
1.The phrase “Let’s be friends, tuhao!” set off a language shock, ________ in an online conversation. (appear)“土豪,我们做朋友吧!” 这句话引发了一场语言震撼, 它最初出现在一个网络对话里。

2.________, Sun Yang has been arrested for driving without a license. (as)


3.________ in the “shopping cart”,and you can make a list of potential purchases and avoid purchasing on impulse. (put)


4.The air pollution in China is so serious that only when all departments take effective measures ________ damage hopefully. (reduce)


5.________ in the Wall Street Journal that Apple has already asked its suppliers to increase production of the gold model iPhone 5S to meet the market demand. (report)

《华尔街日报》已经报道,苹果公司已经通知供货方增加生产金色的iPhone 5S以满足市场需求。

6.I would have attended your party, but I __________ an examination yesterday. (busy)


7.A latest study shows that ________ the natural sunlight for a few minutes a day helps to reduce the risk of getting cancer. (expose)


8._________ the cases many times, he was asked to go to the police station to receive the investigation. (involve)


9.I really don't know ________ he is late for school every day. (it)


10.When Lisa stood before the audience, she felt very uneasy with ________ her. (focus)




Words can hurt

I remember the pain most vividly. My stomach was sick, my heart hurt, and my eyes stung(刺痛的) from holding back tears.

“you know, Autumn,” my friend Nick said, “Lisa and Andrea were just talking about you.” I immediately got nervous. “They said that the only reason you start on the basketball team is because the coach (教练)likes you .It’s not because you’re good.” I might be sick. “They said they’re tired of you always getting what you want.”

I struggled to keep myself from crying, sinking(下沉) to my knees on the cold floor. After Nick told me everything my supposed best friends said about me, I was hurt.

Lisa and Andrea came in from lunch break acting as if nothing had happened . Lisa was still my deskmate, and Andrea was still my partner for our history project.

I was amazed at their ability to pretend we had the perfect friendship, especially since they’d said such hurtful things.

I was a freshman in high school, and I felt like I didn’t have a friend in the world, all because of a rumor(谣言).

The tongue can be our worst enemy. Rumors harm confidence(信心) and separate close friends. They are like sharp knives, cutting one’s dignity(尊严) into pieces. When we say unkind things about others, we’re thrusting(插) knives into their hearts.

So how was I to act next? When Lisa and Andrea pretended our friendship hadn’t changed, I thought of attacking them back. But instead, I told them directly that they had hurt me. Lisa started crying and Andrea was speechless. I know they were both sorry for what they had said. They apologized, and I forgave them with grace(优雅). Sure, things were a little awkward(尴尬) at first, but soon enough everything was back to the way it had been before.

I still deal with gossip(流言), sometimes as a recipient(接受者) and sometimes as a participant(参与者). But the more I learn about love, the more I realize the importance of encouraging others- sometimes gossip never does.

1.What word can exchange the underlined word in para1?


2.Why was the author hurt in the passage?(within 10words)


3.Which sentence in the passage is closest in meaning to the following one?

“I frankly told them that their rumor had made me painful.”


4.What did her friends do at last when they heard the author’s frank speech?(within 5 words)


5.Use one sentence to describe the author’s character.(within 10 words)



第三部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)


It was getting dark when Lisa was returning from teaching out in a small community. She’d been traveling the same route for over a year and there was seldom traffic on this highway.

Lisa remembered back to her previous experiences. In those days she was constantly picking up strangers on the road. Her family became greatly concerned about her safety, but she continued the practice until the day her sister told her that one of her friends had been shot by a hitchhiker (搭便车者). That was when the family heard the promise, “No more hitchhikers, I promise!”

When she thought back to these things, she suddenly noticed that a car was parked on the road ahead. Then she saw a man waving. He was in trouble, she thought. But suddenly she remembered the promise. She knew this road well and the chances of another car coming along to help were very little. Now as the man ran toward her car she shook with fear, and didn’t know if he was truly in need. She could not leave him here in this storm. The stranger explained that his car was broken. She knew she had to break the promise. She told him to get in. They drove for an hour into the next city and she took him to a telephone box. She waited until he had made a call. When he reported back to her that a family member would soon be there for him, she wished him well and left.

Tears fell on her cheeks as she drove away. It felt as though she had been holding her breath for an hour. “I hope they’ll understand why I had to break my promise.”

56. We can learn from the text that Lisa promised______.

A. not to pick up free riders on her way home

B. not to drive home alone when it was late

C. to help those whose cars were broken

D. to learn from the friend of her sister’s

57. Which of the following can best describe Lisa?

A. Careful and serious         B. Faithful and clever   

C. Kind and helpful           D. Brave and patient

58. What was Lisa’s attitude toward her breaking the promise?

A. It was very serious.          

B. It should be forgiven    

C. She was too nervous to go home.

D. She felt regretful about her mistakes.

59. What would be the best title for the text?

A. Lisa’s adventure             B. An unusual travel     

C. Strangers’ kindness            D. The broken promise


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