
14.Apple Company has begun its Apple Pay service,_______ you can buy what you need more quickly and conveniently.(  )

分析 苹果公司已经推出了苹果支付服务,这样你加可以更加方便快捷地购买你需要的东西了.

解答 答案:C

点评 并列连词用来连接并列句.常用的并列连词有:表并列关系的and,neither…nor.,either…or…,as well as,not only…but also…;表转折关系的but,yet,however,still,while;表选择关系的either…or…,neither…nor…,or,otherwise;表因果关系的for,therefore,so,学习时要加以区分和掌握.

4.A.Keep a record.
B.Reflect on life's briefness.
C.Reflect on your past mistakes.
D.Reflect on how amazing you are.
E.Stop trying to win others'approval.
F.Think whether it will really bother you later.

Five Ways to Instantly Rid Yourself of Needless Worry
A while back,I had a great day and everything was going exactly as I wanted.I was meeting tons of new people and everything was amazing.I felt like I've accomplished a lot.Then suddenly,like an unexpected swift jab,someone made a small remark about me.I felt hurt and the worry began flowing in.Over the years,I've developed belief systems that help me get rid of these worries.I want to share these with you.
61.E It just isn't possible to get everyone to like you.Trust me,I've tried.This only leads to disappointment on a daily basis,since you can't possibly live up to the entire world's expectations.Here's a new goal for you instead if you really want to get rid of worry and unhappiness from your life.Focus on what you think of yourself.Who cares what that stranger thinks?If you're happy with who you are and you know what weaknesses you should fix then forget about the world.Life is bigger than trying to look awesome; life is about actually being awesome.
62.F The first thing I ask myself is,will this negative thought affect me in the future at all?Is it going to decrease my quality of life somehow?More often than not,it's just something I'll soon forget about anyway.So I put myself into the future by a couple of days and imagine myself.In this vision,I realize that I won't be bothered by something so small and I most likely wouldn't even remember it.A lot of times,just the idea of it fleeting away very soon is enough for me to block out these disturbances.
63.D When I feel like I'm inadequate based on the need for approval from others,I begin to do some self-reflect on my achievements.I think about how much I've improved in the past year.I've met amazing people,developed active listening skills,and started something I've been thinking about for the past two years.Looking further back,I transformed from a socially awkward kid to a socially lively and confident person.All thanks to mental skills that I consciously yield.I was blessed with true fortunes that others do not have; I was blessed with the gift of self-improvement.
64.A Write anywhere you can,whether it's in a blog,in your journal,or on a post-it note that you can throw dramatically into the ocean.Get those worries out onto paper.Look at it,assess its importance,then tear it,burn it,or throw it into the ocean like I just said.You can then look back at that paper you just destroyed and laugh at how ridiculous you were being.Who cares if that lady looked at you strangely?Who cares that someone may have noticed stains on your new white sneakers?Write all of that,then destroy it.
65.B Finally,just reflect on how short life is; focus on how life is constantly fleeting.Do you really want to spend what little time you have on this beautiful earth worrying about something you won't even remember by next week?Don't be silly,get out there and enjoy life.You've got it pretty good,I'd bet.Don't waste it on needless worry.
5.I was never tired of heating their story.As a little girl,I'd sit beside my mom with their wedding album spread across my lap,slowly turning the pages of 8 x l0 glossy black and white photographs.I'd trace my fingers along their faces,along that white wedding dress.
"Tell me again,"I said."Tell me again about you and dad."
And she'd smile and her eyes would crinkle(眯起来)and she'd get that loving look and then she'd repeat once more Their Love Story.
I'd smile too and stare at that photo of my mom looking so beautiful and my dad so tall and handsome.
"Your dad was tall and really good-looking as he stood by his classroom door greeting his students.Besides coaching,he taught history and social studies.I often stole a few looks since my classes were nearby.That year I had many conversations with‘Mr.Kehoe',sometimes when he had lunch duty,sometimes when I had cheerleading practice.He was appointed cheerleader sponsor and I'd been a cheerleader for four years.
We were married that November during the Thanksgiving holiday.1 went from a graduate one year to a teacher's wife the next!
But part of the story that I loved most,that all my life I thought was magical and wonderful and amazing and exciting and oh-so romantic.
So,what do you think?Did God speak to me?
"I'd catch and hold my breath,then exclaim,"Oh,yes!God told you that you'd marry Dad!"
Now can you see why I loved heating Their Love Story?And SO their wedding.Then their
marriage.Then their family.Three babies in three years,then a fourth.Then,what else would you expect after heating the Voice of God-years and years and years of Happy Moments!
Now it's come to this:60 years of marriage!

