
Nowadays, studying abroad gains popularity in China. Many parents would rather send their children abroad to receive education than let them be educated in China.

Every coin has two sides and studying abroad is no exception(例外). There are advantages for people to attend school abroad. In the first place, he can use the foreign language in his daily life so that his ability in the second language may be greatly improved, as it is obvious that there is no better opportunity to improve second language skills than living in the country where it is spoken. While studying in a foreign country, he will mostly meet many others from overseas and it is possible to make friends with people from all over the world. This is not only exciting on the social level, but could lead to important overseas contacts in his career as well. He can learn the latest knowledge in science and make use of the first-rate facilities(设备) available. In this way, there are many chances for him to widen his horizons and broaden his mind.

Of course, attending school abroad may bring about a series of problems as well. The most serious problem is language barrier(障碍). Not all of the students who plan to go abroad are good at the language spoken there. As a result, on arriving there, they will find it difficult to understand what the teachers say. Besides, for lack of knowledge of the customs of the local people, they may constantly(不断地) run into trouble in dealing with various situations. Furthermore, the tuition and the cost of living are much higher than those in our country, which may add more burdens to their family.

Therefore, given an opportunity to attend a school abroad, one must consider both its advantages and its disadvantages carefully before making up his mind.

1.What is the passage mainly about?

A. Students? life in the foreign countries.

B. The advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad.

C. Problems that will be met when we study abroad.

D. The reasons why many parents sent their children abroad.

2.All the following are the advantages of studying abroad EXCEPT______

A. the ability in the second language may be greatly improved

B. you may make friends from all over the world

C. you can learn to live an independent life

D. you can get to know the latest knowledge in science.

3.The writer?s attitude towards studying abroad is ________

A. Positive(肯定的) B. Negative(否定的)

C. Neutral(中立的) D. Not clear




阅读下面短文, 然后按要求写一篇150个词左右的英语短文。

If you ask people what makes them happy, you will probably get many different answers but there are two fundamental things that will ensure happiness.

The first part of what makes people happy is growth. When you feel like you are improving your life, that’s when you are happy. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to constantly buy bigger and better things. You need to feel like you are growing on a personal level. You need to know that the essence of who you are is continually improving in some ways. Keep looking for ways to make yourself better today than you were yesterday. This can mean different things to different people but the point is that you have to feel like you are improving and getting better as a human being as time goes by.

The second part of what makes people happy is the sense of contribution. Everyone wants to believe that they were put here to do something great. As long as you know that by your being here, by doing what you are doing, you are helping someone somewhere, it will bring you happiness.

These are two ways of how to find happiness. Are these the only answers to what makes people happy? That depends on how you define happiness.

写作内容:1. 以约30个词概括上文的主要内容。

2. 以约120个词讲述你对快乐的看法,






On June 25, two days after our kidney transplant (移植) surgeries, my daughter-in-law, supported by her nurse and my son, walked into my hospital room in Seattle.There she was, the of my kidney, smiling at the foot of my bed.That's when I realized the full _ of "to give is to receive."

This February, her kidney function continued to decline, my daughter-in-law needed a kidney transplant to .1 told her that it would be a(n) to me to be able to donate a kidney to her.Immediately I was found compatible (相匹配的), my as a kidney provider began. After some tests and exams with my personal physician, I flew to Seattle for testing. Whenever I "passed" one , I became more relieved.Then I received the phone call telling me I was . which made me very happy. ,the day arrived.Before the surgery, I truly wasn't afraid; I just wanted the transplant to be

I woke that evening, my son telling me that my left kidney was in my daughter-in-law.A strong sense of washed over me.It was one of the most _ moments of my life.A later, I got an e-mail from my daughter-in-law, saying: "Happy One-Month Anniversary!" We did have something to :1 wasn't affected much by the surgery, and more importantly, she felt like she had her back.

Up to now, being able to see my daughter-in-law one of my kidneys has been one of the greatest gifts 1 have received.

