


1£®How much did the woman spend yesterday?




2£®What are the speakers talking about?

A£®A city

B£®An actor£®

C£®A lawyer£®

3£®What does the man suggest doing?

A£®Spending a lot of money training the staff£®

B£®Forcing the staff to take regular exercise£®

C£®Registering the staff in a fitness centre£®

4£®What does the man mean?

A£®A new kitchen will be finished this week£®

B£®He will move into the new house this week£®

C£®The workers will build a new house this week£®

5£®Where will the woman read the article?

A£®In an e£­mail£®

B£®In a paper£®

C£®In a magazine£®




6£®Where does the conversation take place?

A£®At an electrical shop£®

B£®At a repair shop£®

C£®At a hotel£®

7£®Why doesn't man's TV work?

A£®He didn't switch it on£®

B£®He didn't pay for it£®

C£®He forgot to put the card in£®


8£®What are the speakers talking about?

A£®How to win the contest£®

B£®How to spend the money from the contest£®

C£®How to organize the contest£®

9£®What does the man want to do in Africa?

A£®Finish his college£®

B£®Travel around

C£®Teach English£®


10£®What do we know about the plastic animals?

A£®They can walk£®

B£®They can make sounds£®

C£®Their bodies can move£®

11£®What does the woman manage?

A£®A shopping centre£®

B£®A school£®

C£®A fun park£®

12£®Where does the man's factory produce all the products?

A£®In Canada£®

B£®In Germany£®

C£®In Australia£®


13£®What are the speakers mainly discussing?

A£®Whether to allow Marco to work for PAF£®

B£®Whether to give Marco a promotion£®

C£®Whether to take Marco's new idea£®

14£®What does the man think is the most important for the position?

A£®Loyalty to the company£®

B£®Experience in creative department£®

C£®Ability to carry out the new strategy£®

15£®What is Marco good at?

A£®Selling ideas£®

B£®Putting up new ideas£®

C£®Training new employees£®

16£®What does the man suggest doing?

A£®Doing a survey£®

B£®Talking with the boss£®

C£®Arranging a job interview£®


17£®Why did the speaker get up late?

A£®Her mother forgot to wake her up£®

B£®Her alarm clock didn't go off£®

C£®Her roommate didn't wake her up£®

18£®What happened to the speaker?

A£®She missed the bus£®

B£®She spilled her coffee£®

C£®She stepped on her cat£®

19£®What does the speaker think of the bus driver?




20£®Whom did the speaker meet on the bus?

A£®Her brother£®

B£®Her mother£®

C£®Her old schoolmate£®




1£®What does the woman mean?


A£®It is the wrong kind of machine.

B£®He should try again.

C£®He has to use the right coins.

2£®How many guest. will there be if everybody comes to dinner?


A£®Seventeen guests.

B£®Many more people.

C£®Eighteen guests.

3£®What did the woman do just before she bought dinner?




C£®Went to class.

4£®What do you know about the refrigerator from the dialogue?


A£®It is probably bigger.

B£®It saves electricity.

C£®It fits there properly.

5£®What kind of decision was it?



B£®Difficult to understand.




6£®What was the man doing when he broke his leg?


A£®Playing with socks.

B£®Playing football.

C£®Playing hockey.

7£®How did the woman break her arm when she was eight years old?


A£®Jumping off a tall tree.

B£®Falling off a tree.

C£®Cutting off a tree.

8£®When did the man break his two ribs?


A£®In a traffic accident around ten years ago.

B£®In a car accident less than ten years ago.

C£®In a car accident over ten years ago.


9£®How does the woman like the trip by air?


A£®It makes her nervous.

B£®It makes her relaxed.

C£®It makes her sick.

10£®What kind of trip does the woman prefer?


A£®By land.

B£®By air.

C£®By water.

11£®How many times has the woman been on ships along the River Thames?


A£®Only once.

B£®Hundreds of times.

C£®Once per day.


12£®What are they talking about?


A£®The man's trip to Beijing.

B£®The lady's trip to Beijing.

C£®The lady's physics class.

13£®What did the lady see in Beijing?

A£®The Summer Palace.

B£®The Beijing Library.

C£®The Great Wall.

14£®What advice did the lady give the man?


A£®Visit Beijing in Spring or Fall.

