
On my father's birthday, I gave him a special present, ____ I had spent my own money buying for the first time.

A.it         B.the one          C.that          D.one



My father was a highly educate, intelligent gentleman. He could debate or discuss for hours on almost any topic and hold your   31   in the process. I thought there was nothing be wasn’t   32  to do.

A few days before my younger brother’s 7th birthday, Dad planned to assemble(装配) a new   33   as a special birthday surprise. After nearly an hour of  34   the instructions, Dan was still unable to   35  the new bike together. Later he  36  the paper of instructions,   37  up his tool box, and decided to take the bike back to the local toy store and pay extra   38  to have it correctly assembled there.   39  an idea came to him, as he called out to Lovett, the quiet little man who cut our grassland.

“Lovett, have you ever assembled a boy’s bicycle?”

As Lovett walked towards the bike, Dad handed him the  40  . Lovett handed it back to him, saying, “No ,thanks. I can’t read. When you can’t read, you have to  41  .” Less than 15 minutes later, the new bicycle was   42   assembled, with no  43   parts remaining. Dad shook Lovett’s hand, patted him on the back, thanked him, and hid the bike.

On the night after my brother received his shiny new gift, Dad announced at the family dinner table what had happened several days earlier. He took great  44   in telling it over and over again-be used it as an example of thinking.      

He did not prefer to illiteracy(文盲) , but strongly taught us to use our  45  , The joke was on my father,   46  he was able to turn it into a learning tool, and I liked him even more after that incident. I also gained a new   47   for Lovett. To me he had   48  been the old yard man who didn’t   49   much, but after that day, he seemed to smile broader, even walk taller, It’s amazing what a real nod of   50   can do to lift people up.

31.A.attention   B.belief       C.view  D.breath

32.A.willing     B.lucky C.able   D.sure

33.A.toy    B.bicycle     C.computer  D.boat

34.A.reading     B.reviewing C.examining D.searching

35.A.bring B.get    C.put.       D.give

36.A.folded up  B.looked through       C.turned to   D.devoted to

37.A.brought    B.added       C.set     D.picked

38.A.money      B.effort       C.service      D.tax

39.A.Thus B.Then C.Since D.Though

40.A.tools B.rites  C.orders       D.instructions

41.A.exchange  B.admit       C.learn D.think

42.A.Partly       B.fully  C.hardly      D.largely

43.A.separate    B.different   C.major       D.spare

44.A.delight     B.action       C.care   D.risk

45.A.resources  B.knowledge       C.heads D.hands

46.A.so     B. or    C.but    D.and

47.A.reward     B.regard      C.relief D.respect

48.A.never       B.regard      C.ever  D.often

49.A.show B.say    C.care   D.earn

50.A. approva1       B.agreement C.affection1 D.altitude



Whenever I recall my childhood, there is one thing I remember clearly. My father used his   36  to let my mother   37   her parents who lived far away. There was just my younger brother and myself in the   38  . One evening, our father came home and there was no   39  , not even a piece of bread. My father had no money and he was as   40   as we were. My brother and I went to bed without having anything.

   41   I knew from the expressions on my father’s face that he could not    42   us be hungry for long. He left the house, and about two hours later he   43   and woke us up. He had two small potato pies in his hands. I didn’t know where he got the money for the food but somehow he   44   to find a way. It was clear that he wanted to get his children    45  .

My father did not eat and had    46   all day but he sat there and felt   47   at seeing us eat. This has always stuck in my   48  . At that moment, I felt moved   knowing that he tried his best not to let us   49  , and he wanted us to know he was always there ____50______ us.

In   51   times, I think, it is important not to   52   weakness but strength.   53   the mother is the cement(黏合剂)that   54   a family together, then the father is the steel that strengthens(加固) that cement.

It is his values and    55   that have carried me forward and helped me deal with my own problems in life.

