
One evening, long after most people had gone to bed, a friend of mine and I         happily home through the          street. We had been to a music-hall and         about the people we had seen and heard in it.

“The show        him a star overnight, ” said my friend about one of them. “He was completely        before. And now thousands of people         him gifts and letters. ” “I thought him quite good, ”  I said , “ but not         thousands of letters . As a matter of       , one of his songs gave me a shock. It was too noisy. ” “What was that?” my friend asked me, “       it to me .” I began to sing. “Do be quiet. You will give everybody a shock and        them up for miles       , besides, there will be a policeman         us. ” My friend gave me a surprised look.

“Never mind. I don’t care. What is the matter?” I said and went on singing        the top of my voice .

Suddenly there came a policeman,       in front of me , his notebook       . “      , sir ,” he said , “You have a very good voice , if I       say so . Who taught you singing? I’d very much       to find someone who can give my daughter singing lessons. Would you be       to tell me your name and address? Then my wife and I would        you and we could discuss it .”

1.A. went            B. was coming

C. was making our way D. had lost our way

2.A. calm            B. crowded         C. silence               D. quiet

3.A. were thinking    B. were talking

C. knew             D. were discussing

4.A. called                  B. turned        C. named            D. made

5.A. famous                 B. forgotten      C. stranger         D. unknown

6.A. show                  B. write         C. send                D. brought

7.A. worthy                 B. worth        C. received            D. accepted

8.A. fact                    B. facts         C. a fact             D. the fact

9.A. Read            B. Sing         C. Say               D. Tell

10.A. call            B. pick          C. wake                  D. join

11.A. long           B. out           C. around          D. in

12.A. observing       B. after           C. besides                 D. in front of

13.A. with           B. on               C. in                       D. at

14.A. stood          B. going            C. standing           D. walking

15.A. closing         B. closed           C. open              D. gone

16.A. Wait a minute    B. Stop singing              C. I’m sorry      D. Excuse me

17.A. may            B. like              C. must           D. don’t

18.A. liked           B. wanted                   C. like           D. eager

19.A. brave          B. kind enough        C. willing        D. honest

20.A. try            B. drop in               C. invite         D. visit


























1. A动词辨析。A. 去;B. 来;C. 行进;D. 迷路。根据下文We had been to a music-hall可知作者和朋友是看完音乐会后回家,go home“回家”,所以答案选A.

2.D形容词辨析。A. 平静; B.拥挤         ;C.沉默;D. 安静。由上文long after most people had gone to bed可知此时已经是深夜,由此推测大街上是安静的,故答案选D。

3. B动词辨析。A. 思考; B. 交谈;C. 知道 ;D.讨论。根据下文两人的对话内容可知此时他们在谈论当晚的见闻,所以选B。

4.D动词辨析。A呼喊      ;B. 转弯;C.命名;D.使,制造。由下文可知他们谈论的人以前不出名,而是由于一次演出而一夜成名,make sb sth “使某人成为……”;而call/ name sb sth意思是“称某人……”,故正确答案为D。

5.D形容词辨析。A. 著名;B. 健忘         ;C. 陌生;D. 无名的。根据completely和下文And now thousands of people……可知此处强调现在和以前的对比,由此推测他以前是没有名气的,故答案选D。

6.C动词辨析。A.展示;B. 写;C.送;D. 带来。从情理可知人们会给名人写信或者送他们礼物,send sb sth “送给某人某物”,故答案选C。

7.B形容词辨析。A. 值得的;B. 值得的;C. 收到的; D. 可接受的。根据前面“I thought him quite good, but not…… ”可知此空应该和good并列,做thought的宾补,排除C、D选项。再根据作者下面的评论It was too noisy.可知作者认为这名歌手不值得人们那么的追捧,所以用worth sth“值得……”,故答案选B。

8.A考查短语。固定短语:as a matter of fact“事实上,实际上”,答案选A。

9.B动词辨析。A.读 B. 唱;C. 说;D. 告诉。根据下文I began to sing.可知作者应朋友的要求开始唱歌,所以答案选B。

10. C动词辨析。A. 叫喊 ;B. 捡起;C. 醒来;D. 加入。call up“给某人打电话”;pick up“接人,捡起”; wake sb up“把人喊醒,叫醒”。由上文可知此时已是深夜,所以朋友让作者小声唱的原因是怕把人们吵醒,故答案选C。

11. C副词辨析。A. 长;B. 在外;C. 在周围; D.在里面。由情理可知在寂静的夜晚大的声音会把周围的人们吵醒,故答案选C。

12.D介词辨析。 A. 注意;B. 在……后          ;C. 包括; D.在……前面。根据下文there came a policeman,      in front of me可以判断警察是在作者前面,答案选D。

