
_________ dinner, she sat at the table,__________ for the children to return.

  1. A.
    Finished preparing;waiting
  2. B.
    Having finished preparing;waiting
  3. C.
    Finishing to prepare;and waited
  4. D.
    Having finished to prepare;and waiting



A. Pasta House – new Italian restaurant located in the heart of the city. Simple but delicious inexpensive meals. Also has a good range of vegetable-only meals. It’s always crowded so be ready to order take-away or share a table. Open 11 a.m. to midnight.

B. A Taste of India – famous for its spicy curries and many southern Indian dishes using chili. You will usually be able to find a table during the week but if you’re planning to go on the weekend make sure you book a table in advance. Open noon to midnight.

C. Paris Match – this is the finest French restaurant in the city. Wonderful food you can enjoy in luxurious surrounding. The perfect place to have a romantic meal or impress a business partner, but be prepared for a large bill. Open noon to 2 a.m. Booking essential.

D. Mountain Diner – not fancy but tasty. Excellent Asian and European dishes. Countryside location surrounded by forest. It’s at least an hour’s drive from the city so you might want to stay at the nearby Mountain Hotel overnight. Open 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.

E. Owl Café – open 24 hours a day the café has a large selection of set breakfast, lunch and dinner meals for you to choose from, or you can enjoy one of their many delicious snacks and desserts over a cup of freshly made coffee.

F. Greek Bistro – a lively restaurant that serves great-value Greek food and has live Greek music played by a local band. Customers are encouraged to take part in the entertainment so be ready for a night of loud fun and laughter. Open 6 p.m. to 2 a.m.


51. Bill – was late getting up today so hasn’t had time to make breakfast. He wants to pick up something to eat before he goes to work so he has enough energy to last through to lunch time. 

52. Julie – works in the city and wants to get some lunch. She doesn’t want anything too special so long as it is tasty and not too expensive. Julie likes all kinds of food but because she is on a diet she wants to avoid anything containing meat. 

53. Sally – has friends visiting her from out-of-town and wants to take them to dinner. She wants to take them somewhere they can enjoy the atmosphere and have fun. She is a university student so doesn’t have a lot of money and doesn’t like her food too hot. 

54. Albert – is a businessman who will meet an important European client for a business dinner next week. Want to book a table at a quiet restaurant that will impress his guest with both its food and its surroundings. 

55. Robert – is meeting his friend Ben for lunch today (Tuesday) and wants to take him to a nice restaurant. Both Robert and Ben enjoy good quality spicy food. Robert doesn’t like arranging things in advance so he hasn’t booked a table.

Passage Twelve (We Should All Grow Fat and Be Happy)
Here’s a familiar version of the boy-meets-girl situation. A young man has at last plucked up courage to invite a dazzling young lady out to dinner. She has accepted his invitation and he is overjoyed. He is determined to take her to the best restaurant in town, even if it means that he will have to live on memories and hopes during the month to come. When they get to the restaurant, he discovers that this ethereal creature is on a diet. She mustn’t eat this and she mustn’t that. Oh, but of course, she doesn’t want to spoil his enjoyment. Let him by all means eat as much fattening food as he wants: it’s the surest way to an early grave. They spend a truly memorable evening together and never see each other again.
What a miserable lot dieters are! You can always recognize them from the sour expression on their faces. They spend most of their time turning their noses up at food. They are forever consulting calorie charts; gazing at themselves in mirrors; and leaping on to weighing-machines in the bathroom. They spend a lifetime fighting a losing battle against spreading hips, protruding tummies and double chins. Some wage all-out war on FAT. Mere dieting is not enough. They exhaust themselves doing exercises, sweating in sauna baths, being pummeled and massaged by weird machines. The really wealthy diet-mongers pay vast sums for ‘health cures’. For two weeks they can enter a nature clinic and be starved to death for a hundred guineas a week. Don’t think it’s only the middle-aged who go in for these fads either. Many of these bright young things you see are suffering from chronic malnutrition: they are living on nothing but air, water and the goodwill of God.
Dieters undertake to starve themselves of their own free will; so why are they so miserable? Well, for one thing, they’re always hungry. You can’t be hungry and happy at the same time. All the horrible concoctions they eat instead of food leave them permanently dissatisfied. Wonderfood is a complete food, the advertisement says. ‘Just dissolve a teaspoonful in water…’. A complete food it may be, but not quite as complete as a juicy steak. And, of course, they’re always miserable because they feel so guilty. Hunger just proves too much for them and in the end they lash out and devour five huge guilt-inducing cream cakes at a sitting. And who can blame them? At least three times a day they are exposed to temptation. What utter torture it is always watching others tucking into piles of mouth-watering food while you munch a water biscuit and sip unsweetened lemon juice!
What’s all this self-inflicted torture for? Saintly people deprive themselves of food to attain a state of grace. Unsaintly people do so to attain a state of misery. It will be a great day when all the dieters in the world abandon their slimming courses; when they hold out their plates and demand second helpings!
1.The best title for this passage is
A.On Fat.
B.We Should All Grow Fat and Be Happy.
C.Many Diseases Are Connected with Fat.
D.Diet Deprives People of Normal Life.
2.Why do they never see each other again?
A.Because it is a memorable evening.
B.Because she lets him eat as much fattening food as he wants.
C.Because she does not eat this and drink that.
D.Because eating fattening food is the surest way to an early grave.
3.Which of the following ways is NOT mentioned for diet?
A.Doing exercises.
B.Not eating sugar.
C.Not eating fat.
D.Taking sauna baths.
4.What is the author’s attitude toward diet?

