
6.Bertie knew there was something in the wind.His mother had been sad in recent days,not sick,just strangely sad.The lion had just lain down beside him,his head warm on Bertie's feet when Father cleared his throat and began,"You'll soon be eight,Bertie.A boy needs a proper education.We've found the right place for you,a school near Salisbury in England."
His heart filled with a terrible fear,all Bertie could think of was his white lion."But the lion,"he cried,"What about the lion?"
"I'm afraid there's something else I have to tell you,"his father said.Looking across at Bertie's mother,he took a deep breath.Then he told Bertie he had met a circus owner from France,who was over in Africa looking for lions to buy.He would come to their farm in a few days.
"No!You can't send him to a circus!"said Bertie."People will come to see him.He'll be shut up behind bars.I promised him he never would be.And they will laugh at him.He'd rather die.Any animal would!"But as he looked across the table at them,he knew their minds were quite made up.
Bertie felt completely betrayed.He waited until he heard his father's deep breathing next door. With his white lion at his heels,he crept downstairs in his pyjamas,took down his father's rifle from the rack and stepped out into the night.He ran and ran till his legs could run no more.As the sun came up over the grassland,he climbed to the top of a hill and sat down,his arms round the lion's neck.The time had come.
"Be wild now,"he whispered."You've got to be wild.Don't ever come home.All my life I'll think of you.I promise I will."He buried his head in the lion's neck.Then,Bertie clambered down the hill and walked away.
When he looked back,the lion was still sitting there watching him; but then he stood up,yawned,stretched,and sprang down after him.Bertie shouted at him,but he kept coming.He threw sticks.He threw stones.Nothing worked.
There was only one thing left to do.With tears filling his eyes and his mouth,he lifted the rifle to his shoulder and fired over the lion's head.

56.Bertie's mother was sad probably because sheC.
A.had been seriously ill recently
B.had decided to send Bertie to school
C.knew selling the lion would upset Bertie
D.knew Bertie would hate to go to England
57.The underlined word"they"in Para.4probably refers toA.
A.some audience    B.other animals
C.Bertie's parents    D.circus owners
58.In the last paragraph,the boy lifted the rifle toB.
A.kill the lion out of fear
B.threaten the lion back to the wild
C.protect himself from the lion
D.show his anger towards his father
59.The passage intends to show thatD.
A.animal-hunting is popular in Africa
B.parents are sometimes cruel to their children
C.animals usually lead a miserable life in circuses
D.people and animals can be faithful to each other.

分析 本文叙述了Bertie由于长大了父母想让他去上学,因为他养着一头狮子,父母想把它卖给马戏团,可是他不愿意,于是他趁家人不注意,晚上带着枪,把狮子带到了山上想让狮子回归自然,可是狮子对它的主人恋恋不舍,他只好举枪威胁它.

解答 56.C.推理判断题.根据文章第一段A boy needs aproper education.We've found the right place for you,a school near Salisburyin England.母亲可能认为把狮子卖了Bertie会伤心,故选C.
57.A.词义猜测题.根据文章第三段People will cometo see him.He'll be shut up behind bars.I promised him he never would be这里指来看狮子的观众,故选A.
58.B.推理判断题.根据倒数第三段"Be wildnow,"he whispered."You've got to be wild.Don't ever come home.Allmy life I'll think of you.I promise I will.可以推测出他想将狮子放回大自然,但是狮子还是跟着他,所以他举起枪想吓唬狮子,让它回到大自然中;故选B.

点评 考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.

6."Look it up in the dictionary"is the usual comment when people are in doubt about the meaning or spelling of a word.Dictionaries are considered the final authority on these matters as well as on pronunciations and other facts about a word.
Until a few hundred years ago,however,people could not"look it up"because there were no English dictionaries.The ancient Greeks and Romans and the scholars of the Middle Ages had made lists of Latin and Greek words.(71)G The first great English dictionary listing both common and uncommon words was written by Samuel Johnson in 1755.
In America,the most famous name in dictionary writing is that of Noah Webster.He stressed American rather than British ways of speaking.His great dictionary,which first appeared in 1828,has been republished many times.(72)A The latest edition is still considered"the"dictionary.It defines over 450,000words,including radar,television and many others undreamed of by Webster.
(73)EThe huge ones that rest on stands in libraries are called unabridged,meaning"not shortened."They tell not only a word's meaning and spelling but also its pronunciation,origin,history,part of speech,grammatical forms,and ways of use.The smaller ones do not provide all this information.
(74)B A bilingual dictionary,such as a Spanish-English dictionary,translates words from one language into another.A thesaurus lists other words that mean the same as each listed word.A gazetteer lists place names,and a glossary is a small dictionary in a book defining technical words in that book.There are also dictionaries of scientific terms and ones on many other topics.There is even a dictionary of slang.(75)CThe dictionary is one of our most valuable language tools.