13.D介词辨析。A. 带有;B. 在上面;C.在里面; D.在。on (the) top of表示一个东西直接放在另一个东西上面(顶部)。 at the top of意为“在…上端(上部)”“在…顶端”而 at the top of one’s voice意思是“以某人最大的音量,大声地”,由此判断D选项正确。

14.C动词辨析。A. 站;B.去;C. 站; D. 走。根据语境可知警察手里拿着笔记本站到了他们面前,此处是现在分词做状语,所以答案选C。

15.C形容词辨析。A. 关着;B. 关着;C. 开着 ;D.不见了。由下文tell me your name and address可知警察想要记下作者的电话和地址,由此推断他手里的笔记本是敞着,选C。

16.D短语辨析。A. 稍等;B. 停止唱歌;C. 对不起;D.打扰了。从情理可知当打扰别人的时候要说Excuse me,故答案选D。

17.A动词辨析。A. 可以;B.喜欢;C. 必须;D. 不。Like to do sth 或doing sth,排除B选项;而由下文可知警察是真的认为作者嗓音好, If I may say so “如果我可以这样说”使所讲内容显得更中肯、委婉,所以答案选A。

18.C动词辨析。A. 喜欢;B. 想要;C. 喜欢; D.渴望。固定短语would like to do “想要做某事”,答案选C。句意:我非常想找一个能给我女儿上歌唱课的人。

19.B形容词辨析。 A. 勇敢的;B. 足够友好;C. 愿意 ;D. 诚实。由语境可知警察想要记下作者的电话和地址,应该是礼貌地提出请求,所以用kind enough表示语气的委婉礼貌,符合语言习惯,故答案选B。

20. D动词辨析。A. 尝试;B. 顺便来访;C. 邀请;D. 拜访。前句提到要作者留下他的电话和地址,由此推断警察这样做的目的应该是为了去拜访他,故答案选D。



     It seems like everywhere a person goes there is at least one person with a cell phone to his ear. Even
in places   1   cell phone usage is banned such as concert halls or movie theatres there is the   2   offender, or at least a few people using the text messaging feature   3   their phones.
    Cell phone usage has   4   over the past decade and continues to rise. Nearly 200   5   people in the
United States have cell phones and there are   6   over one billion users worldwide. That means there are
a lot of phones   7   their frequencies over the airwaves at any given time.
    Concern has arisen over whether or not cell phone usage   8   harm a person's health. Brain cancer
rates in the United States have risen since call phones were   9  , leading some people to wonder if cell
phone usage is the reason for the   10  .
     Some people say the biggest danger   11   cell phones isn't from the either real or perceived potential
to develop cancer, but from   12   while using the cell phone. How many of us have seen vehicles
driving   13   erratically (不稳定地) down the road. And we often see when we get near the vehicle the
driver on a cell phone is   14   on a cell phone. It is a proven fact that a driver on a cell phone is   15  
attentive and more likely to get in an accident. And, hands-free sets aren't the   16   that some people
may believe. Yes, they   17   both hands for driving and prevent a person from getting a sore (酸疼的)
arm,   18   the driver's mind is still   19   the conversation and therefore less attentive to what is   20  
around him or her on the road.
(     )1. A. which    
(     )2. A. busy    
(     )3. A. under    
(     )4. A. been exploded
(     )5. A. millions   
(     )6. A. well    
(     )7. A. delivering
(     )8. A. may      
(     )9. A. allowed  
(     )10. A. increase
(     )11. A. with    
(     )12. A. attention
(     )13. A. quite  
(     )14. A. using  
(     )15. A. more    
(     )16. A. problem
(     )17. A. hold up
(     )18. A. therefore
(     )19. A. taken up  
(     )20. A. happening to
B. where  
B. always
B. on    
B. exploded
B. millions of
B. good  
B. carrying
B. must  
B. invented
B. decline  
B. before
B. attractive
B. almost
B. talking
B. less  
B. question
B. pick up  
B. as    
B. filled by
B. going on
C. there  
C. occasional
C. from  
C. been exploding
C. million  
C. better
C. taking
C. can    
C. introduced
C. improvement
C. in  
C. careless
C. hardly
C. moving  
C. least  
C. mean  
C. put up
C. but    
C. occupied with
C. talking about
D. here          
D. occasionally  
D. to            
D. exploding      
D. million of    
D. best          
D. sending        
D. should        
D. bought        
D. rose          
D. on            
D. inattentiveness
D. nearly        
D. handing        
D. fewer          
D. answer        
D. free up        
D. though        
D. picked up      
D. moving about  

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