
【题目】 School success means different things to different people. No matter what success means to you, strong study skills, confidence and goals are key components. 1. Therefore, why not try the following tips to achieve it?

Organize yourself

When a student lacks organization, he struggles to complete schoolwork on time, or find time to study. 2. When you sit down to study, you need to organize your time well by allowing enough time for each task. You also need an organized backpack that allows you to transport materials to and from classes.


Spending time with friends, working a part-time job and pursuing other interests has a place. However, you also need to leave time to achieve academic goals, or else your studies will be affected negatively. For example, working too many hours at a job reduces study and sleep time, possibly meaning missed school and difficulty concentrating due to being tired.

Look for support

Whether or not you struggle in school, a support network helps you succeed. So communicate with your teacher outside of class time to ask for help when you struggle. 4. If your friends think school is a waste of time, you may be influenced to think so.

Go beyond the classroom

Learning doesn’t stop at the classroom doors. 5. When a topic in the classroom interests you, you should do a little research on your own. For example, set up your own experiment based on something you learned in science class.

A.Balance activities and your studies

B.It isn’t limited to the information on the next exam

C.Never miss school

D.Surround yourself with classmates who also want to succeed in school

E.For students who struggle in school, additional support is necessary for success

F.You need an organized study place at home for completing homework and studying

G.School success opens up doors for future achievements for students at all grade levels










根据后句“Therefore, why not try the following tips to achieve it?”因此,为什么不尝试以下方法来实现呢?可知,G项“School success opens up doors for future achievements for students at all grade levels”学校的成功为各个年级的学生打开了通往未来成就的大门。中achievements“成就”与下句中achieve“达成”相呼应。故选G项。


根据前句“When a student lacks organization, he struggles to complete schoolwork on time, or find time to study.”当学生缺乏规划时,他很难按时完成功课,或找不到时间学习。可知,F项“You need an organized study place at home for completing homework and studying”你需要在家中有序的学习场所来完成作业和学习。中organized与前文organization“规划”、和后句中organize“规划”相呼应。故选F项。


根据本段中“Spending time with friends, working a part-time job and pursuing other interests has a place.”与朋友共度时光,打零工和追求其他兴趣很重要。以及“However, you also need to leave time to achieve academic goals, or else your studies will be affected negatively. 但是你还需要留出时间实现学习目标,否则学习会受到负面影响。可知,A项“Balance activities and your studies 平衡课外活动和学习。与后句两个分述点形成平行结构,适合作为小标题位于段首,故选A项。


根据后句“If your friends think school is a waste of time, you may be influenced to think so.”如果你朋友认为学校浪费时间,那么你可能会受到影响。可知D项“Surround yourself with classmates who also want to succeed in school”与也想在学校取得成功的同学们在一起。与后句中“If your friends think school is a waste of time,”如果你的朋友觉得学校学习是浪费时间。形成对比关系。故选D项。


根据前句“Learning doesn’t stop at the classroom doors.”学习不仅局限于教室之内。以及后句中“When a topic in the classroom interests you, you should do a little research on your own. 当某个主题引起您的兴趣时,你应该自己做一些研究。可知,B项“It isn’t limited to the information on the next exam”不仅局限于下一次考试方面的信息。意在表明学习不要只局限于当下所学的,要多去学习一些感兴趣的。与本段小标题“Go beyond the classroom”和后句中interests“感兴趣”形成呼应关系,逻辑紧密。故选B项。



My fiance(未婚夫)and I were excited about shopping for our first home.But our funds were limited,and none of the houses in our price range seemed satisfactory.

One agent recommended a house in particular..Although her description sounded wonderful,the price was beyond our range,so we declined.But she kept urging us to have a look at least.

We finally did and it was love at first sight:It was Our Home,small and charming, overlooking a quiet lake.Walking through the rooms and talking with the owners,a nice elderly couple,we felt the warmth and happiness of the marriage within that home.As perfect as it was,the price remained too high for us.But every day,we would sit by the lake, looking at the house and dreaming of what it would be like to live there.

Days later,we made a(n)offer-far below the asking price.Surprisingly,they didn't laugh at us.They renewed their offer instead.It was also much more than we could afford,but far less than the original asking price.

The next day,we got a disappointing message that another buyer had offered a much higher price.Even so,we decided to talk with the owners directly.We made our final offer, which still was thousands of dollars 'less than' the other buyer's bid.We knew it,but we had to try.Nobody knew if we could get it.

Paragraph 1:We went to the owners' home after we made our final offer.The other buyer came to visit the owners too.


Paragraph 2:The owner looked at us and said,"I want to sell my house to you!"


【题目】 An abandoned car in Chicago worth about $600 has been issued more than $100, 000 in parking tickets (罚单) over the past three years. Now Jennifer Fitzgerald, 31, is stuck with the bill but says the 1999 Chevy Monte Carlo actually belongs to an ex-boyfriend who registered (登记注册) the car in her name without informing her.

The Expired Meter ( 停车计时器) reports that from May 23, 2009 to April 30, 2012, the Chicago Department of Finance (DOF) issued 678 tickets against the car, totaling $105, 761.80. It set a Chicago record both for the total number and amount of parking fines issued. In fact, it blew past the previous record holder, which was $65,000 from about 400 tickets.

