
When elephants retire, many head for the Elephant Sanctuary in Hohenwald, Tenn. They arrive one by one, but they tend to live out their lives two-by-two. "Every elephant that comes here searches out someone that she then spends most all of her time with," says sanctuary co-founder Carol Buckley. It's likely having a best girlfriend, Buckley says - "Somebody they can relate to, they have something in common with."

Debbie has Ronnie. Misty can't live without Dulary. Those are pachyderm-pachyderm pairs. But perhaps the closest friends of all are Tarra and Bella. Tarra, an 8,700 pound Asian elephant; Bella, a stray dog, are closest friends.

Bella is one of more than a dozen stray dogs that have found a home at the sanctuary. Most want nothing to do with the elephants and vice versa. But not this odd couple. "Bella knows she's not an elephant. Tarra knows she's not a dog," Buckley adds. "But that's not a problem for them." "When it's time to eat they both eat together. They drink together. They sleep together. They play together," Buckley says.

Tarra and Bella have been close for years — but no one really knew how close they were until recently. A few months ago Bella suffered a spinal cord injury. She couldn't move her legs, couldn't even wag her tail. For three weeks the dog lay motionless up in the sanctuary office. And for three weeks the elephant held vigil: 2,700 acres to roam free, and Tarra just stood in the corner, beside a gate, right outside that sanctuary office. "She just stood outside the balcony - just stood there and waited," says Buckley. "She was concerned about her friend." Then one day, sanctuary co-founder Scott Blais carried Bella onto the balcony so she and Tarra could at least see each other.

"Bella's tail started wagging. And we had no choice but to bring Bella down to see Tarra," Blais says.

They visited like that every day until Bella could walk. Today, their love — and trust — is stronger than ever. Bella even lets Tarra pet her tummy - with the bottom of her enormous foot. They harbor no fears, no secrets, no prejudices. Just two living creatures who somehow managed to look past their immense differences.

Take a good look at this couple, human beings. Take a good look at the world. If they can do it — what's our excuse?

1.The underlined part “Those are pachyderm-pachyderm pairs.” in Para. 2 means ______.

A. both of the pairs are elephants.

B. both of the pairs look strange.

C. animals there have different kinds of friends.

D. they are friends of the same kind.

2.The last paragraph infers that _____________.

A. different animals can become closest friends.

B. people should learn something from each other.

C. people all over the world should cooperate.

D. People all over the world should become the closest friends.

3.Which would be the best title for the passage?

A. Unlikely friends. B. Lasting friendship.

C. Unselfish love. D. Magic nature.







1.词义猜测题。根据画线部分的前句Debbie has Ronnie. Misty can't live without Dulary.可知它们彼此是好朋友。根据后句的转折词but提到大象和狗成为好朋友,它们是不同类的,可以推测出Those are pachyderm-pachyderm pairs指的是它们是同类的朋友。故D正确。





Volunteering abroad is great. Not only do you travel to an exotic country, you also meet like-minded people, and at the end of it all you have something to put on your CV to impress employers with. But did you ever stop to think about how great it is for the people on the receiving end?

In this context, Daniela Papi has a point---foreigners rushing heroically to volunteer in a country they’ve never heard of are unlikely to make a difference. But turning volunteering camps into classrooms, as Papi seems to advocate in her article, risks throwing the baby out with the bath water by putting people off of volunteering.

Rather, learning should be a natural part of the experience, and the key to creating such an environment is positioning everyone as equals. In order for that to happen, volunteers need competent leaders who create an environment of equality:

When, a few years ago, I joined a group of international volunteers to help a small farming community in the Swiss Alps, we were all quite ignorant about the local conditions. But thanks to our group leader, it was both a helpful project for the locals and a fun and eye-opening experience for us.Before we had even traveled (at our own expense) to the mountaintop village, our group leader had spent time with the villagers preparing the project to make sure it would be of benefit to them. She arranged for us to help in different areas, ensuring that we always worked alongside locals rather than for them. It was never "us" and "them", but always "we", like a big family. As a result, conversation flowed and we learned a great deal just by casually talking to the locals as we worked.At the end, we left with a deep appreciation for the labor of love that goes into producing the food we eat every day一一an appreciation we could treasure ourselves and share with our peers.

Volunteering isn't about saving someone's life, or even about changing it. It's about touching a different world and reminding ourselves that there is much, much more to life than the daily routines we take for granted.With that knowledge, maybe, just maybe, we can go on to really change the world.

