
Dear editor,

    I am Paul , a senior English teacher in Linchuan No. 1 Middle School in Jiangxi Province , China. This letter is written to ask for your opinion.

    The other day, I met with a multiple - choice exercise. We teachers argued heatedly with each other over its answer. Unfortunately, neither side could convince the other. The sentence is to be attached at the end of the letter. There is no doubt that the reference answer C is correct. But I don’t  think it is the only answer. Personally, I do think A is also a reasonable choice in sense as well as in grammar, if the case is treated from another aspect.                                

    What puzzles me is why we should deal with so many multiple - choice exercises with not rigorous(严谨的)enough reference keys. But being a teacher, it’s very important and necessary to make it clear to students which answer is correct, which is more appropriate, and which is the best one. Regrettably, Multiple - choice test, which is a bit old - fashioned in western countries, seems to be quite popular and covers a rather high percentage in all sorts of English tests in China, especially in NMET.

    Personally speaking, I don’t think multiple - choice test form making up more than 75 percent of the total scores in college entrance examination is a very good and effective testing method. Instead, more subjective testing forms depending on one’s own thinking and his ability to use the language like key words falling, question answering, paragraph or passage summarizing, English - Chinese or Chinese - English inter - translation, etc. should be applied to English proficiency tests. Through the test forms mentioned above, students’ ability to use the language will be better developed. Consequently, more advanced and outstanding English learners could be picked out. In fact, a test paper focusing on multiple - choice test influences, in a sense, students to form their own language thinking, which hinders(阻碍)the development of their language ability as well. Do you think so?

    I am looking forward to your authoritative opinion. Thanks.

Yours sincerely,

Paul Liao


. What can be learnt from the letter is that the writer ________.

    A. writes to argue with the editor over China’s present test system

    B. thinks the reference answer to the sentence is completely wrong

    C. thinks subjective test forms constitute a rather high percentage in NMET

    D. doesn’t think highly of China’s present English proficiency test forms


. In order to better develop students’ ability to use English, the writer suggests ________.

    A. dealing with more multiple - choice exercises

    B. laying stress on the practice of subjective exercises

    C. arguing hotly with teachers over reference answers

    D. considering a problem from different aspects


 Which of the following does NOT belong to subjective exercises in English learning?

    A. Keeping a diary.                    B. Summarizing a paragraph.

    C. Copying a test.                     D. Translating a passage.


 The writer seems to feel ________ as to the future development of students’ language ability.

    A. concerned      B. curious          C. confused          D. satisfied








【解析】 略



下面是《21世纪报中学生班》(21st Century School Edition )刊登的一封读者来信,请你以编辑张华的身份给这位中学生写封回信。

Dear editor,

I spend most of my time studying; I hardly talk to my classmates. Sometimes I don’t care much about others, but I do want to talk. I just don’t know what to talk about and how to begin a conversation.

I feel so lonely. How I wish I had a good friend! Could you give me some advice?


                                                        Jin Jing







2. 信的开头已写好,不计入总词数;

3. 词数:不少于100词(不含已写好的部分)。

参考词汇:自信self-confidence  n.

缺乏lack vt.

Dear Jin Jing,

Your problem is a common one among middle school students. Maybe the following advice can help you. _________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________















                                                     Zhang Hua

违法和不良信息举报电话:027-86699610 举报邮箱:58377363@163.com
