
假设你是李华, 你们学校计划组织学生去长城进行“我爱长城”的宣传活动,请你给你们班的交换生James写一封邮件,邀请他参加。内容包括:








提示词:涂鸦 graffiti

Dear James,

I'm Li Hua. _______________________________________________________________________________







Would you like to join us? Hope to see you then.


Li Hua


Malia Obama, the elder daughter of former US President Barack Obama, would postpone enrolling in Harvard. She would take a gap year.

Gap years are so popular in Britain that more than 200,000 students take them every year. However, they are virtually unknown to many students in the US. Only about 1 percent of graduating seniors, or about 30,000 Americans students, decide to take a year off between high school and college.

Gap years, as defined by most US colleges, are structured educational periods of travel, volunteering or other kinds of learning through experiences. They usually have to be approved by the colleges which students plan to attend, and more American students, like Malia Obama, have started to take gap years.

According to American Gap Association(AGA)surveys, there was a 22 percent increase in students taking gap years in 2015 over the previous year.

While many colleges and particularly public universities don’t allow students to postpone enrollment, Florida State Universality has begun encouraging its freshmen to take a year off from their studies in order to get some extra maturity and new experience.

“We know very clearly now that gap years can be an educational experience that changes you completely,” said Joe O’shea, the president of(AGA),“Gap years help increase students’ focus while their identities and future plans take shape.”

She believes gap years are good ways for young people to get away from their comfortable lives or pressures from society, and to see their lives from a new angle. “It helps you choose your path, instead of letting it choose you.

Karis Engle spent a year with a charitable organization in Haiti at age 18. The experience has made her realize that she wants to help others. Now Engle has become the president of the Glades Initiative, a non-profit organization that helps with food security in communities in southern Florida. She said the immersion in a very different culture completely changed her worldview. By the time she entered Bethel College in Kansas a year later, her life had changed. “I felt like I was different from most people there. I knew clearly what I wanted to study, which was international development with an emphasis on social work.”

1.The example of Malia Obama is to show ________.

A. some American students begin to take gap years

B. taking gap years is necessary for American students

C. fewer students want to take gap years in America

D. famous persons encourage their children to take gap years

2.From the passage, we can infer that ________.

A. American governments support seniors to take gap years

B. American students taking gap years will have a sharp increase soon

C. students who take gap years needn’t apply to college

D. students taking gap years are not just for making money

3.Karis Engle thinks ________.

A. taking gap years has influenced her cultural choices

B. taking gap years seldom affects participants’ worldview

C. taking gap years is very valuable for her to choose her career

D. taking gap years is helpful for her entry into college

4.What is the main purpose of the passage?

A. To advertise for taking gap years.

B. To introduce the situation of gap years in the US.

C. To discuss how to take gap years.

D. To share opinions about taking gap year.

Planning before buying something is a good idea. For example, you are going to buy a pet dog, you still have to consider a few things and plan them well before you welcome it in the house. 1. You will also have to train it well so that it does not misbehave in front of people. You should realize that it is a big responsibility.

2. Think about whether your pocket can manage the purchase, as well as different items for keeping the dog. If something goes wrong with the health of your pet, you will have to spend some extra money on it.

The next thing you need to consider is your home. 3. You will also have to consider the family members. If your living place is already too crowded with people, getting a dog as an additional member of the house will not be a good idea.

4. Make sure nobody is allergic (过敏的) to the fur of the dog. Also make sure that you can easily find time to train the dog. Ensure that your family is welcoming to this idea.

5. When you are bringing this best friend in your house, you must make sure everything is right for it. You should make life easier for it, as well as others who are living in your house.

A. Looking after your dog doesn’t only mean taking it for a walk or playing with it.

B. A dog is supposed to be man’s best friend.

C. Before you think about getting a dog, think about the affordability (经济承受力).

D. The training should start as soon as the dog is in your care.

E. Once the dog has learned how to sit, you may teach him to shake hands.

F. You will also have to think about any health problems related to your family.

G. A small apartment will not be fit to house a large dog.

Children make quicker decisions to eat “tasty” food and reward centres in their brains light up after watching food commercials on television, compared to non?food commercials, a small study finds.

The researchers studied 23 children aged 8 to 14 who gave taste and health ratings for 60 food items. Afterwards, kids chose whether to “eat” or “not eat” each food item—without actually eating them—while undergoing brain scans. The scans measure changes in blood flow within the brain, which is thought to reflect the activity of brain cells.

While the kids were making their decisions, they were periodically shown TV commercials, some for fast food outlets and some for non?food businesses. Each set of commercials was followed by a set of 10 food choices.

In general, kids did not choose foods based on their health ratings and chose based on taste. But after watching a food commercial, taste seemed even more important to them and they made their choices faster. The area of the brain involved in reward valuation was more active during food decisions after watching food?related commercials than after non?food commercials.

“What we know from studies like this one is that food marketing has effects that go beyond simply increasing our liking or wanting of the product being advertised and actually affect our preferences for all foods in that category,” said Emma Boyland of the University of Liverpool.

“Parents should be aware of these results so that they can put limits on screen time that involves food advertising,” Bruce said. “They should also discuss with children the importance of thinking about commercials properly.” “But commercials are almost everywhere—television, online, radio, clothing. As adults, we have to work to teach children that a real healthy diet to support a full and active life contains very little of the food they see advertised,”Boyland said.

