
"Time is a problem for children," states a news report for a new Swiss watch.Children in some countries "learn time slowly" because "they don't wear watches" and "parents don't really know how to teach them time." The children grow up with this handicap and become adults-and then can't get to work on time.Is there an answer to this problem? Of course-it's the Flick Flak, made by a famous Swiss watch company.

       The Flick Flak is being marketed as something teaching watch for children aged 4 to 10.The watch itself does not teach children how to tell time, of course; it merely "takes their imagination" by presenting the "hour" hand as a beautiful red girl named Flak and the "minute" hand as a tall blue boy named Flick.Flick points to related "blue" minutes on the dial, while Flak points to "red" hour numbers.The characters and colors combined with parental help, are supposed to teach young children how to tell time.

       The watch comes equipped with a standard battery and a nylon band (尼龙表带).Peter Lipkin, the United States sales manager for the Flick Flak, calls it "childproof: if it gets dirty you can throw the whole watch in the washing machine." The product is being sold in select department stores in Europe, Asia and the United States for a suggested price of $25.Parents who buy the watch may discover that it is one thing to tell time; it's quite another for them to be on time.

From the news report we know that ____     .

       A.parents are patient when teaching children time

       B.parents have little idea of how to teach children time

       C.children are likely to learn time quickly    

       D.children enjoy wearing the Flick Flak watch

The author doesn't seem to believe____     .

       A.children will be on time if they have not learnt how to tell time

       B.a Flick Flak can help parents teach their children how to tell time

       C.the Flick Flak can take children's imagination

       D.children usually have trouble telling time if they don't wear watches

The underlined word handicap (Para.1) means ____     .

       A.displeasure               B.discouragement      

       C.disappointment        D.disadvantage

The United State sales manager calls the new watch “childproof” because ___    .

       A.it is designed to teach children to be on time

       B.it proves to be effective in teaching children time

       C.it is made so as not to be easily damaged by children

       D.it is the children's favorite watch







James Cleveland Owens was the son of a farmer and the grandson of black slaves. His family moved to Cleveland when he was 9.There,  a school teacher asked the youth his name.

"J.C., "he replied.

She thought he had said "Jesse", and he had a new name.

Owens ran his first race at age 13.After high school, he went to Ohio State University.He had to work part time so as to pay for his education.As a second?  year student,  in the Big Ten games in 1935, he set even more records than he would in the Olympic Games a year later.

A week before the Big Ten meet,  Owens accidentally fell down a flight of stairs. His back hurt so much that he could not exercise all week,  and he had to be helped in and out of the car that drove him to the meet. He refused to listen to the suggestions that he give up and said he would try,  event by event. He did try,  and the results are in the record book.

The stage was set for Owens? victory at the Olympic Games  in Berlin the next year,  and his success would come to be regarded as not only athletic but also political.Hitler did not congratulate any of the African?American winners.

"It was all right with me, "he said years later."I didn?t go to Berlin to shake hands with him, anyway."

Having returned from Berlin,  he received no telephone calls from the president of his own country,  either.In fact, he was not honored by the United States until 1976, four years before his death.

Owens? Olympic victories  made little difference to him. He earned his living by looking after a school playground, and accepted money to race against cars, trucks,  motorcycles and dogs.

"Sure, it bothered me, "he said later."But at least it was an honest living. I had to eat."

In time,  however,  his gold medals changed his life."They have kept me alive over the years, "he once said."Time has stood still for me.That golden moment dies hard."

Owens got his other name "Jesse" when.

A. he went to Ohio State University    

B. his teacher made fun of him

C. his teacher took "J. C."for "Jesse"

D. he won gold medals in the Big Ten meet

 In the Big Ten meet,Owens.

A. hurt himself in the back                B. succeeded in setting many records

C. tried every sports event but failed   D. had to give up some events

 We can infer from the text that Owens was treated unfairly in the US at that time because.

A. he was not of the right race

B. he was the son of a poor farmer

C. he didnˊt shake hands with Hitler

D. he didnˊt  talk to the US president on the phone

When Owens says "They have kept me alive over the years ",he means that the medals.

A. have been changed for money to help him live on

B. have made him famous in the US

C. have encouraged him to overcome difficulties in life

D. have kept him busy with all kinds of jobs

What would be the best title for the text?

A. Jesse Owens,  A Great American Athlete

B. Golden Moment — A Life?time Struggle

C. Making A Living As A Sportsman

D. How To Be A Successful Athlete

Time magazine named Russian President Vladimir Putin its  "Person of the Year" for 2007 on Wednesday, saying he had returned his country from chaos(混乱)to "the table of world power" though at a cost of democratic principles.

He doesn't care about civil liberties; he doesn't care about free speech; he cares about stability. But Putin, 55, is enormously popular in Russia, presiding over a resurgent economy based on income from oil and natural gas. On the other hand, stability is what Russia needed and that's why Russians adore(爱戴)him.

Time magazine said on its Web site that Putin, the son of a factory worker had led Russia with persistence, a sharp vision and a sense that he showed the spirit of "Mother Russia".

The selection came days after Putin announced a plan to hold onto power after his term ends next year. Putin said on Monday that if his close ally(盟友),Dmitry Medvedev, won the presidency, he would serve as Medvedev’s prime minister. "Putin has put his country back on the map.  And he intends to redraw it himself,"Time said. "He will continue to lead his country as its prime minister and attempt to transform it into a new kind of nation, beholden to neither East nor West."

Time said the person of the year distinction, which it has awarded since 1927, is not an endorsement(支持)or a popularity prize but a recognition of the individuals and forces that shape the world. "At significant cost of, the principles and ideas that free nations prize, (Putin) has performed an extraordinary feat of leadership in placing stability on a nation that has rarely known it and brought Russia back to the table of world power. For that reason, Vladimir Putin is Time's 2007 Person of the Year," the magazine said.

Time had earlier selected four other Kremlin leaders for the distinction:  Stalin, who was chosen twice, Nikita Khrushchev, Yuri Andropov and Mikhail Gorbachev.

What does the underlined word "feat" in Para 5 probably mean?

A. Style.           B. Level.          C. Standard.           D. Achievement.

What's the major reason why Putin becomes popular in Russia?

A. His successful economy policy

B. His outstanding ability of politics

C. His great contributions to Russian economy and social stability.

D. His wisdom of changing the world.

What may be the best title of the passage?

A. Putin-Time magazine’s person of the year 2007

B. Putin-a world power leader

C. Putin-a beloved Russian president

D. Putin-an honorable Russian president

What can we inter from the passage?

A. Russia, including the former Soviet Union, has been one of the major countries named person of the Year so far.

B. Only an individual can be named Person of the Year nowadays.

C. Putin played an important role in Russian social and economic troubles.

D. Medvedev will certainly be elected Russian President on March 3.

Time spent in a bookshop can be most enjoyable, whether you are a book-lover or merely you are there to buy a book as a present. You may even have entered the shop just to find shelter from a sudden shower. Whatever the reason, you can soon become totally unaware of your surroundings. You soon become engrossed in some book or other, and usually it is only much later that you realise you have spent far too much time there and must dash off to keep some forgotten appointment—without buying a book, of course.

This opportunity to escape the realities of everyday life is, I think, the main attraction of a bookshop. There are not many places where it is possible to do this. You can wander round such places to your heart's content. If it is a good shop, no assistant will disturb you with usual greetings, "Can I help you, sir?" Of course you may want to find out where a particular section is. Then, and only then, are his services necessary. However, when he has led you there, the assistant should retire carefully and look as if he is not interested in selling a single book.

You have to be careful not to be attracted by the variety of books in a bookshop. It is very easy to enter the shop looking for a book on ancient coins and to come out carrying a copy of the latest best-selling novel. This sort of thing can be very dangerous. Apart from running up a huge account, you can waste a great deal of time wandering from section to section.


. Which may not be included in the writer's experiences while he is in a bookshop?

A. Getting relaxed without buying a book.

B. Quarrelling with the shop assistant.  

C. Buying other books instead of those he wanted.

D. Forgetting some important appointment.  


. What does the writer mean by saying "time spent in a bookshop can be most enjoyable"?

A. You may free yourself from the real life.

B. Reading is free of charge there.  

C. There is nobody disturbing you there.  

D. You can enter without any certain reason.  


 What does the underlined word engrossed most probably mean in the first paragraph?

A. Lost.         B. Forbidden.         C. Puzzled.          D. Impressed.  


. The writer wrote the passage in order to ________.

A. suggest a good way of running a bookshop  

B. encourage people to do some reading in bookshops

C. share his experience in bookshops  

D. give some advice on buying books in a bookshop  


What is time? Is it a thing to be saved or spent or wasted, like money? Or is it something we have no control over, like the weather? Is time the same all over the world?