1.A. provider B. receiver C. operator D. doctor

2.A. plan B. concept C. meaning D. advantage

3.A. as B. if C. though D. unless

4.A. leave B. survive C. rise D. pass

5.A. attempt B. comfort C. experience D. gift

6.A. challenge B. surgery C. journey D. action

7.A. completing B. marking C. failing D. writing

8.A. still less B. even more C. much worse D. far better

9.A. difficulty B. problem C. stage D. test

10.A. refused B. cured C. approved D. charged

11.A. Gradually B. Finally C.Immediately D. Suddenly

12.A. safe B. special C. comfortable D. secret

13.A.behaving badly B. staying safe C. going wrong D. working well

14.A. guilty B. sacrifice C. relief D. appreciation

15.A. satisfying B. worrying C. frightening D. surprising

16.A. year B. week C. moment D. month

17.A. remember B. share C. celebrate D. treasure

18.A. beauty B. smile C. confidence D.life

19.A. benefit from B. contribute to C. care for D. focus on

20.A. never B. ever C. already D. almost

Settled by the Celts, invaded by the Romans and the Normans, and ruled by the English, Wales’ population has regularly changed over the ages. Wales, particularly South Wales, became a melting pot of European nationalities and cultures. At first workers from England, Ireland and the rural areas of Wales rushed into the coalfields of South Wales. By 1911, workers from Ireland, Italy and Spain had joined the industrial workforce there. Many of these newcomers were prepared to work for less pay.

But during this period, workers, dissatisfied with regular pay cuts, poor safety, the growing trend of employers to pay workers with tokens (代币), which could only be spent in the company store, returned to the land. In 1891, the rural population of Wales was about 616,000 and by 1911 just over 649,000 people lived and worked in these areas.

The rural population continues to grow slowly even today. People from richer parts of the UK, particularly southern England, are buying holiday or retirement homes in Wales. In some areas this has led to a shortage of affordable housing for local people. This, combined with the lack of employment prospects in rural Welsh communities, has started a new movement of people in search of jobs and homes into the towns and cities of Wales and to other parts of the UK and Europe.

As so many Welsh people have migrated to other countries over the last 200 years, it’s really no surprise that many visitors come to see friends and relatives — there were 229,000 visitors in 1998. These visitors strengthen their links to their land of origin and continue to support the Welsh economy. During the hot summer days, about 28% of the visitors visit the countryside and nearly 70% visit the seaside.

1.Why was South Wales so attractive to people in the early 20th century?

A. Because its coal industry needed a large number of workers

B. Because people could get the highest pay there.

C. Because it was rich in many different kinds of culture

D. Because people could buy holiday or retirement homes there.

2.From the last paragraph, we learn that most visitors come to Wales for the purpose of _____.

A. visiting their friends and relatives

B. supporting the Welsh economy

C. enjoying a cool and pleasant summer

D. all of the above

3.What would be the best title for the passage?

A. Wales, a land with a population on the move

B. Wales, a land with a promising past and future.

C. Wales, the biggest melting pot of Europe.

D. Tourism, the main economic source of Wales

4.What does the writer want to tell us in the second paragraph?

A. Welsh workers couldn’t get any pay for their work.

B. The working conditions were terrible at this time.

C. Many people got tired of city life at this time.

D. The rural population of Wales didn’t decline at this time

We’re always looking for well-written reviews of books, music, movies, television shows, websites, video games and other products. When writing a review, concentrate on exactly what you liked or didn’t like. Give examples of strengths and weaknesses, be descriptive and provide background information on an author, director, actor or musician, if possible. Find professional reviews in magazines or newspapers and see how reviewers deal with their topic, but be sure to express your own voice in your review.

Grammar Hint for Reviews: When describing a book, movie, album or anything else, use the present tense.

Book Reviews

Discuss an author’s technique, strengths and weaknesses instead of focusing on the plot. Does the story flow? Is there a strong sense of character and place? Did you stay up until dawn to finish it? Is it good reading for teenagers? What influence did it have on you and why? If you’ve read other books by the same author, discuss how this book compares.

Movie Reviews

Think of the major Oscar categories and consider the performances, music, lighting and setting, etc. Do these work together? Did some hold up while others didn’t? If the movie is based on a book, discuss whether one is better than the other and why. If the movie is a remake, compare the film to its original.

Remember that a well-written movie review should discuss strengths and weaknesses. Some readers may not have seen a movie yet, so don’t give away an exciting scene or the ending!

College Reviews

Begin by providing an overview of the college, including location, size and a description of the campus and/or dorm life. Think about all aspects of your college visit. What academic, athletic and after-class programs are available? What are the students like? What makes the college different from others? Every school has strengths and weaknesses. Be objective. Consider what the school has to offer and who might enjoy or benefit the most from attending there.

1.When writing a review, you ________.

A. cannot refer to any previous review

B. must express your own views and opinions

C. must provide some information about the author

D. needn’t give any examples to support your views

2.Which aspects should be included in all three reviews?

A. Strengths and weaknesses.

B. Plot and character.

C. Programs and scenes.

D. Location and description.

3.Where can you probably find the passage?

A. In a personal diary.

B. In an official report.

C. In a tourist guidebook.

D. In a popular magazine.

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