
Overloaded with work, school teachers now get far less sleep than they ______.

A. shallB. shouldC. mayD. might








The slavery drama “12 Years a Slave” won the Academy Award for best picture on Sunday, making history as the first movie from a black director to win the film industry’s highest honor in 86 years of the Oscars. British director Steve McQueen’s brave portrayal of pre-Civil War American slavery won two other Oscars, including best supporting actress for newcomer Lupita Nyong’o and best adapted screenplay based on the memoir of Solomon Northup, a free man tricked and sold into slavery in Louisiana. “Everyone deserves not just to survive but to live. This is the most important legacy of Solomon Northup,” said McQueen in his acceptance speech.

“12 Years a Slave” was better over space thriller “Gravity” from Mexican filmmaker Alfonso Cuaron, which nevertheless got the most Oscars of the night with seven, including the best director honor for Cuaron, a first for a Latin American director.The film starring Sandra Bullock as an astronaut lost in space swept the technical awards like visual effects and cinematography, a reward for its groundbreaking work on conveying space and weightlessness. Referring to the “transformative” experience he and others undertook in the four-plus years spent making “Gravity”, Cuaron, whose hair is graying, said, “For a lot of these people, that transformation was wisdom. For me, it was just the color of my hair.”
In one of the strongest years for film in recent memory, the 6,000-plus voters of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences scattered golden Oscar statuettes among the many acclaimed movies in contention.

It was a good night for the scrappy, low-budget film “Dallas Buyers Club”, directed by Jean-Marc Vallee, a biopic of an early AIDS activist two decades in the making that won three Oscars, including the two male acting awards.

Matthew McConaughey, in a validation of a remarkable career turnaround, won best actor for his portrayal of the homophobe who turned AIDS victim and then turned treatment crusader Ron Woodroof, a role for which he lost 50 pounds (23 kg). His co-star, Jared Leto, won best supporting actor for his role as Woodroof’s unlikely business partner, the transgender woman Rayon, for which he also slimmed down drastically.

Australia’s Cate Blanchett won the best actress Oscar for her acclaimed role as the socialite unhinged by her husband’s financial crimes in Woody Allen’s “Blue Jasmine.” “As random and subjective as this award is, it means a great deal in a year of, yet again, extraordinary performances by women,” said Blanchett, who beat out previous Oscar winners Bullock, Amy Adams, Judi Dench and Meryl Streep.

1.The film which won the largest number of Oscar awards this year is ______.

A. 12 Years a SlaveB. Gravity

C. Dallas Buyers ClubD. Blue Jasmine

2.Which director spent the least money in making the film?

A. Steve McQueen.B. Alfonso Cuaron.

C. Jean-Marc Vallee.D. Woody Allen.

3.How many Oscar best actresses are mentioned in this passage?

A. One.B. Three.C. Five.D. Six.

4.Which of the following statements is WRONG?

A. “12 Years a Slave” won two Oscar awards altogether.

B. The director of “Gravity” is from Latin America.

C. The character Rayon is played by Jared Leto.

D. The woman film star Cate Blanchett comes from Oceania.


下图表为近几年中美两国电子商务发展比较及其将来几年的发展趋势。请根据图表信息,以 “E-commerce, an ever-increasing trend in China”为题,为某英语报写一篇稿子,内容须包括:








E-Commerce Sales and Growth 2008-2016

(China vs US)

E-commerce, an ever-increasing trend in China

The chart shows China’s e-commerce sales started with only 20 billion USD in 2008, and













The United Nations climate talks in Doha, Qatar, continued into their second week, Wednesday, as delegates from nearly 200 countries struggle to craft a replacement for the Kyoto Protocol, the global agreement on climate change that expires at the end of this month.

The negotiations are deadlocked (陷入僵局)over demands by poorer nations for financial help in coping with climate change.

United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon called on delegates at the United Nations Conference on Climate Change to speed up their work on an agreement to address a warming planet.

“Let us be under no illusion(幻想), this is a crisis, a threat to us all, our economies, our security and the well-being of our children and those who will come after," he said. "No one is immune to climate change, rich or poor.”

Delegates from nearly 200 countries --- rich and poor --- are in Doha to extend the Kyoto Protocol, the 1997 global climate change agreement that expires (到期)at the end of this month, and to begin to forge a new agreement to replace it.

Two issues block the way forward.  Developing countries are demanding that industrialized nations fulfill their pledges(保证)under Kyoto to reduce their climate-changing industrial emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, and to put new, larger emission curbs on the table. 

The developing nations, led by China, are also insisting that rich nations provide more aid to poorer countries to help them cope with the effects of climate change, including rising sea levels and more violent storms. 

In Doha Wednesday, Tim Gore, a climate change policy advisor for Oxfam International, a confederation of groups working on social justice issues, applauded efforts by England, Germany and Sweden to increase their climate aid and expects other nations to follow. 

“Those announcements are truly welcome.  And they shine a spotlight on those that have remained silent: the U.S., Canada, Japan, even Australia," Gore said. "But we need to be very clear as well that those types of announcements made in press conferences can be no substitute for clear commitments in the text that poor countries have come here to negotiate.”

1.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. China plays an important role in The United Nations climate talks in Doha, Qatar.

B. The United Nations climate talks in Doha, Qatar, continued into their second week, Wednesday.

C. Developing countries want rich nations to pay for climate change.

D. Ban Ki-moon called on delegates at the United Nations Conference on Climate Change to speed up their work on an agreement to address a warming planet.

2.What did United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said in Paragraph 4 mean?

A. Climate change will do harm to all the countries in the world.

B. There is no hope to deal with the problem.

C. Illusion(幻想)is a crisis, a threat to us all.

D. Ban Ki-moon called on delegates to cope with a warming planet.

3.What does the underlined word in Paragraph Five forge mean?

A. put aside B. deal with C. call off D. work out

4.Which of the following is Not true?

A. Climate change includes rising sea levels and more violent storms.

B. All the industrialized nations will carry out their promises under Kyoto to reduce their climate-changing industrial emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, and to put new, larger emission curbs on the table. 

C. Tim Gore thought highly of the efforts by England, Germany and Sweden to increase their climate aid and expects other nations to follow.

D. The U.S., Canada, Japan, even Australia didn’t make announcements to be responsible for the climate changes.


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