


          About Panera Bread 

           Panera Bread is an American chain of bakery-cafe restaurants which serve different kinds of bread,cold sandwiches,soups,salads,coffee and teas.

           Teen jobs at Panera Bread 


           The youngest age to apply as a baker at Panera Bread is generally 18 years old. Having 1-2 years’ experience as a baker or a bakery background is preferred.

           Experience is not so necessary and they will train you for 1st shift baker (Day) . However,previous third shift experience and baking experience are preferred. High school experience is required,too. Night baker's schedule is 3rd shift (10 pm to 7 am) .

           Bakery-cafe associate 

            You must be at least 16 years of age and must understand and practice basic food safety. Some food service or retail experience in the past is preferred. All Panera Bread associates enjoy a 65% meal discount with a vacation available for full-time positions. All positions are very flexible with all shifts avanaDie,iangm6 5:30 am to 9 pm,and from 5-40 hours /^week.

           Catering coordinator (宴会协调员) 

            This position’s  duties include sales and production of catering orders,delivering and setting up coring orders to local businesses for breakfast and lunch,and working with catering guests in person and over the phone.

            Some food service or retail sales experience is preferred. The minimum age for this position is 16 years old but we believe two years older is the correct age since you must have your own vehicle. You must have a perfect driving record,be organized and always punctual. 

           Panera Bread job application 

           Since their bakery-cafes are focused on taking care of guests,you should apply online after which a manager will get in touch if an opportunity matching your qualifications becomes available.

13. If you want to become a shift baker at Panera Bread.

   A. you should be able to give training

   B. you should have attended high school

   C. you’re required to work from 10 am to 7 pm

   D. you must have previous third shift experience

14. What do we know about Panera Bread associates.

   A. They must be over 18 years old.

   B. They must work 40 hours each week.

   C. They aren't allowed to change shifts with others.

   D. They don't need to pay full price when dining there 

15. Those who want to be catering coordinators at Panera Bread must have.

   A. their own cars

   B. two mobile phones

   C. food service experience

   D. perfect employment records

16. To apply for a job at Panera Bread,you'd better.

   A. send a fax         B. apply online

   C. call its manager   D. visit it in person

13. B 14. D 15. A 16. B


Panera Bread在招聘青少年员工,本文是其招聘信息。

13. B.细节理解题。根据Baker部分中的High sehool experience is required,too 可知,这个工作需要局中就读经历。

14. D.细节理解题。根据Bakery-cafe associate部分中的 All Panera associ牟es enjoy a 65% mealdiscount可知,员工在这家餐厅用餐可以打折。

15. A.细节理解题。根据 Catering coordinator 部分中的 you must have your own vehicle 可知,要 担任这项工作需要有自己的汽车。

16. B.细节理解题。根据最后一部分中的you should apply online可知,要应聘工作需要上网申请。



阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D) .中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

        Mexican President Vicente Fox was once invited to a university to give a lecture. A student asked him, In your experience in politics have you 21 ?”

        Fox said, “No,never.”

        The students were (轻声地笑) 22 every politician always said so.

        Fox wasn’t 23 . He said, “In this society,perhaps it is very 24 to prove that T m an honest man, 25 you should believe that in this world there's 26,which is always around us. I want to tell you a 27 which means a lot to me.  .

        “There was a father who was ready to dismantle(拆除) the pavilion(亭子) in the garden. His son said to him, ‘Daddy,I want to 28 how you dismantle the pavilion,so can you not dismantle it 29 I come back from school?’ His father 30 . However,after the boy 31 ,he asked some workers to dismantle the pavilion. After the boy returned from school,he found the old pavilion tiad 32 . Therefore,he said 33 to his father, 'Dad,you told me a lie/ His father was embarrassed and said, ‘My boy,I was 34.'The father called in the workers again and had them rebuild a pavilion in the 35 of the old one. After the pavilion was rebuilt,he called in his son and said to the workers ,‘Please dismantle it.’

           “I know the father. He was not rich,but he kept his 36. ”

         Hearing this,the students said ,“What,s the father's name? We hope to 37 him."

         Fox said, “He has died,but his son is still 38.”             “Then,where's  his son? He must be an honest man.”

         Fox said, “His son is 39 here. It's me. I'd like to treat this country and everyone in it like my father 40 me.”

         A storm of applause thundered in the audience. 

         Dismantling and rebuilding a pavilion restored the boy's faith in honesty.

