
6.In the new curriculum,some courses are        ,while others are optional for middle school students.(  )

分析 在新课程中,一些课程是必修的,而其它的是供中学生选修.

解答 答案是B.本题考查形容词词义辨析.A项traditional表示"传统的";B项compulsory表示"强制的,必修的";C项impressive表示"印象深刻的";D项significant表示"重要的";题干中optional表示"可供选择的;选修的";optional 和compulsory是一组反义词,所以本题选择B,表示"必修的".

点评 辨析形容词要在识记常见形容词及其搭配的基础上理解语境,根据具体语境推断合理的答案.

11.It was one of the hottest days of the dry season.We had  not seen  (16)B   in almost a month Every day,my husband and his brothers would  (17)C the process of trying to get water to the fields (18)D  we saw some rain soon,we would lose everything.(19)B   and witnessed the only   (20)A   I had seen with my own eyes.I was in the kitchen making lunch for my husband and his brothers when l saw my six-year-old son,Billy,(21)C  toward the woods.I could only see his back.He was obvfously walking with a great (22)A   trying to be as still as possible.Minutes after he  (23)D into the woods,he came running out again,toward the house.I went back to make sandwiches,(24)A   that whatever task he had been doing was completed.Moments later,(25)C.he was once again walking slowly toward the woods.This activity went on for an hour.(26)B   I couldn't take it any longer,followed him on his journey and saw the most amazing (27)D.
Several large deer stood in front of him Billy walked right up to them.I almost (28)A for  him to get away.A huge deer with big antlers was (29)C close,but the deer didn't even (30)Das Billy knelt down.And I saw a tiny deer lying on the ground,obviousfy suffering from(31)A  lift its head with great efforts to lap up the water cupped in my beautiful boy's hands.When the water was  (32)C   Billy jumped up to run back to the house to get more.it then became (33)B  to me.
I stood on the edge of the woods watching the (34)A  boy working so hard to save another life.As the tears that rolled  dovn my face began to hit the ground,they were suddenly joined by other drops.It was as if the God,himself was(35)A  with pride.The rain that came that day saved our farm just like the actions of one little boy who saved  another.

17.A go alongB.go onC.go aboutD.go after
21.A runningB.jumpingC.walkingD.dashing
23.A lostB.slippedC.wanderedD.disappeared
24.A  thinkingB.wonderingC.worryingD.doubting
25.A thoughB.besidesC.howeverD.therefore
30.A pauseB.panicC fightD.move
31.A thirstB.illnessC.woundD.pain
35.A weepingB.appearingC.comingD.raining
1.Villagers of the high desert of Ladakh in India's Jammu and Kashmir state used to harvest plentiful crops of wheat,fruits,and vegetables in summer.But for years the streams have run dry in spring,just when farmers needed water to sow seeds.They had water when it wasn't needed during the rest of the year,such as in winter,when people let water run from taps to prevent pipes from freezing and bursting.Villagers blame climate change for causing glaciers (冰川) to shrink by melting them faster than before.
To solve the water-shortage problem,Sonam Wangchuk,a mechanical engineer,and his team of volunteers are building a huge vertical block of ice in Phyang,nine miles from Leh,the capital of Ladakh.When spring comes and the artificial glacier melts,farmers will have flowing water.This method stores water without the need for concrete water storage tanks or dam.While it won't stop glaciers from shrinking,it could help people adapt to a warming world.
Last winter,Wangchuk built a six-meter-high  prototype  on am open riverbank totest his novel idea.It stored 150,000liters of water at 3,170meters,the lowest altitude in Leh valley.This,he said,proved ice pyramids (金字塔)can be built anywhere in the region.When the prototype lasted until mid-May,he was encouraged to attempt a 30-metre-high pyramid of ice this winter.But the cost of piping water from the Phyang stream,1.5miles away,was a huge S 100,000.Not discouraged,he somehow raised the money and work began on 21January.
The site was waterproofed with clay (粘土),so when the ice pyramid melted,water would not get into the desert sand.Sprinklers (喷淋装置)sprayed water from above,and the cold wind froze the tiny drops of water as they hit the ground.A cone of ice built up slowly but steadily.With only two more weeks of winter left,time is running short.The pyramid will likely be no more than 15meters high when completed,half the size of the planned 30meters.
"This year was the first time,so there were complications and delays,Wangchuk said."We wanted to achieve two things--to show how to make an ice pyramid and how to green a patch of desert."It's difficult to say how many people will eventually benefit;Fhyang village has only 2,000people.But there'll he enough water for many more.This is an economic as well as ecological activity."
In the coming years,Wangehuk hopes to build 80to 90ice pyramids,each more than 30meters tall,in Phyang village.They'll store 1bn liters of water,enough to irrigate 600hectares ( 1,500acres) of desert,he says.To make so many ice pyramids,the only additional investment is the pipeline.Wangehuk said:"We need more pipes so we can extend it farther and farther.It will take another $ 100,000to make the other ice pyramids."Once the pipes are laid,frozen ice pyramids can be built year after year without pumping in more money.The underground pipes will last a hundred years.But for now,the desert around the 3,500-metre-high Phyang will turn green in summer,as water flows for the first time in many years.

