


1. 简单解释国家二孩政策;







Dear Peter,

I have received your letter and I’m glad to explain to you the two-child policy in China.


Li Hua



Your smart phone may have hurt you before you realize it. Don’t be addicted to it. Put your phone away, OK?

Cyber(网络) Sickness

Also called “digital motion sickness”, symptoms that range from headaches to woozy(头昏眼花的) feelings can occur when you quickly scroll on your smart phone or watch action-packed video on your screen.1.Your sense of balance is different from other senses in that it has lots of inputs. When those inputs don’t agree, that’s when you feel dizziness and sickness.

Text Claw

It is the unofficial term for soreness and muscle contraction(收缩) felt in the fingers, wrist and forearm after heavy smart phone use. 2.So if you’re always on your phone, it makes sense to feel discomfort in your hands and forearms.

Eye Strain(疲劳)

Do you stare at a screen for hours on end? If you’re reading this, you very well might. 3.Staring at your digital devices for a long time can lead to dry eyes, headaches and tiredness, which can decrease your productivity. Experts suggest taking screen breaks every 20 minutes.

Text Neck

Similar to the claw, text neck—discomfort in the neck and spine—happens when you spend a long time looking down at your smart phone. 4.Being mindful of how far your neck bends when you’re on your phone—and bending it back to an upright position—can help reduce the risk of text neck.

Pedestrian Safety

Pedestrian deaths are on the rise because too many smart phone users engage in distracted walking. While focused on the cyber world, many of us can lose reality of the physical one. Elemental pedestrian safety knowledge is compromised by technology, and the risks are scary. 5.

A. We should taking breaks for a walk.

B. The sensation results from a mismatch between sensory inputs.

C. Remember that pedestrian(行人) safety is more important than smart phone.

D. The habit may lead to people requiring medical spine care at a younger age.

E. To avoid injury or worse, put your phone away until you’ve reached a safe spot.

F. Any specific motor activity can cause pain in the tendons(筋) and muscles when donerepeatedly.

G. Any activity that requires active use of your eyes—driving and reading included—can causeeye tiredness.


It was an extremely hot day. My younger brother Walt and I had decided to go swimming in the stream behind Mr Blickez’s house, because it would be the only way to cool ourselves down. Across his farm and through some woods was a deep swimming hole supplied by several cold springs(泉).

The only problem with our plan was that this farm was guarded by a huge mean Hereford bull(公牛). Mr Blickez had told us that Elsie, the animal’s name, was the meanest bull in town, maybe even the county, and we believed in him. But the hotter it got, the more we thought there was reason to doubt about what he said. For one thing, we remembered Mr Blickez liked telling tall tales; for another, Elsie seemed like a strange name for a bull. Finally, I talked Mom into asking permission for us to walk through the farm, and Mr Blickez finally agreed.

On our way across the farm, we stopped at the fence to admire the swimming hole. The sun shone brightly across the cool waters. We couldn’t wait to get there. Suddenly, Walt shouted loudly. Elsie had run to him and was licking(舔) his back. I immediately hid under the fence. However, when I looked up, I saw that Elsie wasn’t a big mean bull at all. She was just a friendly young cow, and she was going to keep licking my brother’s back as long as he stood still.

When we discovered the truth, we were so happy. We then ran to the swimming hole and jumped in. The water was just as wonderful as we had dreamed. After that day, we had many good days and we often visited our secret swimming hole guarded by the so-called “big mean bull”.

1.The author and his brother decided to go to swim because __________.

A. there was no water to take a shower at home

B. the weather was so hot that they couldn’t stand it

C. Mr Blickez invited them to his house for swimming

D. they wanted to try their newly-found swimming hole

2. What was the problem faced by the author and his brother?

A. They didn’t know where to swim.

B. They had to face a very mean bull.

C. Their mother didn’t want them to swim.

D. They didn’t know how to get to the stream.

3.What can we know about Mr Blickez?

A. He often tells lies.

B. He is very shy.

C. He is an honest man.

D. He is very kind to children.

4.When Elsie saw the author’s brother, she __________.

A. tried to attack him

B. immediately ran away

C. showed her friendliness

D. tried to drive him away

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