21. A. failed   B. lied   C. feared   D. dreamed

22. A. if   B. once   C. because   D. although

23. A. angry   B. careful G. excited   D. shy

24. A. simple   B. hard   C. useful   D. possible

25. A. and   B. or   C. so   D. but

26. A. selflessness   B. knowledge   A. power   D. honesty

27. A. method   B. book   C. story   D. view

28. A. show   B. prove   C. see   D. discuss

29. A. until   B. unless   C. after   D. for

30. A. apologized   B. agreed   A. changed   D. succeeded

31. A. forgot   B. refused   C. left   D. arrived

32. A. finished   B. disappeared   C. shined   D. improved

33. A. proudly   B. impolitely  C. patiently   D. unhappily

34. A. wrong   B. tired   C. satisfied   D. clear

35. A. middle   B. shape   C. face   D. interest

36. A. record   B. secret  C. promise   D. appointment

37. A. help   B. attract G. criticize   D. know

38. A. brave   B. alive   C. bright   D. alone

39. A. standing   B. travelling   C. running   D. regretting

40. A. trained   B. needed   C. treated   D. praised



            Morse in Franklin The Franklin Museum of Telegraphy (电报通讯术) in Philadelphia will present an exhibition on the life and invention of Samuel Finley Breese Morse,the co-inventor of Morse code (摩尔斯电码) . In those days,sending information with short signals was impossible. MorseJ's invention brought about the improvement of telegraphs.

           Models of the first telegraph and the telegraph of the early days will be displayed in the exhibition. Portraits and paintings of Morse will be on display as well. We will be giving out small booklets on Morse code to children to help them understand it in a funny way.

           There will also be some short films and talks that will give visitors a deeper understanding of Morse ’s  life. They will be offered to visitors at the end of the tour so that everyone can fully grasp the meaning of the exhibition. 

           The exhibition will start from May 1 through July 30  at the Franklin Museum of Telegraphy. Tickets are available at $20 for adults, $10 for children below the age of 12 ,and a group rate of $100 for ten or more people. Children below the age of 5 can get in for free. Please contact us at morse@franklin.org for further information.

To: morse@franklin.org 

From: ben@yahoo.com 

Subject: the exhibition 

Dear the Franklin Museum of Telegraphy,

           A group of twelve people,including my colleagues and friends,is looking forward to visiting the exhibition. However,I am wondering if the exhibition is*disabled--friendly and provides easy access to wheelchair-bound people like my friend. We 'also have a friend from China who will visit us and come along to the exhibition. He is not very familiar with the English language and American culture. May I ask if there are brochures or explanation materials in languages other than English? Are translations provided during the videos and talks as well? 

          Thank you.

                                                    Ben Hawkins

5. In the exhibition,you can learn about .

   A. booklets designed by children

   B. the early history of telegraphy

   C. famous artworks by a lot of American artists

   D. the recent development of information technology

6. When can visitors watch videos?

   A. Anytime during the daytime.

   B. At the beginning of the tour.

   C. After they receive booklets.

   D. Before they finish their visit.

7. Why did Ben Hawkins write to the museum?

   A. To reserve tickets in advance.

   B. To volunteer to be a translator. .

   C. To get some brochures for his friends.

   D. To ask for information about its services.

8. How much will Ben Hawkins most likely need to pa> for the visit?

   A. $240. 00.   B. $180. 00. 

   C. $120. 00.   D. $100. 00. 



         School-age children who do charity work are likely to display better moral judgments than those who play sport,according to a large-scale national survey conducted by Birmingham University.

         The survey of 10 ,000 pupils aged 14 and 15 in secondary schools across the UK found that more than half failed to identify what researchers described as good judgments when responding to a series of moral dilemmas,leading researchers to call for schools to have a more active role in teaching character and morality.

        “A good grasp of moral virtues,such as kindness,honesty and courage,can help children to succeed as human beings,and can also l^ad to improvements in the classroom. And that level of understanding needs to be educated and encouraged/' said Prof James Arthur from Birmingham University.

         Overall onlv 42% of students’ responses matched those selected by a group of experts. Students wno saia they did charity work outside of school scored 50% . Those doing music (48%) or drama (48%) were also better able to make good moral judgments. Contrary to popular opinion,students who said they participated in port did not show better moral juagmenib. me researchers also found that girls displayed greater moral : awareness than boys in all areas,with 47% of girls making the right choices compared with just 37% of boys.

        The Department for Education (DfE) has recently encouraged the teaching of moral values,but a majority of teachers surveyed as part of the research said the focus on academic attainment prevented the development of students’ character. A Dffi spokesperson said, “Character education is a central part of our plan for education. That”s  why we are investing £10 million to help ensure pupils develop the virtues they need to succeed in both their academic studies and in later life. 

        But the researchers found that a school s GCSE(普

通中等教育证书) results did not seem to influence the moral dilemma results among students. UA school with below-average GCSE results could still rank highly when itcomestomoraldilemmas” the researchers noted.

