假如你是高三学生李华, 伴随世界金融危机到来的粮食短缺和干旱缺水, 让我们更加了解到珍惜粮食和节约水资源的重要性, 现请你代表你们班同学写一封信, 说明作为中学生我们应该如何身体力行, 为节约粮食和水资源做一份贡献.向某英文报社 "What Can We Do" 栏目投稿.
注意: 词数100左右, 信的开头结尾已给出, 不计入总词数.
Dear Editor,
I want to say something on behalf of my classmates about the food and water shortages being
experienced in many parts of the world.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
I want to say something on behalf of my classmates about the food and water shortages being
experienced in many parts of the world.
What should be done to deal with the problem? On the one hand,we should focus on environmental
protection and imporve our treatment of precious, nonrenewable resources. On the other hand, strict
measures should be taken to protect farmland.At the same time, of course, developed countries should
accept the fact that they have a responsibility to help the poorer ones that are experiencing food
As for middle school students like me, what we can do is waste as little as we can, and study hard
so that one day we may be able to help solve such problems.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua