Though different educational systems have different purposes, one thing is certain: all students should take part in examinations.
___1___ the English educational system, students take ___2___ very important ___3___. The first is the eleven-plus, which is taken at the age of eleven ___4___ past. At one time the ability ___5___ on the eleven-plus would have determined ___6___ a child stayed in school. ___7___, however, all children continue in “comprehensive”(综合性的) schools, and the eleven-plus determines which courses of study the child will follow. At the age of fifteen or sixteen, the students are tested for the Ordinary Level of the General Certificate(证书) of Education. This examination covers a wide ___8___ of subjects; once students have passed this exam, they are ___9___ to specialize, so that two-thirds or ___10___ of their courses will be ___11___ physics, chemistry, classical language, or ___12___ they wish to study ___13___. The ___14___ examination, at eighteen, covers only the ___15___ of the special subjects. ___16___ the universities, students study only in their concentrated area, and ___17___ students ever venture(冒险) outside ___18___ subject again; ___19___, the English boy or girl is a specialist ___20___ the age of fifteen.
1. A. On B. In C. To D. For
2. A. four B. three C. two D. one
3. A. subjects B. languages C. courses D. examinations
4. A. somewhat B. or else C. or so D. or rather
5. A. seen B. heard C. shown D. known
6. A. when B. if C. that D. how
7. A. But B. Then C. So D. Now
8. A. number B. part C. range D. collection
9. A. allowed B. passed C. forbidden D. admit
10. A. much B. many C. more D. most
11. A. in B. of C. with D. on
12. A. whenever B.however C.whatever D. wherever
13. A. at all costs B. at the same time C. at the least D. at great length
14. A. late B. later C. early D. final
15. A. context B. content C. book D. lesson
16. A. Even so B. Even if C. Even then D. Even at
17. A. few B. no C. some D. any
18. A. that B. their C. its D. which
19. A. in any case B. in all C. in a sense D. in the end
20. A. of B. from C. at D. under
1-5BBDAC 6-10BDCAC 11-15ACDDB 16-20DACB
1.介词 Bin表示在某一方面。
2. B。/ 3. D。预阅全文可知学生须经过三大考试:进初中时(eleven-plus),15岁时和18岁时。
4. A。eleven-plus exams是指英国私立学校十一岁进入初中的学生举行的考试。既然是eleven-plus 那么正常年龄应是11岁或11岁多一点,所以确定somewhat。
5. C。/ 6. B。eleven-plus exam中表现出来的能力会决定一个孩子是否留在学校继续深造。
7. D。从上文at one time:曾经一度时期,however表示转折,说明与现在的情形不一样。
8. C.从下文可知考试覆盖面广,number不宜用wide修饰。
9. A。首先排除B和C(不符题意),而 admit 形式不对。
10. C。or前后连接的应是并列成分,应接与two-thirds相比具有更多或更少含义的词。
11. A。/ 12. C。学生通过考试后,被允许选修任意学科。
13. D。at all costs:不惜一切代价,at the same time:同时,at the least:至少,起码。均不符题意,不能选择。at great length:最大限度(只要有能力,不受限制)。
14. D。根据上下文,这是最后一场考试即第三次考试。
15. B。排除A. C,不符题意。18岁时的考试只考选修的所有课程内容。
16. D. 表示处所用at(from)
17. A。/ 18. A。从上一句students study only in their concentrated area, 可知几乎没有学生敢冒险学习选修以外的课程。
19. C。/ 20. B。in any case: 在任何情况下, in all:总共,in the end :最后.根据上下文均不符题意。in a sense 从某种意义上来讲,因为从15岁就开始选修,所以英国的孩子从15岁起就可以说是专业人才。