
1.A.maintained        B.serious      C.indications         D.figures        E.anxious
F.concern           G crisis       H.decided          I.available          J.reversed

Filmgoers should be told how many calories there are in the popcorn,ice cream and soft drinks that they buy in cinemas,according to the Food Standard Agency.
Smaller popcorn buckets and drink cups should also be made(41)I,the nutrition inspector said.
Tim Smith,chief executive of the agency,told The 77mes that cinemas should help to deal with the country's overweight (42)G.
"There is a misbelief that popcorn is calorie-free,but that is not the case.It is a (43)Fto us,"he said."Portion sizes are also a big issue,and there seems to be increasingly big packs on
He spoke as a number of food chains such as Pret A Manger,Wimpey and The Real Greek (44)Hto put calorie counts on all their menus.
A trial scheme(试行方案) with 21food companies took place last summer,and (45)Care that consumers altered their buying habits when they realised the number of calories in a product.
A consultation(征询意见) on the trial ends next month but Mr Smith is already planning the second drive for American-style calorie counts and is (46)Eto win support from cinemas and other entertainment places,from football grounds to concert halls.
Government (47)Dsuggest that two thirds of adults and a third of children are overweight.If trends are not (48)J,this could rise to almost nine in ten adults and two thirds of children by 2050,putting them at (49)Brisk of heart disease,cancer and other diseases.

分析 食品标准局(Food Standards Agency)指出在影院买来的爆米花、冰激凌和饮料含较多的卡路里,会容易导致儿童超重,他们会受到心脏病、癌症及其他疾病的严重威胁,因此应该提高人类的认识并联合影院等娱乐场所减少这类食品的售卖来保护人类的健康.

解答 41.I   42.G  43.F  44.H   45.C      46.E       47.D      48.J     49.B
49.答案为B,根据at risk这个词组可以判断出risk这里为名词,需要一个形容词来修饰,所以答案为B,学生在这里可能会想当然的认为risk是动词而选错答案.

点评 本文属于语法填空类的10选9阅读题型,把词汇的考查放在了语言环境中,不是单纯的考查词汇,文章题干均清晰明了,并提供了足够的上下文支撑供考生答题.同时,词汇题的难度分布也较为合理,确保了各个层次的考生都能得分.因此,情景理解和语言运用的味道比较浓厚,注重考查理解能力和逻辑推理能力的试题较多.


Dinosaurs ruled the planet for millions of years, and they are generally believed to have gone extinct.But the reality is that modern versions of dinosaurs are all around us. Scientists have been exploring similarities between birds and dinosaurs; and new research shows that these two types of animals are directly linked.

The connections between birds and dinosaurs are explored in a new museum exhibit called Dinosaurs Among Us at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City.

According to Mark Norell, the director of the exhibit and an expert at the museum, it is based on new scientific evidence collected over the last two decades. "I think this is really going to shake up the way people think of dinosaurs “ Norell told reporters.” One could argue that we still live in the age of dinosaurs."

The exhibit includes ancient fossils and lifelike models of dinosaurs of all sizes to show the evolution of dinosaurs into birds. It examines several properties that are shared between the two species, including feathers, complex brains, the shapes. And sizes of eggs, and the ability to fly. Birds today make nests, lay eggs and tend to babies. Fossil research shows that some dinosaurs also made nests and laid eggs. Also,birds have hollow(中空的)bones, which don’t weigh much and allow birds to take more air into their lungs. These adaptations help with flight. Some dinosaurs had these properties as well. In addition, the exhibit shows that there are many similarities between the legs, claws; and feet of dinosaurs and birds.

Norell noted that the research behind this exhibit is the result of advanced scientific, techniques; and new technologies. For example researchers used a scanning (扫描) process called computed tomography (CT) to look inside the brains of extinct dinosaurs. It combines with many X-rays to produce a 3D image. "Modern technology tells us more than we thought

we could ever know about the connections between dinosaurs and birds," Norell said.

1.What' s the main idea of this text?

A. Experts .have discovered many dinosaurs' fossils.

B. A new museum has opened for visitors to New York City.

C. Research has been done on the lifestyles of birds and dinosaurs.

D. An exhibit shows the connections between birds and dinosaurs.

2.What does the underlined word “properties” in Paragraph 4 mean?

A. Advantages. B. Characters.

C. Changes. D. Activities.

3.One of the similarities that dinosaurs and birds share lies in________

A. their lungs B. their light bones

C. the shapes of their nests D. the number of their eggs

4.What did Mark Norell try to show by mentioning CT?

A. The importance of the research.

B. What connects dinosaurs and birds.

C. The application of modern technology.

D. How dinosaurs lived millions of years ago.

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