Today I was at the mall waiting for friends, when a lady wearing a knit hat and a sweater came up to me and, shivering, said, “I’m homeless. Would you mind buying me some food?”
In that split second, everything I’d learned since kindergarten flashed through my mind. Don’t talk to strangers … Be a good citizen … People will take ­advantage of you … Treat others as you wish to be treated … The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return … I guess love won the debate. “Sure,” I said. “What would you like?”
She thought and then said, “I’d like to get Chinese food.” We headed upstairs. On the way she told me about when she was a teenager. She remembers taking pictures for the yearbook with her best friend. She was in the band and played basketball. She got good grades and was a good student.
She ordered soup, an egg roll, white rice, and pepper chicken. I would normally think that was a lot, but she had probably barely eaten in the last few days. I got my usual – lo mein and General Tso’s chicken.
As we ate, we got to know each other. She asked if I played any instruments. I replied that I played the violin, cello, and guitar. She told me she played the flute, piano, guitar, and violin. In the middle of our meal, I realized something. And she thought of it at exactly the same time.
“So, what’s your name?” she asked.
“I’m Claire,” I said, startled at our exact same thought. “What’s yours?”
“Joyce,” she said with a smile.
We continued talking, and she asked my favorite subjects in school and if I wanted to go to college. “Hopefully,” I replied. “I’m interested in nursing.”
“I went to college for nursing,” she said.
I was taken aback. How could we have so much in common? Was she pretending so I’d feel sympathy for her? But her eyes were genuine as she said this.
Meanwhile I was eating my lo mein, picking around the cabbage and the other vegetables. Joyce said, “If you don’t like it you can take it back.” I told her that I liked it, but was not fond of the vegetables. She broke into a big grin. “You don’t like vegetables, huh? Neither did I. But now I do.” I immediately felt guilty. How could I be picking at my food across from someone who barely gets to eat at all?
I tried my best to finish, but she seemed to sense my guilt and said, “You don’t have to eat it if you don’t want it.” How could she know what I was feeling? I told her the dish was my favorite, but I just eat slowly.
She replied, “I used to like lo mein, but pepper chicken was my dad’s favorite, so I get that now.” Noticing that she used the word “was,” I assumed her dad had passed away. I found it sweet that she gave up her favorite in order to honor her dad.
She asked why I was at the mall.
“I’m waiting for friends. We’re going to see ‘The Curious Case of Benjamin Button,’” I replied, stumbling over the words a bit.
“‘The Curious Case of Benjamin Button,’” she echoed in awe. “What’s that about?” I realized that she didn’t see commercials for movies.
I explained the basic plot and she chuckled. “A man who is born 80 years old and ages backwards! That sounds interesting.”
She got up to get a to-go box. “Would you like one?” she asked, but I refused. I realized that this food would probably last her for a few days, and I was glad she had ordered a lot.
“Would you like these?” I asked, gesturing at the food I had left untouched. “Oh, no, thank you,” she said. “This is enough.” I got up to throw my tray away, feeling guilty about wasting so much.
“I need to meet my friends now,” I explained. “It was so nice to meet you, Joyce.”
“You too, Claire,” she replied with a smile. “Thank you.”
I headed to the theater, and she went back downstairs. It sounds like a perfect coincidence, but I can’t help but think that some force compelled us to meet. I kept puzzling, Why is Joyce homeless? It seems so unfair. She shouldn’t need people to buy her dinner. She was a nurse. She got good grades. She took pictures for her yearbook. She was the person I hope to be in the future. What went wrong? How could such a good life be rewarded with horrible luck?
I feel lucky to have run into Joyce. She changed my outlook. She is still a wonderful person, despite what the world has done to her. I wish her the best, and can only hope that the force that brought us together will help her find what she deserves in life.
【小题1】From the second paragraph we know that the writer _________.

A.debated with the girl over moral issues
B.hates having to make a quick decision
C.hesitated before she decided to reach out
D.fell in love with the girl at the first sight
【小题2】The writer felt guilty for a moment because ________.
A.she was particular about food and also wasted so much
B.she was a strict vegetarian who ate very little
C.she didn’t order enough food for the girl
D.she urged the girl to take her share of food
【小题3】Why did Joyce end up unemployed and homeless?
A.She was a victim of high education
B.She actually had some kind of mental disorder
C.She graduated with average grades
D.The reason is not yet given.
【小题4】Which detail doesn’t show the coincidence in the story?
A.They both took interest in nursing.
B.They were about to ask names of each other at the same time.
C.When Claire headed to the theater, Joyce went back downstairs.
D.They were both musical lovers.
【小题5】The writer was very happy to have met Joyce because______.
A.she didn’t know what she was going to be until then.
B.this chance meeting changed her attitudes towards life in a way.
C.she was glad to be able to pay for someone in need.
D.hopefully the force that brought them together may bring good luck to Joyce.
【小题6】The passage is intended to _______.
A.arouse readers’ curiosity
B.explore social problems
C.teach readers a lesson
D.share a sweet personal story