B£®Visit Beijing when it is hot.

C£®Visit the Great Wall.


15£®How many nieces and nephews does the man have got?


A£®Only one nephew.

B£®Three nieces and two nephews.

C£®Four nieces and six nephews.

16£®How many children does the man's brother have got?





17£®How many brothers and sisters does the woman have got?


A£®Six brothers and three sisters.

B£®Five brothers and four sisters.

C£®Six brothers and four sisters.


18£®When do Hong Kong people like traveling to Japan?


A£®At Christmas.

B£®During the Spring Festival.

C£®During the New Year holidays.

19£®What makes the travel easier?


A£®Many Chinese words are used by the Japanese.

B£®Japanese is easy to understand.

C£®Chinese is widely used in Japan.

20£®Why is traveling to Japan popular?


A£®Japanese food is healthy.

B£®There are a long large number of scenic and historic sports.

C£®The trips are fairly cheap and the places of interest are near each other.




1£®How many letters does the man write to his parents in a season?




2£®What does the man mean when talking about the juice?

A£®He likes juice most£®

B£®He dislikes juice most£®

C£®He likes the tea better than juice£®

3£®What do you know about the man?

A£®He survived the accident£®

B£®He had his bike stolen£®

C£®He got injured in the accident£®

4£®What is the woman going to do?

A£®Buy some cakes£®

B£®Pay for the ice-cream£®

C£®Pay for the bill£®

5£®Where is the man probably doing?

A£®To the air port£®

B£®To the black market£®

C£®To the post office£®




6£®What is the most probable relationship between the two speakers?

A£®Customer and shop assistant£®

B£®Customer and restaurant waiter£®

C£®Passenger and bus conductor£®

7£®What does the woman buy at last?

A£®High-heeled shoes£®

B£®Low-heeled shoes£®



8£®Where does the conversation most probably happen?

A£®At an airport£®

B£®On a plane£®

C£®On a train£®

9£®Why does the man feel so worried?

A£®He thinks he has forgotten something£®

B£®He thinks he has lost his passport£®

C£®He thinks one of his brief cases is missing£®

10£®What is the real fact that worries the man?

A£®He is always forgetful£®

B£®His wife is not beside him£®

C£®His journey is about to start£®


11£®Why does the woman look upset?

A£®Because her husband separated from her£®

B£®Because her husband didn't like her staying at home£®

C£®Because her husband did not want her to work£®

12£®What can we know about the work?

A£®She doesn't like to work£®

B£®She doesn't want to give up her job£®

C£®She likes to stay at home£®

13£®What is the woman going to do?

A£®Talk to more friends£®

B£®Ask the man to talk to John£®

C£®Think about the whole matter again£®


14£®What are the two speakers talking about?




15£®Which professor does the woman prefer?

A£®Professor Smith£®

B£®Professor Jackson£®

C£®Professor Black£®

16£®What does the woman think of Professor Smith?



C£®Hard to talk to£®


17£®How could you best describe the weather for the southern states?




18£®How much rain was reported in Texas?

A£®Two inches£®

B£®Twenty-four inches£®

C£®Fifteen inches£®

19£®What was the weather like in the Rocky Mountains district?




20£®In which state were temperatures over 39 degrees?







1£®What is the woman going to do?

A£®She is going to help the man with his math£®

B£®She is going to be the man¡¯s teacher£®

C£®She is going to comfort the man£®

2£®What can we learn from the conversation?

A£®The man will work abroad for a year£®

B£®The man has just applied for the job£®

C£®The man will go abroad during the holidays£®

3£®Where does the conversation most probably take palace?

A£®In a ticket office

B£®At a railway station

C£®In a travel office

4£®What is the man doing?

A£®Offering help

B£®Expressing his thanks

C£®Asking for permission to do something

5£®What does the man mean?

A£®He¡¯ll deliver the luggage by car£®

B£®He won¡¯t take the luggage with him£®

C£®He doesn¡¯t need any help with the luggage£®



6£®What does the woman like about the new job?

A£®Working with people£®

B£®Working harder£®

C£®Almost no traveling for the job£®

7£®What was her old job like?

A£®She worked late£®

B£®She could leave her office without finishing her work£®

C£®She didn¡¯t have to work late£®


8£®What do they know about Bob¡¯s illness?

