
Many of Nalade Resorts’ hotels have Kids Club with special facilities for young children, making holidays more relaxing for parents and undoubtedly more pleasant and interesting for youngsters!

Kids Club in Beau Rivage (9 a.m. to 10 p.m.)

    The club has a lovely atmosphere, with a large room for activities and a fenced, grass play-area outside. The qualified hostesses really know how to get on with children, as they look after and entertain youngsters from 3 to 12.

Activities are adapted according to children’s ages and talents and include:

    ●Glass-bottom boat trips to see the brightly colored games

    ●Drawing and painting

    ●Making things and a whole host of indoor games

    ●Learning how to snorkel and water-ski

A baby sitting service is also available on request, for a fee. Children’s dinner is served in the main restaurant at 6:30 p.m.

Kids Club in Legends (9 a.m. to 10 p.m.)

Three qualified hostesses entertain youngsters from 3 to 11 years old. For children under 3, a baby sitting service is also available on request, for a fee.

Children’s lunch is served between 12:30 and 1:30 p.m. in the main restaurant or in the Kids Club depending on the day. The children have dinner in the main restaurant between 6:30 and 7:30 p.m.

Kids Club in Les Pavillons (9:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.)

Friendly, experienced, well-trained staff keep youngsters from 3 to 11 happy and occupied throughout the day and evening. Activities include:

    ●Learning the local dance, the Sega

    ●Gathering crabs on the beach by torchlight

    ●Making things and a whole host of indoor games

    ●Learning to play a traditional musical instrument

A special children’s dinner is served from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. Baby sitting service can also be provided, for a fee.

Kids Club in Diva

The ideal arrangement for both parents and their youngsters! Qualified staffs look after children aged from 3 to 11 from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily and organize a whole range of activities to keep them busy and happy.

    Children have dinner between 6 and 7 p.m. A baby sitting service is also available, for a fee.

1.If you have a 12-year-old child, you can choose ______ for your Family holidays.

A. Diva              B. Legends       C. Beau Rivage      D. Les Pavillons

2.Children may have two meals in ______.

A. Legends           B. Beau Rivage    C. Les Pavillons     D. Diva

3.According to the activity lists, children can learn some water sports in the Club of ______.

A. Les Pavillons       B. Beau Rivage    C. Diva           D. Legends

4.We know from the passage that ______.

A. the staff in all hotels can get along well with the youngsters

B. all the hotels open daily from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.

C. all the hotels provide baby-sitting service for fee

D. parents have to play with their children in the activities










1.根据“from 3 to 12, from 3 to 11 years old, from 3 to 11, from 3 to 11”可知,Kids Club in Beau Rivage符合题意,其余三个都不包括11岁以上的孩子。故选C。

2.根据“Children’s lunch is served...”和“The children have dinner in...”可知,Legends 提供午餐和晚餐,故选A。

3.根据“Learning how to snorkel and water-ski”可知,Beau Rivage提供水上运动,故选B。

4.根据“Many of Nalade Resorts’ hotels have Kids Club...”可知,这里讲的是宾馆的儿童俱乐部,俱乐部的工作人员都能与孩子们友好相处,A项说的是酒店的所有员工,范围扩大化了;Kids Club in Les Pavillons 是9:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.;根据“making holidays more relaxing for parents”和文章的介绍可知,儿童俱乐部是专门照看孩子的,安排的活动都是孩子独自完成的,父母不会参与,排除A、B、D。故选C。





  After the September 11 terrorist attacks,some highschools in America wanted the students?to pledge allegiance(宣誓效忠)to the flag.Is it necessary?or not?Let's seehow the kids think of this requirement.

  Lea Mouallem,Marymoumt High School

  I believe that saying the Pledge of Allegiance is a way ofreminding our country that no matter what happens,we are united.I don't think our president wants us to go and join the army now,but he wants to tell us that we will be able to over come the disaster as a whole nation that is working together.

  Harry Chin,15,Culver City High School

  I am not for the pledge of Allegiance,Allegiace and I am not a gainst the Pledge of Allegiance because I just say it so many times that it loses meaning.I say it every day at school In the second period.It doesn't mean anything any more.

  David Tran,15,Warren High School

  The Pledge of Allegiance is another sign of country.We should have some respect to it.In many schools,we don't say the Pledge every morntng— we just stand up and let the Na- tional anthem ring through the silence.We said the Pledge of Allegiance on Sept 12.

  Danny Maryanor,16,Santa Monica High School

  I wonder why we were suddenly asked to recite thePledge when many of us stopped after elementary school;andthe Pledge was recited before the play of“Ode to Joy”(欢乐颂)with recorders.This was not to express patriotism(爱国主义),or even to remernber those who lost their lives on Sept 11.

  I feel I cannot support a nation that in this time of crisislooks outward for revenge(报复)instead of inward for peace.Perhaps we should think more about our problems.


