

    1. India  has a national festival on October 2 to honour Mohandas G?ndhi,the leader who helped gain Indians independence from Britain. (P2) 



② 主句是 India has a national festival on October 2 to honour Molnjas Gandhi,the leader 作 Mohandas Gandhi 的同位语,其后接who引导的从句。

[句意]印度在10月2日有个全国性节日,纪念莫汉达斯•甘 地,货是f助印枣脱亭英国而独立的领袖。

[仿写]她兴办那所学校校以纪念她的父亲,他是一位将自己的 一生奉献给教育事並岛滅授。

仿写 She set up the school in memoiy of her father a professor who devoted himself to education.



                              ★ ★ ★ ★

            Bom in Mississippi in 1897,William Faulkner is considered the master of stream-of-consciousness,a revolutionary literary technique. His novels rank among the most important books of the 20th century.

            It is clear that Faulkner,s Deep South (the most southern states of the US) roots greatly influenced his writing. He grew up surrounded by traditional folk tales,family stories,and accounts from the Civil War. His remarkable understanding of race relations and his clever satire(讽刺) of Southern characters came from his memories of growing up in Lafayette County,Mississippi. It was there that William Faulkner began to write on the great political,social,and economic transformation taking place in the Deep South. He set many of his short stories and novels in Yoknapatawpha County,a fictional place he developed from his hometown.

            In his works,Faulkner examined how traditional values and beliefs affected Southern society after the Civil War. Faulkner particularly hated the racism and abuse that African Americans suffered in the South. Although Faulkner,s novels do riot avoid describing the cruelty and pain that life can bring,his works are filled with sympathy and humor. His work explores,condemns,and analyzes barriers to human freedom and happiness by examining racism,shames fear,and false pride.

            Among his masterpieces is The Sound and the Fury,published in 1929. The novel tells the story of a well-known Southern family,relying most heavily on stream-of-consciousness writing,in which a character's thoughts and feelings are conveyed in a manner similar to the way the human mind actually works. (The technique,in other words,is the expression of thoughts and feelings exactly as they pass through your mind,without the usual structure they have in formal writing.) 

           Faulkner's  mastery of unique literary styles was formally recognized when he was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in 1949. Always his own fiercest critic,William Faulkner considered many of his books failures because they did not live up to his high expectations. However,it is clear that Faulkner's experimental literary techniques often puzzled and challenged his readers,who were more,often than not inspired by his in-depth analysis of the human spirit. Faulkner passed away in 1962.

9. According to the text,Yoknapatawpha County.

   A. is a county of Mississippi

   B. was Faulkner’s hometown

   C. is based on Lafayette County

   D. was a place in the Deep South

10. In Paragraph 3 ,the author mainly tells us about.

   A. the styles of Faulkner's works .

   B. the themes of Faulkner's works

   C. the influence of Faulkner's works

   D. the limitations of Faulkner's works

11. What do we learn about stream-of-consciousness?

   A. It is the theme of The Sound and the Fury,

   B. It has the usual structure of formal writing.

   C. It describes mental activities as they occur.

   D. Jt refers to how characters affect each other.

12. What can we know about Faulkner and his works?

   A. 台e felt eonflised about ihem.

   B. He was usually inspired by them.

   C. He considered them to be unique.

   D. He was extremely strict about them.

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D) 中,选出最佳选项。


           My name is Petra. I volunteered for a program in South Africa in the summer last year. Coming to Knysna in South Africa was very exciting. The warm welcome,tasty food,free Wifi and laundry service were just some of the pleasant things in the volunteer house. The house was situated on a hill in a quiet area with an amazing view over the Knysna bay,which made our stay very nice.

           I booked Ihe Community Outreach & HIV Awareness program. But I was a little bit upset to find there was only one hour of HIV training on my schedule. I really looked forward to more training on HIV. But the program staff came up with some other projects instead which turned out to be funny and successful.

            We worked together in a constructive way,keeping at the back of our minds the success of the projects. Any good idea was welcomed,acknowledged and carried out. Though the work there was a bit tiring,we enjoyed ourselves.

            Not to forget about all the lovely,interesting and thankful people we met on our working tours. They really appreciated the work we did to help them live a better life. So as a volunteer you can gain so much appreciation and sincerity,which you will hardly find in our European society. There wealth is only defined by the value of the newest technical device(设备) the size of the car you drive and all the other things one owns.

            Please don't get me wrong; I don't want to romanticize their hard everyday lives. But the people V ve met there gave me the impression that they laiow what really matters: Caring about each other,being honest and confident,living in the present,and so on.

             So if you are open-minded and want to experience something great,don't hesitate to join such a program.

1. What disappointed the author in Knysna?

   A. Things in the volunteer house.

   B. The attitude of the program st^ff.

   C. The arrangements for HIV training.

   D. The location of the volunteer house.

2. The author's program in Knysna is most probably meant to.

   A. attract tourists to visit there

   B. help the locals live a better life

   C. help volunteers enjoy a great time

   D. bring work opportunities to the locals

3. After dealing with the locals in Knysna,the author.

   A. realized wealth was important

   B. wanted to receive more training

   C. thought they lived a romantic life

   D. formed a good impression of them

4. How does the author feel about her time in Knysna?

   A. Regretful.    B. Relaxing.

   C. Inconvenient. D. Awesome.


          Remember the good old days before smartphones? No,we don't mean the days without mobile phones. We’ re talking the old school days. We’ re talking the era of flip phones (翻盖手机) .One teenager named Janey Litvin is looking to bring those days back.

          It started when Litvin dropped her iPhone and heard “crrmrrrack ,” the sound every iPhone owner knows and fears. At first,Litvin was frightened W see her iPhone break into pieces on the floor,but she eventually considered it a good thing.

          “Although I wouldn’t  have admitted it,I was totally addicted to my iPhone,w Litvin wrote in a post,describing it as her full-time job. If she didn't check it at all moments of the day,something,whether it be a Facebook notification (通知) or a message from a friend,would fall through the cracks.“A broken iPhone changed everything. Suddenly,there was no pressure to respond or stay updated with vveveryone's latest move,and it was nice,” she said.

          When others broke their phones and enjoyed a day Or two of freedom from cyberspace,they would get their phones fixed,and then jump right back into the world of network. But Litvin chose not to replace her smartphone. The teen instead ordered a purple Motorola flip phone that “gets the job done." It's a i*ar cry from a wonderful smartphone,but it's all Litvin wanted.

          At first,Litvin experienced uneasiness,even missing out on important conversations and plans. Eventually,she settled into the smartphone-less life,which turned out to be a good thing for her friendships. As Litvin has learned at a summer camp where mobile phones are banned,being disconnected can help “develop incredibly strong friendships."

          For those of us who have not yet tried to brave the world without an iPhone,Litvin offers the following advice.

5. What does the underlined part “fall through the cracks”

in Paragraph 3 mean?

   A. Be checked. B. Be ignored.

   C. Break up.   D. Show up.

6. What did Litvin do after her iPhone broke?

   A. She had it repaired.

   B. She got another iPhone.

   C. She stopped using a mobile phone.

   D. She bought a less advanced phone.

7. We learn from the text that now Litvin.

   A. lives a very busy life

   B. has fewer friends than before

   C. experiences uneasiness sometimes

   D. has got used to life without a smartphone

8. The text is probably followed by a paragraph about.

   A. Litvin's present life

   B. a story about friendship

   C. some tips given by Litvin

   D. some benefits of an iPhone

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