That's an easy question, you say. Wherever you go, a minute is 60 seconds, an hour is 60 minutes, a day is 24 hours, and so forth. But in America, time is more than that. Americans see time as a valuable resource. Maybe that's why they are fond of the expression, "Time is money."

Because Americans believe time is a limited resource, they try to conserve and manage it. People in the U.S. often attend seminars or read books on time management. It seems they all want to organize their time better. Professionals carry around pocket planners -- some in electronic form -- to keep track of appointments and deadlines. People do all they can to squeeze more time out of their time. The early American hero Benjamin Franklin expressed this view best: "Do you love life? Then do not waste time, for that is the stuff life is made of."

To Americans, punctuality is a way of showing respect for other people's time. Being more than 10 minutes late to an appointment usually calls for an apology and an explanation. People who are running late often call ahead to let others know of the delay. Of course, the less formal the situation is, the less important it is to be exactly on time. At informal get-togethers, for example, people often arrive as much as 30 minutes past the appointed time.

To outsiders, Americans seem tied to the clock. People in other cultures value relationships more than schedules. In these societies, people don't try to control time, but to experience it. Even Americans would admit that no one can master time. Time -- like money -- slips all too easily through our fingers. And time -- like the weather-- is very hard to predict. Nevertheless, time is one of life's most precious gifts. And unwrapping it is half the fun.

1.What’s the main topic of this passage?

A.What is time?

B.How to control time?

C.Make good use of time.

D.Time among Americans.

2.What’s the meaning of the underlined word “conserve”?





3.The sentence “Americans seem tied to the clock” probably means __________.

A.Americans often carry a clock with them.

B.Americans can not predict the time.

C.Americans can take control over time.

D.Americans often make full use of time.

4.We can safely draw a conclusion from this passage that _________________.

A.Americans have more time than others.

B.by using pocket planners, people can have more time.

C.for informal meeting, Americans often arrive 30 minutes earlier.

D.Americans often attend seminars, because they want to use time better.


James Cleveland Owens was the son of a farmer and the grandson of black slaves. His family moved to Cleveland when he was 9.There, a school teacher asked the youth his name.

"J.C., "he replied.

She thought he had said "Jesse", and he had a new name.

Owens ran his first race at age 13.After high school, he went to Ohio State University. He had to work part time so as to pay for his education. As a second?  year student in the Big Ten games in 1935, he set even more records than he would in the Olympic Games a year later.

A week before the Big Ten meet, Owens accidentally fell down a flight of stairs. His back hurt so much that he could not exercise all week, and he had to be helped in and out of the car that drove him to the meet. He refused to listen to the suggestions that he give up and said he would try, event by event. He did try, and the results are in the record book.

The stage was set for Owens victory at the Olympic Games  in Berlin the next year,  and his success would come to be regarded as not only athletic but also political. Hitler did not congratulate any of the African?American winners.

"It was all right with me, "he said years later."I didn’t go to Berlin to shake hands with him, anyway."

Having returned from Berlin,  he received no telephone calls from the president of his own country,  either. In fact, he was not honored by the United States until 1976, four years before his death.

Owens? Olympic victories  made little difference to him. He earned his living by looking after a school playground, and accepted money to race against cars, trucks,  motorcycles and dogs.

"Sure, it bothered me, "he said later." But at least it was an honest living. I had to eat."

In time,  however,  his gold medals changed his life."They have kept me alive over the years, "he once said. "Time has stood still for me. That golden moment dies hard."


 Owens got his other name "Jesse" when.

A. he went to Ohio State University    

B. his teacher made fun of him

C. his teacher took "J. C."for "Jesse"

D. he won gold medals in the Big Ten meet


 In the Big Ten meet,Owens

A. hurt himself in the back           B. succeeded in setting many records

C. tried every sports event but failed   D. had to give up some events


 We can infer from the text that Owens was treated unfairly in the US at that time because.

A. he was not of the right race

B. he was the son of a poor farmer

C. he didnˊt shake hands with Hitler

D. he didnˊt  talk to the US president on the phone


 When Owens says "They have kept me alive over the years ",he means that the medals.

A. have been changed for money to help him live on

B. have made him famous in the US

C. have encouraged him to overcome difficulties in life

D. have kept him busy with all kinds of jobs


 What would be the best title for the text?

A. Jesse Owens,  A Great American Athlete

B. Golden Moment — A Life?time Struggle

C. Making A Living As A Sportsman

D. How To Be A Successful Athlete


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