第二节信息匹配 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 

A.Pasta House – new Italian restaurant located in the heart of the city. Simple but delicious inexpensive meals. Also has a good range of vegetable-only meals. It’s always crowded so be ready to order take-away or share a table. Open 11 a.m. to midnight.
B.A Taste of India – famous for its spicy curries and many southern Indian dishes using chilli. You will usually be able to find a table during the week but if you’re planning to go on the weekend make sure you book a table in advance. Open noon to midnight.
C.Paris Match – this is the finest French restaurant in the city. Wonderful food you can enjoy in luxurious surrounding. The perfect place to have a romantic meal or impress a business partner, but be prepared for a large bill. Open noon to 2 a.m. Booking essential.
D.Mountain Diner – not fancy but tasty. Excellent Asian and European dishes. Countryside location surrounded by forest. It’s at least an hour’s drive from the city so you might want to stay at the nearby Mountain Hotel overnight. Open 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.
E. Owl Café – open 24 hours a day the café has a large selection of set breakfast, lunch and dinner meals for you to choose from, or you can enjoy one of their many delicious snacks and desserts over a cup of freshly made coffee.
F. Greek Bistro – a lively restaurant that serves great-value Greek food and has live Greek music played by a local band. Customers are encouraged to take part in the entertainment so be ready for a night of loud fun and laughter. Open 6 p.m. to 2 a.m.
56. Bill – was late getting up today so hasn’t had time to make breakfast. He wants to pick up something to eat before he goes to work so he has enough energy to last through to lunch time. 
57. Julie – works in the city and wants to get some lunch. She doesn’t want anything too special so long as it is tasty and not too expensive. Julie likes all kinds of food but because she is on a diet she wants to avoid anything containing meat. 
58. Sally – has friends visiting her from out-of-town and wants to take them to dinner. She wants to take them somewhere they can enjoy the atmosphere and have fun. She is a university student so doesn’t have a lot of money and doesn’t like her food too hot. 
59. Albert – is a businessman who will meet an important European client for a business dinner next week. Want to book a table at a quiet restaurant that will impress his guest with both its food and its surroundings. 
60. Robert – is meeting his friend Ben for lunch today (Tuesday) and wants to take him to a nice restaurant. Both Robert and Ben enjoy good quality spicy food. Robert doesn’t like arranging things in advance so he hasn’t booked a table.


     A. Pasta House - new Italian restaurant located in the heart of the city. Simple but delicious inexpensive meals. Also has a good range of vegetable-only meals. It's always crowded so be ready to order take-away or share a table. Open 11 a.m. to midnight.

     B. A Taste of India - famous for its spicy curries and many southern Indian

dishes using chilli. You will usually be able to find a table during the week but if you're planning to go on the weekend make sure you book a table in advance.Open noon to midnight.

     C. Paris Match - this is the finest French restaurant in the city. Wonderful food you can enjoy in luxurious surroundings. The perfect place to have a romantic meal or impress a business partner, but be prepared for a large bill. Open noon to 2 a.m.Booking essential.

     D. Mountain Diner - not fancy but tasty. Excellent Asian and European dishes.

Countryside location surrounded by forest. It's at least an hour's drive from the city so you might want to stay at the nearby Mountain Hotel overnight. Open 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.

     E. Owl Cafe - open 24 hours a day the cafe has a large selection of set

breakfast, lunch and dinner meals for you to choose from, or you can enjoy one of their many delicious snacks and desserts over a cup of freshly made coffee.

     E Greek Bistro - a lively restaurant that serves great-value Greek food and has live Greek music played by a local band. Customers are encouraged to take part in the entertainment so be ready for a night of loud fun and laughter. Open 6 p.m. to 2 a.m.



 1. Bill-was late getting up today so hasn't had time to make breakfast. He wants to pick up something to eat before he goes to work so he has enough energy to last through to lunch time.     

2.Julie - works in the city and wants to get some lunch. She doesn't want

anything too special so long as it is tasty and not too expensive. Julie likes all kinds of food but because she is on a diet she wants to avoid anything comtaining meat.

3. Sally - has friends visiting her from out-of-town and wants to take them to dinner. She wants to take them somewhere they can enjoy the atmosphere and have fun.She is a university student so doesn't have a lot of money and doesn't like her food too hot.

4.Albert - is a businessman who will meet an important European client for a business dinner next week. Want to book a table at a quiet restaurant that will impress his guest with both its food and its surroundings.

5. Robert - is meeting his friend Ben for lunch today (Tuesday) and wants to take him to a nice restaurant. Both Robert and Ben enjoy good quality spicy food.Robert doesn't like arranging things in advance so he hasn't booked a table.


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