Saying the Piedge of Allegiance to the flag first appeared in American schools ________

[  ]


after Sept 11,2000.


before Sept 11,2001


on Sept 11,2001


after Sept 11,2001


Who were for the Pledge of Allegiance________

[  ]


Lea Mouallem;David Tran.


Harry Chin;Danny Maryanor.


Lea Mouallem;Danny Maryanor.


Harry Chin;David Tran.


Which of the following is TRUE?

[  ]


Harry Chin thought the government required them to join the army.


Lea Mouallem thought the Pledge of Allegiance of no meaning.


Danny Maryanor felt the terrorist attacks happened partly because of America's own problem.


The Pledge of Allegiance is of another country.


According to the passage,it can be imagined that________

[  ]


all high school students say yes to the Pledge of Alle-giance


all high school students say no the Pledge of Alle-giance


all kids don't agree to the requirement of saying the Pledge of Allegiance


all high school will require their students to pledge allegiance to the flag

With limited pocket money in handmany Chinese college students are increasingly opting to live life “low cost”One way to save money is team?buying.Online team?buying offers huge discounts and becomes popular on campus.

Li Jinga student at China Youth University for Political Sciencesfor examplesays she often buys movie tickets on team?buying websites.But while they offer a good opportunity to save moneyLi said she would “think twice before buying them from online stores”Because many of them are “a bit chaotic (混乱的)”and have fake goods mixed among them.Then why don’t the students just earn more pocket money by taking up part?time jobsGuo Naa teacher at the Communication University of Chinasaid most college students were unlikely to choose work?study programs to earn pocket money because of their intensive study schedules.

A kind of card called “VELO” has become another ideal choice for many money savers.It provides all?round discounts while dining out or shopping in general.Cao Zuyanga student at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of Chinaoften searches for sales online and buys things together with friends to cut down on costs.Cao once wanted to buy an electro?magnetic oven (电磁炉)which was on sale at a shopping website.He then asked five dormitory roommates to pitch in for the oven.Each student only paid 25 yuan.

Most students find it difficult to deal with the expense of accommodation while traveling.So they choose to travel to cities where they have friends and live in their dorms.For instanceGe Ruia student at the Hebei University of Technologyhas been to many cities where he has friends.“Friends can act as free guidesoffer me free accommodationgive me valuable tour informationand broaden my mind at the same time” he said.He also had friends from other cities coming over and living with him when they visited his city.

1.What does the writer mainly tell us?

AThe ways of saving money on campus.

BOnline team?buying becomes popular.

CHow to recognize fake goods online.

DHow to choose a city to travel.

2.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

ALi Jing is a student from China Youth University for Electronic Sciences.

BMost college students earn more pocket money by taking up part?time jobs.

CIt’s not a good idea to ask five roommates to buy one oven together.

DYou should think twice before buying something from online stores.

3.From the passagewe can know that________.

Amost students dislike traveling because of the expense

BGuo Na is against students taking up part?time jobs

CCao Zuyang succeeds in saving money

Dstudents are charged for half price when traveling

4.The passage is probably taken from________.

Aa personal diary? Ba travel magazine

Can official paper? Dan advertisement


In William Shakespeare’s play, Julius Caesar, there is major difference between two of the characters, Brutus and Mark Antony, Brutus was very honorable and Antony was very persuasive. When Brutus spoke at Caesar’s funeral, he appealed to the people’s logic and Antony spoke to the emotions of the people. Antony was very smart and used his brain frequently during the play and Brutus was very naive(天真的,率直的) about many of things.

Brutus was very honorable in the way that he always told people the truth. Antony was persuasive in the way that he used people to get whatever he wanted. For example, Antony used Lepidus to seek revenge on all of the conspirators (同谋者,阴谋者) to take the blame for their deaths. Brutus’ speech at Caesar’s funeral was very short and to the point and spoke to the logic of the people in the crowd. For example, Brutus spoke in a detached way about Caesar’s death while Antony spoke to the emotions of the crowd by crying and talking about all the good things that Caesar did for Rome. Antony’s intelligence was very apparent throughout the play and Brutus appeared to be naive about many things. Antony as smart in the way that he controlled people to his own advantage. Brutus appeared to be naive throughout the whole play because he believed everyone was as honorable as he. Brutus did not question what he was told, assuming it was always true.

In conclusion, in William Shakespeare’s play, Julius Caesar, there is a major difference between the two characters, Brutus and Mark Antony. The strongest contrast between the two characters appears to be their ability and inability to be both honorable and persuasive.

