
That song alwaysreminds meof our first meeting.

分析 考查固定搭配remind sb.of sth."使某人想起某事",句子主语that song是第三人称单数,因此使用reminds.

解答 76.reminds; of

点评 对于汉译英这种题,要分析句子意思,再从结构上和意义上对答案进行确定.

12.Pink has never been one of the favorite colors of the fashion industry,as it's often seen as silly and not cool enough.But this spring,it's having its moment in the spotlight,all thanks to the fact that the color is no longer all about being girly and sweet.Instead,pink is taking on a new meaning of independence and power.
This shift happened last month during the Women's March.Tens of thousands of women filled the streets of major cities in the US and in countries all around the world to protest(抗议)against the disrespect to women.What was unusual about the protests is that a lot of people taking part were wearing pink hats,making the streets appear like a"sea of pink".Even though the hats were without any slogan(标语),their pink color is thought to have sent out a message that is louder than any words."We women have power and we're not going to sit down and shut up,"Aileen Gildea,one of the protesters in the US,told The Boston Globe.
Now young people are changing their attitudes to pink.They are no longer trying to escape pink,but give new meanings to it instead.
"Women who came before us…to be taken seriously they had to get away from the symbols used to make women seem less capable.Younger women don't have that reaction.They're more interested in breaking and rebuild those symbols,"Audrey Gelman,a businesswoman in the US,told The Wall Street Journal.
So sometimes it's not the thing itself that needs to be changed,but the way we look at it.And in the case of pink,what used to be seen as silly may be turned into something really serious.

21.In general,people tend to relate pink toB.
22.According to Aileen Gildea,what were their protests meant to convey?C
A.Women actually prefer pink to any other color.
B.Women need to get away from those symbols of silliness.
C.Women ought to have a bigger voice in society.
D.Women should have the right to choose whatever colors.
23.The last paragraph implies that sometimes it is necessary toA.
A.change our traditional concepts
B.show greater respect for women
C.have doubts about the so-called"truth"
D.tell something silly from something serious.
16.You Skate.They Donate.We Can Fill a Plate.
This holiday season,Contra Costa Oncology has once again partnered with Walnut Creek Ice to help raise funds for the Food Bank.For every ice skating ticket that is collected,Contra Costa Oncology will donate to the Food Bank.For more information,visit www.iceskatewalnutcreek.com.
Souper Bowl of Caring
Help fight against hunger!The Souper Bowl of Caring is a national movement of youth working to fight against hunger.Churches,schools and other organizations simply take up a collection (many use a soup pot) asking for one dollar or for a food item for people in need.
For more information,call Kimberly at (925)676-7543x 252.
Family Food Sort-Fairfield
Look to do something fun and meaningful with your children?Do you want to introduce your young family members to the charity?Families will bag fresh vegetables for the Food Bank's Produce Program.This is a first come,first served opportunity,and the number is limited to 30people at a time.All volunteers must be scheduled.
For more information,visit foodbankccs,org/family food sort.
Dutch Luv Day!
Dutch Bros.Coffee in Oakley and Fairfield will be joining in Dutch Luv Day.On Valentine's Day,Dutch Bros,will be spreading the love by donating $ 1to the Food Bank for every drink sold.Not only will you get a delicious drink,you will also get the satisfaction of knowing that you are helping your neighbors in need of food.
Fairfield Location:
1420W Texas St,Fairfield,CA 94533
Oakley Location:
1092Main St,Oakley,CA 94561

31.What's the common aim of the four activities?D
A.To educate the poor.
B.To collect more food.
C.To fight against disease.
D.To help people in need
32.If you want to give away fresh vegetables,you shouldB.
A.visit www.iceskatewalnutcreek.com
B.visit foodbankccs.org/family food sort
C.call Kimberly at (925)676-7543x 252
D.go to 1092Main St,Oakley,CA 94561
33.Which activity probably requires people to sign up in advance?C
A.Dutch Luv Day!
B.Souper Bowl of Caring.
C.Family Food Sort-Fairfield.
D.You Skate.They Donate.We Can Fill a Plate.
34.What can you do for the charity work on Valentine's Day in Oakley?C
A.Go to skate.
B.Go to churches.
C.Drink at Dutch Bros.Coffee.
D.Buy fresh vegetables in Fairfield.
6.If you suffer from
□Stress□Headaches□High blood pressure□Back pain
□Edema□Stiff muscles□Sleep apnea(窒息)
You will enjoy using the Exercise 3000
How does the Exercise 3000work?
Enjoy the benefits of passive exercise-just lie down,place your ankles on the ankle rest and let the machine do the work.
When you turn the machine on,it creates a 2-inch,right to left movement that gently moves the body back and forth.
What are people saying about it?
After using it twice a day for one week the swelling (肿胀) of my ankles went away.It has also helped my breathing,as I can get out and walk without having to stop and catch my breath!
Thank you.
After having a stroke (中风),I could no longer exercise the way I used to.As a result,I developed edema.A friend of mine introduced me to the Exercise 3000.I loved it and I purchased one for myself.Af ter using the machine daily for a few weeks,my symptoms of edema were completely gone.What a wonderful way to exercise!
The ad I saw almost sounded"too good to be true".With your no risk money  back  guarantee I thought I had nothing to lose so I bought the machine.I have had a snoring (打呼噜) problem for quite some time.However,since using the machine my snoring has subsided (减弱).My wife is so excited!I cannot tell you how much this machine has turned my life around.
I had suffered with sleep apnea for many years and had been taking drugs for it.I was told I would have to use a breathing apparatus (仪器).In the meantime,I was introduced to the Exercise 3000 and decided to buy one.Within two weeks,I was sleeping more deeply and restfully than ever before.
Retail (零售) Price:﹩464.95
√Order the Exercise 3000 now by phone or website just for﹩359.95 (includes a﹩20 case,but﹩20 postage is extra)
√90 Day No Risk Money Back Guarantee-You have nothing to lose.If you are not completely satisfied,you can return it for a full refund (退款).We provide a FREE return shipping label for your convenience.