56.The underlined  word"trace"in Paragraph 1 probably means"D"
57.According to the passage,we know the girl'S dad was aA
58.We can learn from the passage thatC.
A.the couple has three children in all
B.the album was all the photos of the girl
C.the girl heard her parents'love story many times
D.the girl's mother got married in December after graduating
59.The author enjoyed listening to her parents'love story because ofA
A.their happy marriage    
B.God's blessing for them
C.a romantic beginning    
D.a girl's curiosity.
2.After much thought,I came up with a brilliant plan.I worked out a way for Rich to meet my mother and win her over.In fact,I arranged it so my mother would want to cook a meal especially for him.
Rich was not only not Chinese and he was a few years younger than I was.And unfortunately,he looked much younger with his curly red hair,smooth pale skin,and the splash of orange freckles(雀斑) across his nose.He was a bit on the short side,compactly built.In his dark business suits,he looked nice but easily forgettable,which was why I didn't notice him the first year we worked together at the firm.But my mother noticed everything.
"So what do you think of Rich?"I finally asked,holding my breath.
She tossed the eggplant in the hot oil,angry hissing sound."So many spots on his face,"she said.
"They are freckles.Freckles are good luck."I said a bit too heatedly in trying to raise my voice above the noise of the kitchen.
"Oh?"She said innocently.
"Yes,the more spots the better."
She considered this a moment and then smiled and spoke in Chinese:"When you were young,you got the chicken pox.So many spots,you had to stay home for ten days.So lucky,you thought."
I couldn't save Rich in the kitchen.And I couldn't save him later at the dinner table.
When I offered Rich a fork,he insisted on using the slippery ivory chopsticks.Halfway between his plate and his open mouth,a large chunk of redcooked eggplant fell on his brand new white shirt.
And then he helped himself to big portions of the shrimp and snow peas,not realizing he should have taken only a polite spoonful.
He declined the new greens,the tender and expensive leaves of bean plants.He_thought_he_was_being_polite_by_refusing_seconds,_when_he_should_have_followed_my_father's_example,_who_made_a_big_show_of_taking_small_portions_of_seconds,_thirds_and_even_fourths,_always_saying_he_couldn't_resist_another_bite_and_then_groaning_he_was_so_full_he_thought_he_would_burst.
But the worst was when Rich criticized my mother's cooking and he didn't even know what he had done.As is the Chinese cook's custom,my mother always made modest remarks about her own cooking.That night she chose to direct it toward her famous steamed pork and preserved vegetable dish,which she always served with special pride.
"Ai!This dish not salty enough,no flavor,"she complained,after tasting a small bite.
This was our family's cue to eat more and proclaim it the best she had ever made.But before we could do so,Rich said,"You know,all it needs is a little soy sauce."And he proceeded to pour a riverful of the salty black stuff on the china plate,right before my mother's horrified eyes.
And even though I was hoping throughout the dinner that my mother would somehow see Rich's kindness,his sense of humor and boyish charm.I knew he had failed miserably in her eyes.
Rich obviously had a different opinion on how the evening had gone.When we got home,I was still shuddering,_remembering how Rich had firmly shaken both my parents'hands with that same easy familiarity he used with nervous new clients."Linda,Tim,"he said,"we'll see you again."My parents'names are Lindo and Tin Jong,and nobody except a few older family friends ever calls them by their first names.
"What did she say when you told her?"I knew he was referring to our getting married.
"I never had a chance,"I said,which was true.How could I have told my mother I was getting married,when at every possible moment we were alone,she seemed to remark on how pale and ill he looked.
Rich was smiling."How long does it take to say,Mom,Dad,I am getting married?"
"You don't understand.You don't understand my mother."
65.Which is NOT the reason why the author didn't tell her mother she was getting married?C
A.She didn't have a chance to tell her mother.
B.Her mother disliked Rich's freckled face.
C.Mother was impressed by his boyish charm and humor.
D.She was shocked by Rich's violation of cultural taboo.
66.Which of the following is NOT closely related to cultural differences in the story?C
A."Ai!This dish not salty enough,no flavor,"she complained,after tasting a small bite.
B.Rich obviously had a different opinion on how the evening had gone
C..Halfway between his plate and his open mouth,a large chunk of redcooked eggplant fell on his brand new white shirt.
D."Linda,Tim",Rich said,"we'll see you again."
67.What does the underlined part in the story really mean?D
A.Father made a big show of his preference for the dish by helping himself to the dishes more times,which Rich didn't follow.
B.Rich behaved politely by not following Father who kept having more servings of greens.
C.Father had a good appetite for more portions of greens while Rich had good table manners of having one serving.
D.Rich didn't appear polite because he didn't follow Father,who made a big show of his great appetite by eating more until he couldn't eat.
68.What does the underlined word"shuddering"most probably mean?C
A.hesitating  B.regretting  C.shaking  D.reflecting
69.What can be the best title of the story?A
A.Rich Met My Mother  B.East VS West
C.Chinese Family Gathering  D.Of Table Manners
70.The author wrote this story in a/anB tone.
A.poetic  B.humorous  C.pessimistic  D.objective.

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