41.The writer mentions the harvest of crops in Ladakh at the beginning of the passage in order toC.
A.remind people of the importance of water protection 
B.show what people's life used to be like in India
C.provide background information for Wangchuk's effort
D.discuss the relationship between crops and water supply
42.The underlined word"prototype"( Paragraph 3)probably meansA.
A.the first design or model from which other forms are copied or developed
B.the glacier that provides the farmland and nearby rivers with water
C.a tall concrete building that consists of at least three floors
D.a small hill in cold areas where trees and grass can be planted
43.One problem with Wangchuk's method is thatB.
A.the ice pyramid can't store enough water     
B.it is quite expensive to lay the pipes
C.the ice pyramid can't be built high enough    
D.the weather can be too warm for the water to freeze
44.According to the above passage,one advantage of Wangchuk's method is thatD.
A.it can stop glaciers from shrinking        
B.ice pyramids can be built anywhere in Leh valley
C.you can build as manyice pyramids as you like    
D.there is no need to build concrete dams
45.Where can you possibly find the above passageA?
A.In a newspaper.
B.In an official document.
C.In a travel journal.
D.In a research paper.
18.Editor Henry Slocum,
     I read your May 10th article in the local newspaper Honesdale Times about electronic books,or e-books,with great interest.You made several good points about the disadvantages of e-books.You may have overlooked,however,some of the ways in which they are superior to traditional books.Yes,e-books are expensive,but they are also convenient.In addition,due to their environment-friendly nature,e-books have the potential to change our planet for the better.
     E-books,for anyone who is unfamiliar with the term,are about the same size and shape as regular books.They have a large screen in the middle,however.This screen shows the reader a page of text that has been downloaded from a computer.Once the reader has finished reading the page on the e-book screen,he or she scrolls down to see a new page.The process continues until the entire book has been read.
     As you pointed out,Mr.Slocum,it's great to lie on a warm,sandy beach with a book.You can do that just as easily with an e-book as you can with a traditional paper book.In fact,because e-books are so light,you can carry them anywhere.Say,for example,that you like to read on the bus.Which would you rather carry with you-a heavy 800-page novel,or an e-book that weighs only a few ounces?
    Another important advantage is offered by e-books as well.They are more environment friendly than traditional books.At present,thousands of trees are cut down each year to meet the publishing industry's demand for paper.Books that don't sell are eventually returned to the publisher and destroyed.This terrible waste could be avoided if everyone used e-books,which require no paper.
David Eng41.What does Editor Henry Slocum think about e-books?B
42.What is mainly talked about in Paragraph 2?A
A.What an e-book is.
B.Why e-books are popular.
C.How e-books have developed.
D.Who are the readers of e-books.
43.In David's letter,he thinks thatC.
A.E-books will come down in price
B.E-books come in various sizes and shapes     
C.E-books do little harm to the environment
D.E-books are no better than traditional books
44.Which of the following statements is true?B
A.Large quantities of trees are cut down to help to make e-books.
B.Editor Henry Slocum ignored some advantages of e-books.
C.E-books are harmful to eyes according to the article.
D.It's a waste of materials to use e-books.
45.The main purpose of the letter is toD.
A.explain how to read e-books
B.honor the person who invented e-books
C.scold publishers for wasting so much paper
D.provide evidence that e-books are a good idea.
15.Bored by the Chinese courses he was majoring in,Zuo Cheng,18,couldn't imagine having to drag himself into class day after day,week after week,for four years.
The Beijing Language and Culture University student decided that enough was enough.
"It may seem like I've wasted a year and have to start college all over again,but now that I've settled on a field I'll be able to concentrate."Zuo said.
Zuo is not alone.
At the China Three.Gorges University in Yicljang in Hubei Province 53 out of 59 students in the Physics Department took transfer exams last semester.(62)D
"(63)FMany students picked colleges before majors,only to discover their mistakes a few weeks after arrival on the campus."said Jiang Xin,20,who was able to switch to electrical engineering and automation from physics.He said that physics graduates had few other options besides going into teaching,(64)C
A new survey,of 2,500 students nationwide starting in September this year,suggests that as much as 35 percent of students are disappointed by their courses.
However,Shao Yangfang,who works at the admission office of University of International Business and Economics in Beijing,advised students to consider both short-term and long-term goals.
"After graduation do you want to find yourself in a job very specially related to your college major?Or,would you like to possess the knowledge and skills that will enable you to work in many areas?(65)AAbove all,your choice of major should be based on your own interest,abilities and personality."Shao said.

A.These are the questions students need to consider.
B.After rounds of exams and interviews,he managed to transfer to the Department of International Accounting.
C.He added that a career in education just didn't suit him.
D.Unfortunately only 22 of them got a place on another major.
E.Many college students don't care about their future career.
F.When we were at high schools very few of us understood how a major relates to a career.
G.When we were at high schools,we already knew what are hot majors and what are unexpected ones.

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