Mrs. Hunter: Jack,___61_____
Jack: Next year, we hope, mother, but we
can’t be sure about it. Finding a house is a difficulty.
Mrs. Hunter : Have you made any inquiries(咨询) yet, Jack?
Jack: Yes. __62___ . There are plenty of
furnished flats, and furnished houses too, but the rents for these are very
high. I couldn’t possibly afford them on my present salary.
Mrs. Hunter: What would it cost to buy a
plot of land and build a house?___63___
Jack: No. I haven’t even thought of it .
That’ll cost at least four thousand pounds. It’s no use our thinking about
building a house.
Mrs. Hunter: And even if you had a house,
there’d be the furniture and all sorts of other things.
Jack:___64_____ Anne and I have been saving
up. We’ve saved a few hundred pounds between us
and could buy furniture--- enough to start
with. But the house is the problem.
Mrs. Hunter : __65____ Jack?
Jack : Oh, quite a small one. A living room
and a kitchen. We’d like a dining room of course. Two bedrooms and a bathroom.
Have you any idea
have you and Anne decided when you are
going to get married ?
Yes, I know.
It’s almost impossible to find a suitable
house to rent , unfurnished.
No, I’m trying to make more money to pay
for the rents.
What size of house would you want ?
Excuse me, may I ask a question ?