

1. 我乐意和你讨论这个问题。(be willing to)
2. 这家公司更关心的是产品的质量,而不是数量。(quality; quantity)
3. 他因为参与犯罪被判处三年徒刑。(be sentenced to)
4. 叛乱分子设法炸毁桥梁。(blow up)
5. 当我遇到难题时,我就向他讨教。(turn to)
6. 不要灰心,你迟早会成功的。(lose heart)

1. I'm willing to discuss this problem with you.
2. The company cares more about the quality of the products rather than the quantity.
3. He was sentenced to three years in prison for his taking part in the crime.
4. Rebels tried to blow up the bridge.
5. Whenever I have a problem, I turn to him for advice.
6. Don't lose heart, and you'll succeed sooner or later.
1. 他们所做的增添了我们的困难。(add to)
2. 听了他的话,这个孩子开始心烦意乱。(upset)
3. 不要忽视学生们的好建议。(ignore) 
4. 他出国了,但他很挂念自己的父母。(concern)
5. 和我们一起唱歌吧!(join)
6. 妈妈努力地安抚受惊吓的孩子。(calm down) 
7. 中学生对周杰伦的歌非常痴迷。(be crazy about) 
8. 尽管他定居这里不久,但和邻居们相处得很好。(settle down; get along with)
9. 他爸爸患了心脏病,至今还没恢复好。(suffer from, recover)
10. 直到她经历了一系列的失败后,她才意识到自己的想法是错误的。(go through; 
      a series of; not...until)