A. car

B. ticket

C. savings

D. right

A. call

B. visit

C. bring

D. invite

A. classroom

B. office

C. house

D. farm

A. food

B. drinks

C. electricity

D. gas

A. poor

B. hungry

C. angry

D. sleepy

A. So

B. Till

C. But

D. Since

A. hear

B. let

C. remember

D. prevent

A. lost

B. hid

C. found

D. returned

A. managed

B. forgot

C. needed

D. refused

A. something

B. nothing

C. anything

D. everything

A. bargained

B. worked

C. searched

D. prepared

A. lucky

B. sorry

C. happy

D. regretful

A. mouth

B. teeth

C. mind

D. chest

A. change

B. share

C. wait

D. suffer

A. of

B. on

C. in

D. with

A. difficult

B. dangerous

C. interesting

D. comfortable

A. admit

B. show

C. discuss

D. understand

A. Unless

B. If

C. Though

D. Until

A. designs

B. places

C. takes

D. holds

A. permission

B. hobbies

C. actions

D. attitudes

College was the best of times and the worst of times for me. I met the best friends of my life, had    21   experiences, but I also folded under more   22   than I ever had to deal with before.     23   bad grades, I ended up being asked to take a semester off at the end of the first semester of my senior year.
So I went back home to   24  with my father and stepmother. To their credit, they understood me and were very cool about my coming back. I felt their    25   from the moment I walked in the door. They   26   to let me feel like a failure.
One morning not long after I had come home, my father woke me up saying that my stepmother   27  on the kitchen floor. I went downstairs trying to perform CPR on her   28   it was too late. She was already dead of a massive heart attack.
I’ll never   29  the look on my father’s face when he was given the official news of her passing. I knew at that moment that I had to be   30  because he needed someone to lean on. It was as if our roles had    31  and I was being the protective parent while he took the time to   32   .
I guess the lesson I took from it is that even in our   33   moments we can still be of help to someone who is   34   something much harder. It’s so easy to close ourselves off to the things going on around us, and   35  feel that we are the only ones   36  . Helping someone else could actually help us   37  ourselves.
Needlessly to say I went back to college the next semester, and I studied harder and got my    38    . My father and I developed a bond that was    39   closer than it already was, and I have a much better ability to keep   40  times in perspective.(适当地)

A.Because ofB.In spite ofC.Instead ofD.For fear of
A.fell overB.passed outC.turned overD.broke out
A.going throughB.searching forC.looking throughD.preparing for



Whenever I recall my childhood, there is one thing I remember clearly. My father used his   36  to let my mother   37   her parents who lived far away. There was just my younger brother and myself in the   38  . One evening, our father came home and there was no   39  , not even a piece of bread. My father had no money and he was as   40   as we were. My brother and I went to bed without having anything.

   41   I knew from the expressions on my father’s face that he could not    42   us be hungry for long. He left the house, and about two hours later he   43   and woke us up. He had two small potato pies in his hands. I didn’t know where he got the money for the food but somehow he   44   to find a way. It was clear that he wanted to get his children    45  .

My father did not eat and had    46   all day but he sat there and felt   47   at seeing us eat. This has always stuck in my   48  . At that moment, I felt moved   knowing that he tried his best not to let us   49  , and he wanted us to know he was always there ____50______ us.

In   51   times, I think, it is important not to   52   weakness but strength.   53   the mother is the cement(黏合剂)that   54   a family together, then the father is the steel that strengthens(加固) that cement.

It is his values and    55   that have carried me forward and helped me deal with my own problems in life.


A. car

B. ticket

C. savings

D. right


A. call

B. visit

C. bring

D. invite


A. classroom

B. office

C. house

D. farm


A. food

B. drinks

C. electricity

D. gas


A. poor

B. hungry

C. angry

D. sleepy


A. So

B. Till

C. But

D. Since


A. hear

B. let

C. remember

D. prevent


A. lost

B. hid

C. found

D. returned


A. managed

B. forgot

C. needed

D. refused


A. something

B. nothing

C. anything

D. everything


A. bargained

B. worked

C. searched

D. prepared


A. lucky

B. sorry

C. happy

D. regretful


A. mouth

B. teeth

C. mind

D. chest


A. change

B. share

C. wait

D. suffer


A. of

B. on

C. in

D. with


A. difficult

B. dangerous

C. interesting

D. comfortable


A. admit

B. show

C. discuss

D. understand


A. Unless

B. If

C. Though

D. Until


A. designs

B. places

C. takes

D. holds


A. permission

B. hobbies

C. actions

D. attitudes




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