A.Each time,it has been updated.
B.General dictionaries are not the only kind.
C.Thus there are many kinds of special dictionaries.
D.In a general dictionary,each word may have multiple meanings.
E.Dictionaries that list all kinds of words are known as general dictionaries.
F.Over the previous 150 years more than 20dictionaries had been published.
G.But it was not until 1604that a book of uncommon English words appeared.
11.Growing up,I remember my father as a silent,serious man not the sort of person around whom one could laugh.As a teenager arriving in America,knowing nothing,I wanted a father who could explain the human journey.In college,when friends called home for advice,1 would sink into deep depression for what I did not have.
Today.at twenty-seven,I have come to rediscover them in ways that my teenage mind would not allow-as adults and as friends with their own faults and weaknesses.
One night after my move back home,I overheard my father on the telephone.There was some trouble.Later,Dad shared the problem with me.Apparently my legal training had earned me some privileges in his eyes.I talked through the problem with Dad.analyzing the purposes of the people involved and offering several negotiation strategies.He listened patiently before finally admitting,"I can't think like that.I am a simple man."
Dad is a brilliant scientist who can deconstruct (解构) the building blocks of nature.Yet human nature is a mystery to him.That night I realized that he was simply not skilled at dealing with people,much less the trouble of a conflicted teenager.It's not in his nature to understand human desires.
And so,there it was-it was no one's fault that my father held no interest in human lives while 1 placed great importance in them.We are at times born more sensitive,wide-eyed,and dreamy than our parents and become more curious and idealistic than them.Dad perhaps never expected me for a child.And I,who knew Dad as an intelligent man,had never understood that his intelligence did not cover all of my feelings.
It has saved me years of questioning and confusion.I now see my parents as people who have other relationships than just Father and Mother.I now overlook their many faults and weaknesses,which once annoyed me.
I now know my parents as friends:people who ask me for advice; people who need my support and understanding.And I've come to see my past clearly.

46.What was the author's impression of her father when she was a teenager?B
A.Friendly but irresponsible.
B.Intelligent but severe.
C.Cold and aggressive.
D.Caring and communicative.
47.Why did the author feel depressed when her friends called home?D
A.She did not have a phone to a1l home.
B.Her father did not care about her human journey.
C.Her father was too busy to answer her phone.
D.Her father couldn't give her appropriate advice.
48.After the author overheard her father on the telephone.C
A.he blamed her for impoliteness
B.he rediscovered human nature
C.he consulted with her about his problem
D.he changed his attitude towards the author
49.The author realized thatC
A.her father had too many faults and weaknesses
B.her father was not as intelligent as she had thought
C.her father was not good at interpersonal relationships
D.her father placed too much importance in social activities
50.Which of the following is the best title of this passage?A
A.My Parents as Friends
B.My Parents as Advisors
C.My Father-a Serious Man
D.My Father-an Intelligent Scientist.
16.It's Nice to be Home
(36)A I have been fortunate enough to make trips to many countries.They were wonderful adventures filled with new sights and experiences.And my wife and I have another trip in the planning stages.
We're home now and have settled back into our daily routine of life.(37)E I find that when I am at home,particularly for a while when we have just returned from a trip,I feel very comfortable.Perhaps it is because everything around me is familiar and the daily routine is so much the same I can move through it almost without thinking.(38)D Perhaps it is because we can have meals at home instead of always being in restaurants,although it's nice to let someone else do the cooking,and because I can sleep in my own bed.There are times I think it would be nice to simply stop travelling and stay home and I'm stile I would be very comfortable if that were to happen.(39)C
Yet I guess I am probably a restless soul because I know that after I have been home for a while I will start to think about other places we might go and other things we want to see.We will travel again and we feel fortunate to be able to do so.(40)F Still,one of the best things about travelling for me is coming home.I'm very comfortable here at home even if it is difficult to say exactly why.

A.I like to travel very much.
B.I enjoy local food while travelling.
C.I like being home,for whatever reason.
D.Perhaps it is because our friends are here.
E.And I enjoy my daily life at home so much.
F.We want to see as much of the world as we can.
G.It's lucky that my wife and I both love travelling.

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