But Fitzgerald says she doesn’t owe the city a dime (10 分硬币) and has filed a lawsuit (诉讼 ) in Cook County Circuit Court against the city of Chicago, United Airlines and the ex-boyfriend. Fitzgerald has two main arguments in her case. First, she says her ex-boyfriend, Brandon Preveau, is the actual owner of the car, having bought it from her uncle for $600 in 2008. In fact, Brandon paid for the car’s title (所有权), registration and insurance, but it was registered in Fitzgerald’s name. “Brandon used his 2007 income tax refund ( 退 ) to pay Patrick $600 for the car,” reads Fitzgerald’s complaint. “For reasons not recalled by Patrick, however, Patrick signed the title to the car over to Fitzgerald.”

Second, Fitzgerald’s lawyer is arguing that the city should have simply towed (拖走) the car after 30 days from O’Hare Airport, where it was parked and where Brandon worked at the time. According to Fitzgerald’s complaint, on or before November 17, 2009, Brandon drove the car into the parking lot and never drove it out again. And as the Expired Meter reports, Chicago law does state exactly that an abandoned vehicle is to be towed 30 days after being illegally parked.

1After the Chicago Department of Finance noticed the car, it _______.

A.wanted to break a record

B.tried its best to find its owner

C.kept issuing tickets against the car

D.decided to play a joke on its owner

2From Paragraph 3, we know that Jennifer Fitzgerald _______.

A.sold the car to her ex-boyfriend long ago

B.received the car from her ex-boyfriend

C.didn’t know anything about the car

D.wasn’t the real owner of the car

3Jennifer Fitzgerald filed a lawsuit against the city of Chicago because the city _______.

A.didn’t inform her as soon as it found the missing car

B.didn’t tow the vehicle after 30 days from O’Hare Airport

C.didn’t state exactly that an abandoned vehicle was to be towed

D.didn’t help her find the car when it was missing in the beginning

4After reading the passage we learn that Jennifer Fitzgerald _______.

A.doesn’t want to pay any money

B.thinks Patrick should pay the fines

C.isn’t trying to find her ex-boyfriend

D.has never been to O’Hare Airport

【题目】 The first Europeans came to America in 1492 with Christopher Columbus. Since that time people have come to America from all over the world, from Europe, Africa, and Asia, and they have brought their music with them. This mixing of people and music has created American music.

Music is a very important part of our lives. Music is for dancing, drinking, eating, loving and thinking. Some songs remind us of our childhood or youth. Others remind of the people we love. Many important occasions, like weddings and funerals have special music. Every nation has a national song like the American 'The Star-Spangled Banner. ' In the U.S, high schools and colleges have school songs too.

Music is a part of the history of America. It expresses the problems and feelings of its people.

As the years pass, the music grows and changes.

Modern science has also changed music. Inventions like records, radios, movies, electric instruments, tape recorders, and videos have changed the way we play and listen to music. They have helped to make music an important form of international communication.

American music, from the earliest folk songs to modern 'pop', is known around the world. Music is one of America’s most important exports. It brings the people of the world together. Even when people cannot understand the same language, they can share the same music. Many people learn and practice English by singing songs, and understanding American music can help you understand American people. 'Put a dime (10 cents) in the juke box (自动点唱机), baby. ' Let's listen to the music!

1The article mainly tells us about____.

A.how American music developed

B.when American music developed

C.what American music is

D.why American music is so popular

2From the text we know that ____ .

A.American music is known all over the world

B.American music began in the 1550s

C.American music is special

D.American music has changed modern science in the US

3American music is _____ .

A.for dancing, drinking, eating, loving and shopping

B.a mixture of people and music from all over the world

C.America's most important export

D.a part of the history of the world

【题目】 Long plane trips can be tiring. Luckily, there are things you can do both during and after a long flight that can help reduce (减轻) your discomfort.

During the flight

1 Boredom gives you the chance to pay attention to your discomfort. Instead, help pass the time by watching a movie, reading a book, writing a letter, walking up and down the aisle (过道), or listening to music.

Drink a lot and eat just a little. The longer the flight, the more the air dries out. 2 Stay away from wine and coffee because they can make you lose more water. Eat lightly.

Make yourself comfortable. Wear loose-fitting clothing and sit comfortably. 3 Avoid crossing your legs, and get any hard subjects out of your back pockets.

Get a good seat. Request a seat over the wing or the wheels. 4 Sitting in an aisle seat will make it easier for you to get up from your seat and will give you more legroom.

Sleep. If possible, sleep during night flights, and just take a very short sleep on day flights.

After arrival

There is no useful way to deal with jet lag (时差综合症). 5 For example, you can reset your watch when you take off, and you can eat and sleep at the local time right away.

A.Keep busy.

B.Avoid ear pain.

C.However, environmental treatment may help.

D.This is where you will hardly feel the moving or shaking.

E.Proper sitting helps reduce aches, pains and back soreness.

F.Drinking about one glass of water each hour can reduce this dryness.

G.Reduce ear pressure during takeoff and landing by having hard candy.

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