1.What were the children asked to do in the research?

A. Select favourite commercials. B. Decide whether to eat or not to eat.

C. Observe the activity of brain cells. D. List health ratings for some foods.

2.What happened to the children after watching food commercials?

A. The reward centres in their brains acted actively.

B. They made food choices based on health ratings.

C. They confused taste rating with health rating of the foods.

D. They had a good command of the methods to choose foods.

3.What can we infer from Boyland's words?

A. Food marketing should be strictly controlled.

B. It's hard to stop kids being exposed to food advertising.

C. Parents should forbid children to watch food commercials.

D. Children should be warned not to eat the advertised foods.

4.What is mainly talked about in the passage?

A. Children make decisions quickly when watching commercials.

B. Children's bad eating habits are mainly caused by food commercials.

C. Parents are concerned about the effect of food advertisements on kids.

D. Food advertisements can have a great effect on children's eating habits.

I always feel sorry for world leaders busy dealing with fights between nations. When my three children were young, most days it was hard keeping my __ from becoming a battlefield.

It got worse as they got older. Three years ago, Zack, then 16, couldn’t make it __ a day without making his __, Alex 11 and Taryn 9, angry.

My husband and I tried to be understanding the boy at such an age. We reasoned, punished, and __ heartfelt notes on his bed about __ he was hurting our family. His answer was “I say it because it’s true.”

I __ tried telling the girls to fight back. Bad idea. Now I had three children at war. __ I said to them, they paid no attention. When there was no __ out, I told everything to my sister in an e-mail. She replied, “Don’t __ me. E-mail him.”

Our son was online every day, mailing and talking with his friends. Maybe he would actually __ me this way. I didn’t say anything __, but e-mail just took the __ away. There’d no shouting or door banging. Zack wouldn11 feel __.

Zack didn’t __ for days. When he finally did, his entire message was four small words. I __ when I read them: “You’re right. I’m sorry.

The children still fought, of course, __ Zack changed. __, I now have a better way to talk with not one but three of them. I like that they don, t __ me as much as, they used to. They like not having to listen to me shouting to them. Or __ Alex says, “You’re so much nicer online.”

All I know is that the house is quiet,but we’re __.

1.A. house B. garden C. neighborhood D. backyard

2.A. into B. within C. through D. over

3.A. cousins B. brothers C. neighbors D. sisters

4.A. advertised B. left C. attached D. took

5.A. where B. when C. why D. how

6.A. even B. still C. ever D. again

7.A. However B. Wherever C. Whichever D. Whatever

8.A. way B. access C. path D. approach

9.A. call B. ask C. e-mail D. inform

10.A. find B. hear C. recognize D. write

11.A. normal B. else C. nice D. different

12.A. tension B. pressure C. gap D. misunderstanding

13.A. at home B. in vain C. under attack D. at a loss

14.A. fight B. reply C. appear D. comment

15.A. shouted B. froze C. smiled D. signed

16.A. so B. and C. or D. but

17.A. Best of all B. After all C. Therefore D. Instead

18.A. blame B. ignore C. interrupt D. dismiss

19.A. when B. as C. what D. as if

20.A. quarreling B. working C. talking D. travelling

When Seattle-based poet Heather McHugh won $500,000 from the Mac Arthur Foundation, she didn’t buy a Maserati or fly to Paris. Instead, she put the money in the bank and continued teaching college courses and writing poetry. It wasn’t until about two years later, in 2011, that she finally figured out what to do with it.

She discovered there are millions of caregivers in the United States taking care of the chronically(长期地)ill or disabled. “It’s a heartbreaking contract of love,” she says. So in 2012, Heather formed Caregifted, a non-profit organization that offers a seven-day, all-expenses-paid vacation to Vancouver Island to people who have been caregivers for at least ten years.”It’s hard physical, psychological, and emotional work. “It’s clear they deserve and need a respite,” she says.

Tricia Eisner, a single mother of 19-year-old triplet(三胞胎中的一个)boys,two of them with severe illness, was one of the first caregivers to go on vacation, in 2013. When Tricia got a phone call saying Caregifted wanted to send her to Eastport,Maine,she “couldn’t believe” someone would pay for her to go on a vacation; disbelief gave way to concern about her sons. But after two days away, the worry was gone. n After being in Maine by myself, with nobody to take care of or think about except myself, I realized that rock was gone," says Tricia. She was afraid the heaviness would return when the week was over, but to her surprise, it hasn’t been back since.

Heather says, “Everybody needs restorative time. For some, it’s life-extending.” Tricia and the other guests aren’t the only ones to benefit from Caregifted ; Heather has too. “I thought I was the queen of love, being a poet, ” Heather says. “But I didn’t know a thing about love until I met these people.”

1.Whom is Caregifted intended for?

A. The disabled. B. The kids.

C. The caregivers. D. The patients.

2.What does the underlined word “respite” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

A. reward B. rest

C. job D. promotion

3.How did Tricia feel after staying in Maine for two days?

A. Concerned. B. Relieved.

C. Excited. D. Doubtful.

4.What does the last paragraph suggest?

A. People benefit when they give.

B. Poets are full of love and helpful.

C. Caregifted is life-extending.

D. Heather once lackedlove.

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