9. Which is a finding of the research? 

   A. Students playing sport showed better moral judgments.

   B. Less than half the students surveyed made right moral choices.

   C. Girls knew more about making choices than boys.

   D. Those involved in the arts had the highest scores.

10. What held back students’ moral progress according to most teachers?

   A. Their focus on academic performance.

   B. The difficulties in preserving moral values.

   C. The shortage of qualified teachers in the UK.

   D. The financial problems of secondary schools:

11. According to the text,more attention should be given to .

   A. music or drama      B. judging abilities   

   C. responding skills   D. character education

12. What do we learn about the moral dilemma results?

   A. They are linked to physical performance.

   B. They have little to do with GCSE results.

   C. They have a big influence on school education.

   D. They play an important part in people's later life.




          I want to go to grm/wfl纪 sc/wo/ (研冗生院) ,but it seems really expensive. What's the best way to pay for it?


Pick a school you know you can afford

       A big part of your decision will depend on the graduate programs available to you. I had thousands of dollars in student loan debt freim being an w/2办rgradwafe (本科生) at New York University when I made the decision to go to graduate school for journalism. So I searched for a program that wouldn’t  cost a lot. Looking back,I'm  glad I chose to go to the City University of New York,a public school,because I graduated with almost no debt at all.

Exhaust scholarships and grants before you take out loans 

       You probably remember hearing this when you applied to college,but there's a huge number of scholarships available,some of which don't get a lot of applicants. Search for professional organizations focusing on the field you* re interested in,for example,and see if they offer graduate scholarships.

Borrow only the amount you need 

       When you* re accepted to graduate school,you 11  get a financial aid award letter,which will include federal and private loans to cover the cost that scholarships and grants won,t. But you don't need to take the full amount of loans your school offers you. Reduce the amount of loans you take on io the smallest by graduating on time,so you don't have to borrow additional money,and by paying the interest on your federal loans while you* re in school.

Pick the right student loan repayment strategy 

      When it's  time to pay back your graduate school loans,there are lots of ways to make your monthly bills manageable. If you have federal loans,you can choose from six repayment plans,some of which tie your monthly payments to your income. If you don't earn enough to afford the 10-year standard repayment plan,you can pay up to 10% of your income on income-based repayment or the Pay As You Earn plan instead.

13. The author mentioned his experience mainly to show that it's  important to .

   A. go to a public school

   B. choose a good university

   C. graduate without any debt

   D. pick an affordable graduate school

14. What does the underlined part “Exhaust scholarships and grants” in the text mean?

   A. Use all scholarships and grants.

   B. Apply for all scholarships and grants.

   C. Leam.about all scholarships and grants.

   D. Apply for the biggest scholarship or grant.

15. In the author's  opinion,graduate school students should .

   A. avoid some extra expense

   B. cover all costs with scholarships

   C. avoid getting too high loans

   D. choose federal loans instead of private ones

16. What is mainly suggested in the last paragraph?

   A. Finding a well-paid job. 

   B. Paying back your loans wisely.

   C. Paying off your loans in ten years.

   D. Refusing the Pay As You Earn plan.


            Several years ago,my wife and I spent a few days in Berlin,staying at the Park Inn in Alexanderplatz,where we got an unusual surprise.

            We arrived in the afternoon,tired from our early flight,and were checked in by a rather formal young man. We decided to have a lie down for ten minutes before exploring the city. As I lay down with my eyes half shut,I saw a shadow pass the window.,aProbably a seagull

            I thought. Then the same thing happened again,but this time there was a cry coming through the balcony doors.

I got up,opened the sliding doors and went out onto the balcony to investigate — just in time to see a human body screaming past me towards the square below before safely (变慢) just a few meters from the ground. I found out it's a sport called base jumping (高处跳伞).

            Once we knew what was happening,we got used to. it. It went on for a short time each day,and it was only the people that laughed loudly as they went down that disturbed me. (I tried to persuade my wife to have a go,but she said no!)

           On our last day,we checked out and the same rnsenW (寡言少语的) young man served us. “I hope that you enjoyed your stay,” he said.

           “Actually,” I replied, “it would have been nice to have been warned when we checked in about the base jumpers falling past our balcony."

            He paused and considered for a moment,ay/zckr (闪 现) of a smile appearing on one side of his mouth. “Yeah,” he said. “Perhaps we should warn people in the fliture." I knew that he wouldn,t. It was their little joke. Berliners,believe it or not,have a famous sense of humor.

9. What did the author plan to do first with his wife after they were checked in?

   A. Visit the city.    B. Take a hot bath.

   C. Have a short rest. D. Take some photos.

10. What did the author see when he stepped onto the balcony?

   A. His wife.      B. A seagull.

   C. A base jumper. D. The formal young man.

11. What the author said in Paragraph 6 shows that .

   A. he was quite satisfied with the service

   B. he wanted to be a base jumper as well

   C. he thought the base jumpers were brave enough

   D. he should have been told about base jumping before

12. What did the author mean by the underlined sentence in the last paragraph?

   A. Berliners were friendly.

   B. Berliners were reserved.

   C. He didn't trust the young man.

   D. He enjoyed the young man's humor.

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