

  Poorer children would be offered the chance to attend lessons on Saturday to help catch up with their middle class peers(同龄人),the shadow schools secretary, Michael Gove, said today, The Conservatives would give English state schools the freedom to choose to have longer teaching hours and extra classes at the weekend, he told the Association of Teachers and Lecturers’annual conference.

  Gove said the move would help to close the achievement gap with richer children whose parents could afford extras such as tutoring and music lessons.

  He told delegates(代表)in Manchester:“For children who come from homes where parents don’t have the resources to provide additional stretch and cultural experiences, there are benefits in having those children in the learning environment, in school, for longer.”

  “Parents would love to have schools starting earlier in some circumstances, and certainly going on later in the afternoon, given the reality of their working lives, ”he said.He held up the example of Kipp(Knowledge is Power Program)schools in the US, which are often based in the poorest communities and open from 7∶30 am to 5pm on weekdays, plus Saturdays.

  But it would be up to schools to decide to offer longer hours, Gove added.

  Parents said Saturday classes could become a“badge of dishonor”if pupils were forced to go, while teachers raised concerns about their workload.

  Margaret Morrissey, of Parents Outloud, said:“I think the suggestion the government made about one-to-one teaching for these kids would be a more preferable way of improving these children’s performance.I’m just not sure whether taking away a child at weekends is actually going to make them cleverer in the week.”

  The ATL’s general secretary, Mary Bousted, said:“If we want Saturday schools, then we need more teachers doing the extra hours, not the same teachers working longer.”


The program is intended for children _________.

[  ]


who are from middle-class families


whose parents can’t afford extra help


who perform poorly academically


whose weekends are mostly unoccupied


Additional stretch”in Paragraph 4 probably refers to _________.

[  ]


music lessons


physical relaxation


entertainment activities


out-of-school improvement


Why did Gove mention Kipp schools in the US?

[  ]


To make a comparison.


To introduce a new program.


To seek supportive evidence.


To prove his program is better.


What is Margaret Morrissey’s opinion about the new program?

[  ]










Which of the following is true?

[  ]


Teachers may not like the program.


Schools are trying to make profits.


The program is already under way.


The program is popular with children.




  Trogmire Troll was dealing with a crisis. The new girl in class really liked him a lot. Trogmire was not happy about it.

  Trogmire's good friend, Tremor Troll, tried to comfort him. “What's the big deal? I think Treasure Troll is kind of cute (可发的). And she seems to be nice enough.”

  Trogmire swallowed his last bite of poison sumac salad and glared at Tremor. “Then why don't you ask her to be your girlfriend? There she is, sitting all by herself at the other end of the cafeteria. March over there and ask her to be your sweetie-poo!”

  “She's crazy about you, not me,” Tremor replied.

  “Well, I don't want any girlfriend, especially not a weird (古怪的) annoying (烦人的) one like her!” Trogmire growled.

  Tremor wouldn't give up. “The only thing annoying about her is that she keeps writing you those notes and she stares.”

  “Yucky love notes!” Trogmire interrupted. He took another sip of mole milk. “Did you notice those strange brown eyes? Why aren't they normal red or pink?”

  Tremor took another look at Treasure. “I think her face is a lovely shade of green. And her dark green curly hair is quite pretty. Besides, she's very sweet and that's what really matters.”

  Trogmire stuck out his tongue. “I think I'm going to be sick! I'd better save my apple pies for later.” He crammed a small bag of Maggot Munchies into his even smaller shirt pocket. “The fact is, I have a problem. That girl is getting on my nerves!”

  Tremor followed Trogmire's example and decided to save his apple pies for later. However, he carefully placed the bag into his lunch box. “Do you have any ideas about how to solve your problem?” Tremor asked.

  “I'm going to be mean and rude to her,” Trogmire announced. “I'll call her names and make ugly faces at her.”

  “That's how you treat everyone”, Tremor reminded his friend.

  Trogmire nodded. “It's time that Treasure got to know the real Trogmire Troll!”

1.How did Treasure Troll feel about Trogmire Troll?

[  ]

A.She didn't like him because he was rude.

B.She was annoyed by his strange appearance.

C.She didn't have any strong feelings about him.

D.She liked him a lot.

2.How did Trogmire feel about Treasure?

[  ]

A.He felt annoyed.

B.He enjoyed the attention.

C.He didn't realize that she existed

D.He was crazy about her.

3.Who did Trogmire want for a girlfriend?

[  ]

A.No one.

B.Tremor's sister.

C.Treasure Troll.

D.A weird girl from another class.

4.Which statement is true?

[  ]

A.Trogmire pretended to be rude in order to make Treasure stop liking him.

B.Tremor thought that looks were more important than personality.

C.Tremor thought that Treasure was cute.

D.Trogmire offered his apple pies to Treasure to make her sick.

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