By Lukas Thibaut

1.From Paragraphs 1 and 2, we can learn that____in international volunteering.

A. foreigners are not welcome in some local communities

B. blind enthusiasm fails to make the experience rewarding

C. the author agrees with Daniela Papi's opinions

D. international volunteering is actually a poor approach to education

2.The underlined word "that" in Paragraph 3 refers to___,

A. a natural part of the experience

B.the learning of volunteering

C. creating such an environment

D. positioning everyone as equals

3.What contributed to the success of the author's volunteering project in the Alps?

A . The volunteers were quite familiar with Swiss farmers' lives.

B. The volunteers worked in areas separated from the locals.

C. The group leader ensured that the project would be beneficial to both sides.

D. The group leader ensured that the volunteers got to know the local conditions.

4.From the author's viewpoint, what should international volunteers avoid?

A. Placing themselves above the locals.

B. Taking food for granted.

C. Disrespecting others' labor.

D. Being proud of volunteering.

5.Which best describes the author's attitude toward international volunteering?

A. Objective.   B. Doubtful.

C. Disapproving.  D. Supportive.


It is love that makes the world go round. And it is also love that has such power to overcome all difficulties. So we say: “Love will find a way.” As smile is a facial expression showing pleasure, affection, and friendliness, it is the commonest way to show our good will perfectly without saying anything. A Chinese saying runs: “never hit a person who is smiling at you.” It is a time-proven fact that the smile is a language all its own— a universal language—understood by the people of every nation in the world. We may not speak the same tongue as our foreign neighbors, but we smile in the same tongue. We need no interpreter for thus expressing love, happiness, or good will.

One day while shopping in a small town in southern California, it was my misfortune to be approached by a clerk whose personality contradicted mine. He seemed most unfriendly and not at all concerned about my intended purchase. I bought nothing, and marched angrily out of the store. My anger toward that grew with each step. Outside, standing at the corner, was a dark-complexion young man in his early twenties. His expressive brown eyes met and held mine, and in the next instant a beautiful, dazzling smile covered his face. I gave in immediately. The magnetic power of that shining smile drove away all bitterness within me, and I found the muscles in my own face happily responding. “Beautiful day, isn’t it?” I remarked, in passing. Then, suddenly something inside me sent me turning back. “I really owe you a debt of gratitude,” I said softly. His smile deepened, but he made no attempt to answer. A Mexican woman and two men were standing nearby. The woman stepped forward and eyed me inquiringly. “Carlos, he no speak English,” she volunteered. “You want I should tell him something?” In that moment I felt transformed. Carlos’ smile had made a big person of me. My friendliness and good will toward all mankind stood ten feet tall. “Yes,” my reply was enthusiastic and sincere, “tell him I said ‘Thank you!’” “Thank you?” The woman seemed slightly puzzled. I gave her arm a friendly pat as I turned to leave. “Just tell him that,” I insisted. “He’ll understand. I am sure!” Oh, what a smile can do! Although I have never seen that young man again, I shall never forget the lesson he taught me that morning.

From that day on, I became smile – conscious, and I practice that diligently, anywhere and everywhere, with everybody. When I got excited in traffic, taking the right–of–way (公路用地) from the other car with my stupid mistake, I’d smile and shrug my shoulders apologetically. This action on my part would always draw a good–natured smile in return. If the other fellow was at fault – and if I could remember my resolution in time! – he’d get a broad smile of understanding. This took a bit of doing at first. I’ll admit it wasn’t always easy, but it was fun. The results were sometimes amazing. Many times, a broad, friendly smile would completely turn aside ill–feeling and tension. I’m wondering now how many tragic accidents could be avoided on our overcrowded highways, if every driver remembered to smile!

1.The author got angry while shopping one day because .

A. of the clerk’s unfriendliness and lack of concern

B. of her misfortune

C. she failed to purchase what she intended

D. a dark–complexion young man laughed at her

2.From the conversation between the author and the Mexican woman, we can infer that the woman .

A. was well–educated but unwilling to help others

B. was able to speak English

C. knew some English and was ready to help others

D. was familiar with the young man

3.In the author’s opinion, if all people remembered to smile when driving, .

A. many traffic accidents could be avoided

B. they would receive a good natural smile in return

C. they could get a broad smile of understanding

D. they wouldn’t feel any tension

4.The best title for this passage could be .

A. The Art of SmilingB. The Universal Language

C. The Power of LoveD. The Magic Power of Friendship


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