21.This passage introducesB.
A.a kind of dieting equipment               
 B.a kind of medical instrument
C.a kind of healthy food                     
D.a health center
22.If you book an Exercise 3000 on the Internet,you need to payC.
23.We can learn from the passageD.
A.the Exercise 3000is aimed at old people
B.the Exercise 3000works by burning calories
C.users can return goods without any loss within 90days
D.you need to pay a shipping fee when returning goods.
13.Spring soccer season is under way,and many youth leagues are playing under new safety rules.In November,the US Soccer Federation said that players on its teams who are 10 or younger are no longer allowed to head the ball Players ages 11 to 13 have limits on how often they can practice heading.The new rules are made to prevent kids from getting concussions (脑震荡)-injuries caused by a blow to the head that shakes the brain.Common problems include headaches and dizziness.Severe concussions can lead to long brain damage.
Heading the ball can be one of the riskiest parts of soccer.Sometimes the force of hitting the ball with their heads gives players concussions.But more often,players receive concussions when they accidentally knock heads with other players and hit their heads on the grass."More concussions happen during the act of heading than any other action in soccer,"explains Dr.Robert Cantu,an expert on brain injuries.
So far,the new rules are made only to teams that are part of the US Soccer Federation.But the group says it hopes other leagues will soon follow its example.
Former US soccer star Brandi Chastain is one of the leaders of the activity to ban heading in youth soccer.She applauds the rule change.Last month,Chastain showed her determination of learning more about the effects of heading when she promised to donate her brain to science after she dies.
"If there's any information to be gathered on the study of someone like me,who has played soccer for 40 years,it feels like my responsibility,"Chastain told The New York Times.
29.What can we learn from the first two paragraphs?D
A.Players needn't take the risk of heading the ball in soccer.
B.All of the players,headaches result from hitting heads on the grass.
C Players must receive concussions when knocking heads with other players.
D.The act 0f heading can cause more concussions than other actions in soccer.
30.What is Brandi Chastain's attitude towards the new safety rules in playing soccer?B
31.From the text,we can learnC.
A.Brandi Chastain suffers from very severe concussions
B.concussions caused by heading the ball can not be healed
C.Brandi Chastain is willing to devote herself to the security of soccer players
D.the new rules in soccer have been carried out among all of the American leagues.
10.From old times,crows(乌鸦)have been famous for their cleverness.They use tools,work out problems,and even enjoy playing.Scientists have studied carefully how crows go about these activities.
To make tools,crows cut off leaves with their"mouths",shape them,and use them to look for bugs(虫子)in wood or plants.Just as a carpenter carries his tools with him,a crow will carry its tool around.When the leaf isn't needed for the moment,the bird stores the tool at its feet or somewhere else.
To test wild crows'abilities to work out problems,scientists placed food outdoors in covered bowls.They watched with interest as the birds smartly opened the bowls to get the food.Scientists also found out that crows can make use of the traffic.For example,crows would drop a nut on the road and wait for a car to run over the nut to break it.
Besides,crows seem to enjoy playing.Young crows will carry a stick or nut into the air,drop it,and fly to catch the object as it falls.
So just how smart are crows?Perhaps a crow will never do tricks as a dog will.But scientists agree that there's a lot going on in the brain of a clever crow.

25.We learn from paragraph 2 that a crow may store theA at its feet or somewhere else.
26.Scientists placed food outdoors in covered bowls in order to testD.
A.Whether crows make tools
B.Whether crows enjoy playing
C.How much crows like the food
D.How crows work out problems
27.The writer uses a(n)C to show how crows make use of the traffic.
28.This passage mainly discusses theDof crows.

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