A£®He must have got it in India£®

B£®He must have worked too hard£®

C£®He must have been badly treated when he was ill in India£®

9£®Which of the following is NOT true about his illness?

A£®He is getting better and better£®

B£®He should have seen a doctor earlier£®

C£®It was too late to send him to the hospital£®


10£®Where does the conversation take place?

A£®In a cinema£®

B£®In a restaurant

C£®In an office

11£®What have they just seen?

A£®A game

B£®A funny man

C£®A movie

12£®What¡¯s the man worried about?

A£®He is worried about whether he¡¯ll be given the job£®

B£®He is worried about his coming interview£®

C£®He is worried about the film ticket£®


13£®How did the woman know about the apartment?

A£®Through a friend£®

B£®Through an advertisement£®

C£®Through her parents£®

14£®Which room is the largest one?

A£®The kitchen

B£®The living room

C£®The bedroom£®

15£®How does the woman go to work?

A£®By bus

B£®By car£®

C£®On foot£®

16£®On which floor does the woman go to work?

A£®On the first floor£®

B£®On the third floor£®

C£®We don¡¯t know£®


17£®What is the writer¡¯s purpose?

A£®To discuss what fear is£®

B£®To report the results of a study£®

C£®To give the readers an idea of fear£®

18£®In this study about how many people were afraid of speaking in public?




19£®Which takes up the least proportion according to the study?

A£®The fear of heights

B£®The fear of lifts

C£®The fear of insects

20£®What does the study show?

A£®All Americans like dogs

B£®Americans are not afraid of driving a car

C£®Not all Americans are afraid of illness and death most




1£®What time is it now?




2£®What is the man going to do tonight?

A£®Go to the cinema£®

B£®Attend a meeting£®

C£®Watch TV at home£®

3£®When does the woman take her exercise?


B£®Only on sunny days£®

C£®Except on rainy days£®

4£®Where is Timmy from?




5£®What languages can the woman speak?

A£®English, French and ltalian£®

B£®English, Spanish and French£®

C£®English, Spanish and ltalian£®




6£®What is the woman going to buy?

A£®Some fish£®

B£®A small bottle£®

C£®A pair of socks£®

7£®What does the man advise the woman to do?

A£®Keep the fish in a bottle£®

B£®Get a tank to keep fish£®

C£®Make some holes in the rocks£®

8£®Why should a few rocks be put into the tank?

A£®To let the fish swim around£®

B£®To make the tank prettier£®

C£®To keep the water clean£®


9£®Where did the woman spend the nights in the country?

A£®In a farm house£®

B£®In the open£®

C£®At a hotel£®

10£®What was the weather like in the country?

A£®It snowed a lot£®

B£®It rained nearly every day£®

C£®There was a lot of sunshine£®

11£®What did the woman think of the people in the country?

A£®They were cold£®

B£®They were strange£®

C£®They were friendly£®


12£®Why won't the man come to the clinic tomorrow?

A£®He will be busy£®

B£®The clinic will be closed£®

C£®Dr Milton won't come to work£®

13£®When is the clinic open in a week?

A£®From Monday to Friday£®

B£®On weekdays except Thursday£®

C£®From Monday to Sunday£®

14£®What time has finally fixed for the man to come?

A£®5¡Ã30 pm, Wednesday£®

B£®6¡Ã15£®pm, Wednesday£®

C£®6¡Ã15 pm, Thursday£®


15£®Why was the woman a little puzzled?

A£®Because she didn't know the way to the places£®

B£®Because she was asked how to get to two places£®

C£®Because she didn't know the man£®

16£®Where will the man want to go?

A£®Go to the post office£®

B£®Go to the Middle School£®

C£®Go to the hospital£®


17£®Which floor was destroyed by the fire?

A£®The first floor£®

B£®The second floor£®

C£®The third floor£®

When was the building built?

A£®In 1718£®

B£®ln 1782£®

C£®In 1930£®

19£®What was the building used as at the time of the fire?

A£®A hotel£®

B£®An old people's home£®

C£®A history museum£®

20£®Who is Andrew Barnes?

A£®A newspaper reporter£®

B£®The owner of the building£®

C£®The head of the fire department£®

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