.

A. howling is a signal for hunting       

B. howling is a way of communication

C. howling often occurs in the morning   

D. howling spreads from one to another


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