46. The author wrote this passage by _____

A. number             B. contrast                    C. question                   D. narration

47. A lot of difference is mentioned in the passage between _____

A. Shakespeare and Antony                   B. Julius and Antony

C. Brutus and Antony                                D. Julius and Brutus

48. Which of the following adjectives can be used to describe Antony’s character?

A. Honorable and naïve                       

B. Persuasive and smart

C. Honorable and smart              

D. Simple and frank

49. What’s the Chinese meaning of the underlined “to the point”?

A. 离题的                   B. 中肯的             C. 优美的                    D.动听的

50. From the passage, we can conclude that ______

A. Shakespeare was a great scientist         

B. Shakespeare was a well-known musician

C. Shakespeare was a famous artist      

D. Shakespeare was a famed playwright


       In William Shakespeare’s play, Julius Caesar, there is major difference between two of the characters, Brutus and Mark Antony, Brutus was very honorable and Antony was very persuasive. When Brutus spoke at Caesar’s funeral, he appealed to the people’s logic and Antony spoke to the emotions of the people. Antony was very smart and used his brain frequently during the play and Brutus was very naive(天真的,率直的) about many of things.

Brutus was very honorable in the way that he always told people the truth. Antony was persuasive in the way that he used people to get whatever he wanted. For example, Antony used Lepidus to seek revenge on all of the conspirators (同谋者,阴谋者) to take the blame for their deaths. Brutus’ speech at Caesar’s funeral was very short and to the point and spoke to the logic of the people in the crowd. For example, Brutus spoke in a detached way about Caesar’s death while Antony spoke to the emotions of the crowd by crying and talking about all the good things that Caesar did for Rome. Antony’s intelligence was very apparent throughout the play and Brutus appeared to be naive about many things. Antony as smart in the way that he controlled people to his own advantage. Brutus appeared to be naive throughout the whole play because he believed everyone was as honorable as he. Brutus did not question what he was told, assuming it was always true.

In conclusion, in William Shakespeare’s play, Julius Caesar, there is a major difference between the two characters, Brutus and Mark Antony. The strongest contrast between the two characters appears to be their ability and inability to be both honorable and persuasive.

46. The author wrote this passage by _____

A. number             B. contrast                    C. question                   D. narration

47. A lot of difference is mentioned in the passage between _____

   A. Shakespeare and Antony                   B. Julius and Antony

C. Brutus and Antony                                D. Julius and Brutus

48. Which of the following adjectives can be used to describe Antony’s character?

   A. Honorable and na??ve                       

B. Persuasive and smart

C. Honorable and smart              

D. Simple and frank

49. What’s the Chinese meaning of the underlined “to the point”?

A. 离题的                   B. 中肯的             C. 优美的                    D.动听的

50. From the passage, we can conclude that ______

   A. Shakespeare was a great scientist         

 B. Shakespeare was a well-known musician

C. Shakespeare was a famous artist      

D. Shakespeare was a famed playwright

Li Na made tennis history when she won the French Open Women’s Singles Tennis Final on June 2011.

This is one of the Grand Slam tournaments in Tennis. She is now ranked number four in the world of women’s tennis. No Asian man or woman had ever won any of the Grand Slam Tennis Tournaments before. This will soon change as Li Na has inspired many hundreds of thousands of young Chinese people to become engrossed in the game. Li Na has become their hero and many of the children want to one day become a tennis champion just like her.

Li Na was born in Wuhan,Hubei,China on February 26, 1982. At the age of six Li Na began to play badminton and her coach noticed she could be a better tennis player.So with the permission of her parents Li Na was switched to the game of tennis when she was nine years old. Li Na joined China's National Tennis Team at the age of fifteen in 1997. She became a professional woman tennis play at the age of seventeen in 1999.

But in a surprising career move at the age of twenty in 2002 Li Na quit the Chinese National Tennis Team to go to the University of Science and Technology at Huazhong. She returned to the Chinese National Team in 2004 and to professional tennis as a player. But she left her National team again four years later. On January 27,2006,she got married to Jiang Shan,who became her coach in 2006.

In 2009 she gained a Bachelor Degree in Journalism. Li Na has being playing better tennis since the beginning of this year. It was her success at getting into the final of the Australian Open in January that has increased her earning power with sponsorship deals. She has now won twenty four WTA and ITF singles titles.

71. What is the passage mainly talking about?

A. Li Na wins French Open women  Singles Final.

B. Li Na devotes all her efforts to playing tennis.

C. Li Na was satisfied with what she has achieved.

D. Li Na has been awarded numerous prize.

72. According to the second paragraph we can know what _____.

A. Li Na is the fourth to win the Cup in Asia.

B. Li Na has promoted herself to the top.

C. Li Na must have got many determined fans.

D. Li Na helps the development of China tennis.

73. When Li Na contacted sports,_____.

A. she fell in love with tennis

B. she was regarded as a particular girl

C. she play badminton for three years or so

D. she succeeded when she was 17 years old

74. Li Na left the National Tennis Team _____.

A. because she decided to go to Germany

B. because she suffered a great defeat then

C. because she wanted to quip herself with knowledge

D. because she got married to Jiang Shan

75. We can know from the passage that Li Na _____.

A. has served in the National Tennis Team for 9 years

B. has spent her life in the Chinese National Tennis Team

C. has gained a Bachelor Degree in Sports

D. has won over twenty four WTA and ITF singles titles

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